"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2010

Conference, Newpaper, Famous Cremated Romanians (XXVIII)

1. A very important information for all the possible participants at the conference:
If your abstract will be accepted for a presentation at our conference and you will book your flights to Cluj Napoca and Sibiu airport is our task to collect you from these airports and going to Pensiunea Ramet. We used to do this for the foreign participants at the previous edition of our conference. Don't book your flights to Bucharest airport because it is impossible for us to collect you from there and you have to come to Ramet on your own using trains and buses.
2. Sunday the Romanian newspaper Adevarul published an interesting paper on some of the problems in the death system of Romania of nowadays. Here is the link http://www.adevarul.ro/actualitate/social/inmormantare-Bucuresti-biserica-preoti-gropari_0_195580739.html It's about the prohibited prices for a burial in Bucharest.
3. Famous Cremated Romanians
Marin Nedeleanu - General of Romanian Army
Alexandru Bujor - director of Sigurantei service Bucharest,police quaestor
Marietta Horga - actress
Zelly Doncea - wife of the Romanian communism leader Constantin Doncea
Chrisanta M. Romnician - teacher at the famous college "Sf. Sava" from Bucharest
Dumitru G. Marinescu - general director of Mail Phone Telegraph Romania
Ioan Gh. Fortuneanu -member of Romanian Parliament, prefect of Mehedinti county
Ana Barbulescu - wife of Ilie Barbulescu, professor at University of Jassy, died in 1945 - I don't know if he was cremated or not...
Al. Gr. Ionescu - businessman
Boldur Gh. Simeaon - Phd. Economics
Leon Laserson - art collector
Theodor M. Bassarabeanu - lawyer, mayor of Focsani city
Traian Popovici - lawyer and mayor of Cernăuţi during World War II, known for saving 20,000 Jews of Bukovina from deportation, his ashes was buried in the cemetery of his native place (Colacu village in the North of Romania)
Constantin Ticuta Pavelescu - major general of Romanian Army
Grigore Ghidionescu - composer
Paul I. Demetrescu - professor at University of Jassy
Modest Grigorcu - PhD. in economics and justice, he was sentenced some couple of years by jail for Romanian communists
Iorgu Istrate - adviser of Romanian Foreign Minister
Niculita Teodoru -actor
Gheorghe Gogu Nicolescu - the founder of the first Romanian soccer club

luni, 25 ianuarie 2010

Conference,Proceedings 2010 + Famous Cremated Romanians (XXVII)

1. Conference
Saturday I was to the Pensiunea Ramet for visit it and for a conversation with the owners of this guesthouse. As I wrote in the call for papers of the conference the registration fee is FREE at our conference. This mean all the meals and bed for 4 nights for any participant at our conference.
Please visit http://www.pensiunearamet.ro/Galerie/index.html to see some pictures of it. There is a very spectacular landscape over there due to the area mountains and Ramet monastery. Anyway we will take a dinner at the monastery.
2. Conference Proceedings 2010
These proceedings will be published as a supplement of Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, the journal of History Department of "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia. This is a journal indexed by CEEOL.
3. Famous Cremated Romanians
Victor Costin - professor at the University of Jassy and the promoter of projective geometry studies in Romania
Vasile I. Radu - journalist and writer
Nicolae Portocala - General of Romanian Army
Gheorghe Moruzzi - General of Romanian Army - this is a very interested eccentric cremation case because according to the general Moruzzi's will his ashes was scattered at Ploiesti Hippodrom due to his love for horses racing.

vineri, 22 ianuarie 2010

Conference Proceedings 2010

It's very possible that the conference proceedings 2010 to be published as a supplement of the Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, the journal of History Department of "1 Decembrie 1918" Univerity of Alba Iulia.
I preferred this solution because this journal is indexed in CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library - http://www.ceeol.com/ ) . You can read on-line the abstracts of this journal: (http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/publicationdetails.aspx?publicationid=d336af08-1fad-404b-bae8-9e973073c369 ).
After a meeting of the editorial board of this journal they will give me the answer for my proposal on Monday but they already told me there is not any problem for them to accept it. In my opinion this is one of the best solutions to improve the quality and the scientific level of the conference proceedings 2010.

miercuri, 20 ianuarie 2010

Call for Papers

The Call for Papers of Third International Conference on Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe:Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, Alba Iulia (Râmet), Romania, 3 – 5 September 2010 is now indexed on http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=173383 ; http://www.conferencealerts.com/seeconf.mv?q=ca1ms68a http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/calendar/d/fadw92 and also http://www.ru.nl/ct/english/call_for_papers/more_info/
Please visit these!
You are welcome at our conference!

luni, 18 ianuarie 2010

Call for papers Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe:Refiguring Death Rites, Alba Iulia (Ramet), Romania, 3-5 of September 2010

Call for Papers: Third International Conference on Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe:Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, Alba Iulia (Râmeţ), Romania, 3 – 5 September 2010.

On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the third edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, International Conference to be held between 3 – 5 of September 2010, in Alba Iulia (Râmeţ), Romania.

The organizers of this conference are: Romanian Association for Death Studies; The Refiguring Death Rites Research Group, Centre for Thanatology, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands; Ariodante Fabretti Foundation, Turin, Italy; Alba County Council, National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia, Romania; “1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania.

The aim of the conference is to bring together historians, sociologists, psychologists, and physicians from all over the Europe and to attract original papers on the following topics:

1. Cultural history of death
2. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century
3. Bereavement in modern and post-modern society
4. Suicide, euthanasia and the law
5. End of life and palliative care
6. Definitions of death in terms of biomedicine and otherwise
7. Commemorating the dead in space and time
8. Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation
9. Religion and the meaning of death

Scientific Committee:
Eric Venbrux (The Netherlands)
Tony Walter (UK)
Marina Sozzi (Italy)
Peter C. Jupp (UK)
Marius Rotar (Romania)
Victor Tudor Rosu (Romania)

Organizing Committee:
Marius Rotar
Victor Tudor Rosu
Corina Rotar
Liviu Zgarciu
Adriana Teodorescu

Authors should submit an abstract before April 25, 2010 at the following addresses: mrotar2000@yahoo.com; eric.venbrux@gmail.com or marina.sozzi@fastwebnet.it
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
The costs of accommodation will be covered by the organizers, except for the travel expenses that will have to be covered by the participants themselves.

Other information:

The Conference and participants’ accommodations will be at Pensiunea Râmeţ (http://www.pensiunearamet.ro/ ). Râmeţ is a commune located in Alba County, Romania. It has a population of 751. There are 30 km from Alba Iulia to Râmeţ. Also, Râmeţ monastery is one of the most famous Romanian orthodox monasteries. You can see some photos and read about it on http://www.romanian-monasteries.go.ro/alba/ramet.htm
If your abstract proposal will be accepted for a presentation please book your flights to Cluj Napoca airport or Sibiu airport.
For the previous editions of this conference please visit http://romaniandeathcremation.blogspot.com (tag: conference)

vineri, 15 ianuarie 2010

Famous Cremated Romanians (XXVI)

Lucian Grigorescu 's works. He was member of Romanian Academy, died in 1965 and cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest.
Mihai Moraru - member of Great National Assembly (the legislature of Communist Romania)
Ion Calugaru - writer
Petru Niculescu - member of Great National Assembly
Teodor Iordachescu - Minister of Construction
Emanoil Vinea - deputy Minister of Finance
Ion Silvan - architect
Marcel Breslasu - poet, writer, he had Jewish origins
Nicolae Deleanu - historian
Gheorghe Gheorghita - journalist
Mihai Dalea - ambassador in Soviet Union

Proceedings + Famous Cremated Romanians (XXV)

1. Proceedings of Dying and Death... International Conference, 2009
Yesterday I took from the Accent Publishing House the copies of the Dyind and Death Conference's Proceedings 2009 and next week I will send these to the participants and contributors of it.
2. Famous Cremated Romanians (XXV)
Dimitrie Evolceanu - professor, PhD., literary critic
Titus Ionescu - lawyer, prefect of the Baia county
Emil F. Emilian - founder of Gazeta Sporturilor newpaper, journalist - he died in Czechoslovakia, but he was cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest
Constantin Gh. Ratescu - President of the High of Justice and Cassation of Romania
Barbu Dimitrescu - professor PhD. at the University of Bucharest
Gheorghe Scodihor - engineer, author of full of water development plans in Romania between 1951-1955
Leonte Parvulescu - lieutenant general of Romanian Army
I. Weinberg - PhD., musicologist
George Ionescu Baldovin - judge
Petre Dudcovschi - principal editor of Tineretului Publishing House
Jean Vornic - journalist
Ion Fatulescu - commander aviator

In 1938 following a plane crash occurred Lieutenant Colonel Waka Masakatsu, the military attache of the Embassy of Romania Japanese died. He was cremated at the Cenusa crematorium and urn ashes sent to Japan. You can see above a picture of his cremation ceremony occured at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest.

miercuri, 13 ianuarie 2010

Conference + Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIV)

Marcel Chirnoaga 's work: Ressurection of the Dead. According to his will he was cremated in 2008 at the Vitan Barzesti crematorium in Buharest.

1. At the end of this week or latest at the very beginning of the next week the Call for Papers for Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference will be available on this blog. Stay here for it!

2. Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIV)
Lascar Viorel - painter. He died in 1918 being cremated in Germany but latter his ashes was buried at the Eternitatea Cemetery in Piatra Neamt.
Mircea Zorileanu - pilot, one of the pionier of Romanian Aircraft. He died in 1919 at Genoa, Italy being cremated. In 1937 his urn became the foundation of a monument dedicated to his memory in Bucharest
Aetiu Hogas - one of the children of famous romanain writer Calistrat Hogas
Ion Pantazi - journalist. He died at Munich but his urn was buried at Ghencea Cemetery in Bucharest

Besides these persons there was an other very intersting case of the painter George Nasturel: he died very poor at the 96 age in United States. With the help of some orthodox romanian belivers from Los Angeles he was "saved" from cremation being inhumated!

luni, 11 ianuarie 2010

Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIII) - 582!

One of the Ileana Radulescu's works. She was cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest in 1984

Miti Dumitrescu's team composed by: Miti Dumitrescu (lawyer), Ion Ionescu (student), Ovidiu Isaia (photographer), Ion Moldoveanu (student), Gheorghe Paraschivescu (student), Cezar Popescu (student), Mihai Stanciulescu (worker mechanic), Traian Popescu (student) and Ioan Vasiliu (illustrator). They were members of Iron Guard a far-right movement and political party during the interwar period and having also a ultra-nationalist, fascist and antisemitic character. Miti Dumitrescu's team is responsible by the assassination of Armand Calinescu, prime minister of Romania on 21 of September 1939. For this fact, they were executed and their bodies were cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest. Also in 1939 others Iron Guard's member cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucarest: Vasile Cristescu, Nicoleta Nicolescu and Victor Dragomirescu and others unidentified until today.

Dimitre Motas - general of Romanian Army

Fischer Hogl - killed during the first anti-communist manifestation at Bucharest on 8 November 1945. His body was cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest. It's very important the fact that some dead of this manifestation were cremated, too but their identity remained unknown until today.

Macavei Al Nicolae - employer of Siguranta Statului (the secret police) during the interwar period. He was killed embracing his daughter (4 years old!) by Securitate (the political police of Romanian Communist Party) in 1952. Their bodies were cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest

Bucura Dumbrava - writer, alpinist
Emilian Cristea - alpinist

I have had until now on my list 582 names of famous cremated romanians!

vineri, 8 ianuarie 2010

Famous Cremated Romanians (XXII)

One of Aurel Acasandrei's works. Acasandrei was cremated in 2006 at Vitan Barzesti Crematorium in Bucharest.
Nicolae Manolescu - General of Romanian Army

Mihai Zapan - professor, PhD., Chemistry
Radu Rusescu - colonel-general of Romanian Army, the president of Red Cross Romania (1958-1961)
Ernest Rossi -consul Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mihai Cerchez - associate profesor, Mathematics

Theodor Donciu - researcher
Adrian Secosan - painter
Constantin C. Atanasiu - art critic
Aurel Malnasan -deputy foreign Minister, ambassador
Mircea Raianu - professor, writer
George Ceausu - General of Romanian Army
Ioan Teodor - PhD. , engineer, professor at Military Acamedy
Adriana Dimopol - actress
Stelian Streja - journalist, son-in-law of Ilie Pintilie, one of the most important member of Romanian Communist Party durin interwar period
Constantin Duhaneanu - professor, PhD., Polytechnic
Silviu Teodor Dumitrescu - porfessor, PhD. , Polytechnic
Ioan Nistor - associate professor
Ilie Moisescu - major-general of Romanian Army
Gina Solomon - pianist
Tudor Ionescu Dorohoi - researcher, PhD.
Ilie Stefanescu - architect
Constantin Frumuzache - architect
Astra Nandris Calugareanu - Ph.D, doctor, daughter of Dimitrie Calugareanu, member of Romanian Academy; in her case is essential the fact his father and his brother (Gheorghe Calugareanu) were cremated, too. I don't know anything about her mother (Maria Maxim Calugareanu)
Janeta Robu - lecturer

joi, 7 ianuarie 2010


Finally, at the suggestions of some friends and future members I choose the logo of Asociatia Romana de Studii asupra Mortii (Romanian Association for Death Studies) and also of Asociatia Cremationista Amurg (Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association).
Many thanks to Gabriel Ursut, my old friend, for his help with these. Gabriel Ursut is a real very talented painter, his works being focused on orthodox icons and so on! Please visit his website: http://www.ug.webgarden.ro/menu/icoane-ortodoxe

Famous Cremated Romanians (XXI)

One of the Lazar Ghelman's works

Dora d'Istria (Elena Ghika) - Romanian writer and feminist, painter and alpinist. She died in France and, according to her wish, her ashes was put into the Florence cemetery "Trespiana"

Victor Asquini - architect
Laura Vaian - writer

Rodica Bondi - painter - in 1963 she painted herself poitrait but after this she was blind...
Serban Ignace - arhitect, PhD. associate professor
Alex. Colorian - poet, writer
Mircea Demetrescu, general of Romanian Army, Judge

Mita Alexandru, professor, Romanian Academy for Economical Studies
Lazar Ghelman - painter
Vasile M. Ioachim - professor, Romanian Academy for Economical Studies

Ludmila Farcas - associate professor, Polytechnic of Bucharest

Sorin Aurel Victor Lepa - actor
Emil Grecescu -vice-admiral
Emil Samoila - journalist
Nicolea (Niky) Radulescu - lieutnant general of Romanian Army
Mihai Albu - major General of Romanian Army
Ileana Radulescu - painter
Dumitru Negrea - illustrator
Vasile Rusu Ciobanu - painter, writer

Radu Stoichita - professor of Logic, University of Bucharest
Grigore Stefanescu Griguta - actor
Emil Nicolescu Nic - painter
Ion Maier - professor, Horticulture
George Mirodescu - general of Romanian Army
Eugen Dragulescu - general of Romanian Army, member of the french National Order of Legion of Order
Cornel Teodorini - general of Romanian Army

Constantin Andreoiu - doctor, surgeon

Alexandru Bondoc - editor in chief "Protectia muncii" journal

Nicolae Radulescu Roegen - member of Romanian Academy

Ion Zamfirescu - professor of Theater, Phd.

Haukler Stefan -fencing coach - died and cremated at Budapest

marți, 5 ianuarie 2010

Famous Cremated Romanians (XX) + Per Olof Ekstrom

One of the Paul Neagu's work (1938-2004)
Per Olof Ekstrom's masterpiece (1926-1981)
Famous Cremated Romanians (XX)
Mihai Antonescu
Constantin Vasiliu
Gheorghe Alexianu
All of three men was the closest collaborators of Ion Antonescu, Marshall of Romania and also Prime Minister of Romania during the Second War World. They were executed after a trial on 1 June 1946 and their bodies cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest
Constantin Streia - writer
Iosif Drimus - professor, Phd. Chemistry, University of Bucharest
Thedor Munteanu - professor, PhD., Romanian Academy for Economical Studies
Dimitrie (Titel) Antonescu - major general, Romanian Army
Rudner Valter - lecturer, Polytechnic of Bucharest
Nicolae Dionisie Mardan - journalist
Victor Badescu - major general, Romanian Army
Aureliu Visan - major general, Romanian Army
Marin Popescu Urlueri - doctor, professor, PhD.
Mircea Bratucu - doctor professor, PhD.
Ovidiu Dragnea - professor, PhD. , Polytechnic of Bucharest
Maximilian Schulmann - sculptor
Ernest Kahana - doctor
Andrei Ciocoanescu - major general, Romanian Army
Petre Tartia - PhD. in law
Ion Grapini - actor
Paul Neagu - Romanian sculptor, painter, poet, larger-than-life character, journalist. He died at London in 2004 but his ashes was burial at the Timisoara cemetery, according with Paul Neagu's will *many thanks for this information to Iolanda Costide! Please visit http://www.paulneaguhyphen.com/ for reading more about Paul Neagu's works!

2. Per Olof Ekstrom
Per Olof Ekstrom (1926-1981) was a very important swedish writer. His masterpiece is the novel Sommardanser (1949) which became One Summer of Happiness movie (1951), the movie winner of Golden Berlin Bear, Berlin International Film Festival (1952). After a long illness Per Olof Ekstrom died in Romania in 1981, being cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest.
The romanian poet Florenta Albu described this moment in his diary, entitled Zidul Martor. Also, Florenta Albu was cremated latter, but all the time when I'm thinking to Florenta Albu I'm so very impressed by one of the title of her book, namely Shade Burnt. This title was like a premonition of her own's cremation!

PS. I'm so glad for my list of Famous Cremated Romanians. I hardly worked on this always having into my mind some famous words of soviet writer Maxim Gorky: "There are only two forms of life: decay and combustion. Cowards one will choose the first one, brave and generous people on the second! "

luni, 4 ianuarie 2010


In this morning Gabriel Ursut, my friend sent to me his proposals for logo of Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association and Romanian Association for Death Studies (Asociatia Romana pentru Studii asupra Mortii). We will choice two of these today! Many thanks, my friend!
If you are interested in Gabriel Ursut's works please visit his website: http://www.ug.webgarden.ro/menu/icoane-ortodoxe

duminică, 3 ianuarie 2010

Crematoria and News

Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest, but this crematorium is not functional now.

Durham Crematorium, UK, I visited this crematorium during DDD9 *a picture taken by my friend Meike Heeseels

This is a picture taken inside of a crematorium from Netherlands *also a picture thanks to my friend Mieke Heessels

2. The third edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference, will be organized by Romanian Association for Death Studies in collaboration with Refiguring Death Rites, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Prof. Erik Venbrux accepted my proposal for this. I hope Marina Sozzi from Fondazione Fabretti, Turin, Italy will be one of the co-organizers of this conference. Very soon the call for papers for this conference will be available on this blog.

3. Also, very soon the logo of Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association and Romanian Association for Death Studies will be available thanks to my old friend Gabriel Ursut. Please visit his website: http://www.ug.webgarden.ro/menu/icoane-ortodoxe

sâmbătă, 2 ianuarie 2010

Proceedings of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference, first edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, 5-7 September 2008 - Book


Proceedings of Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference, first edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, 5-7 of September 2008, Marius Rotar, Marina Sozzi (eds), Cluj Napoca: Accent, 2009, 298 pages - ISBN 978-973-8951-80-0

Dialogue and friendship

"Death has always been just a joke to me; life is my weakness"
Anthony Quinn (1915-2001)

One of the most lucid protests against death as an event and personal reality is found in the autobiographical novel, A Man Finished written by Giovanni Papini and published in 1913, at the age of 31. Entitled as simple as Death, the essay gives a very suggestive description of the fundamental anxieties of the modern society and namely the fear of death. Death, a subject which invites reflection and analysis par excellence, through the many mutations it produces, is a particular subject matter, often wrongfully given a secondary place among the scientific research interests. For this reason in particular, death cannot be considered the prerogative of just one science, although some may take a special interest in the topic. We cannot describe, understand, explain or come up with solutions to the reality of death without the joint effort of History, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Medicine or Literature. Thus, the idea on which this conference was based, and which we would like to become a regular event, was that of multidisciplinary and of an open dialogue between researchers who are fond of this subject and who come from various academic communities. At a first glance, a conference organized in Romania exclusively on dying and death does not seem to be such a special thing, if we are to consider the world developments on the subject. However, the conference Dying and Death in 18-21 Centuries Europe was the first scientific event of this kind ever organised in Romania. The idea of this event was born some time ago, through scientific and friendship relations. The conference was organized by the Iuliu Maniu Centre for Historical and Political Studies of ‘1 Decembrie 1918’ University of Alba Iulia, the National Unification Museum, Alba Iulia, Romania, Ariodante Fabretti Foundation, Turin, Italy and with the support of the Alba County Council, the Local Council of Alba Iulia and Alba Iulia County Direction for Culture, Cults and National Heritage. Other partners of this event were the Historical Anthropology Seminary of ‘Babeș Bolylai’ University of Cluj Napoca, the Alba County Hospital and One TV. The conference was attended by experts of world fame in the field, coming from Italy, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Poland, the Netherlands, the Republic of Moldova, France and Romania. Also, the Romanian National Research Council, CNCSIS, granted some of the funding through the type AT project, code 47 "Atitudini în faţa morţii; perspective asupra vieţii în România secolelor XIX-XXI” (Attitudes in front of Death; Perspectives on Life in Romania from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Centuries), project manager: Marius Rotar. There 10 were positive echoes to this event. The Romanian local and national media spoke of it, proving that the scope of the conference was achieved. This is the conference proceedings, containing most of the papers presented at the conference. Unfortunately, due to objective reasons, the papers by Glennys Howarth, Enrico Cazzaniga, Liana Don, and Nicolae Mihai were not included here. There were six conference sessions as the present volume reveals. Each of these papers was intended to be an original contribution to the topic of the conference, highlighting sensitive subjects, which called forth debates and polemics. Therefore, sensitive subjects for the Romanian society were considered, related to death, such as euthanasia, suicide and especially crematories. From this point of view, we believe that our intentions have been achieved and that the second edition of this conference, planned for the end of September 2009, will further the discussions and enlarge upon the subject. The members of the organizing team were Marina Sozzi, Marius Rotar, Corina
Rotar, Luca Prestia, Victor Tudor Roşu, Paul Nanu, Liviu Zgârciu and Rareş Diodiu. It is said that death, as an event, equalizes that which life differentiates and from this perspective, our intent is to continue and strengthen the dialogue and friendship that connect us. Likewise, it is said that poetry, as a situation, begins where it ends on paper. Thus, the image of death as reality offered by the Romanian poet Horia Furtună can be one of the symbols of this conference:

«Death is a slowly moving carriage,
Its wood creaks, its bones crack,
Its wheels grind,
It comes for all of us, one at a time!
For many years it has been passing by,
On dusty and stony roads
And it leaves slowly through mud,
on a causeway
To another realm.
At the sound of its axles, its bones
Doors are closed, and houses and gates
Children stop flying their kites
The sky erases its rainbows
The laundry is gathered,
Singing and playing stop
Mothers and grandmothers cry
The death carriage passes by again today
Dogs stop barking behind the gates
On the quiet street
Grow fears, frost and cowbane
Sunflowers bend to the ground
Doves are gone with the wind
The carriage with no horses, no driver, no whip
Comes here
It has arrived on our street
There is no face at the window
There is no creak
It stopped
So be it!
The much awaited ghost has arrived
My heart has stopped beating
I’m waiting!
At last
My light has set
I will also leave
From God’s will
On the road that my mother and father
have taken

I am ready!!!»

Marius Rotar, Marina Sozzi
Alba Iulia - Turin, 2 March 2009