Nicolae Manolescu - General of Romanian Army
Mihai Zapan - professor, PhD., Chemistry
Radu Rusescu - colonel-general of Romanian Army, the president of Red Cross Romania (1958-1961)
Ernest Rossi -consul Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Radu Rusescu - colonel-general of Romanian Army, the president of Red Cross Romania (1958-1961)
Ernest Rossi -consul Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mihai Cerchez - associate profesor, Mathematics
Theodor Donciu - researcher
Adrian Secosan - painter
Adrian Secosan - painter
Constantin C. Atanasiu - art critic
Aurel Malnasan -deputy foreign Minister, ambassador
Mircea Raianu - professor, writer
George Ceausu - General of Romanian Army
Ioan Teodor - PhD. , engineer, professor at Military Acamedy
Adriana Dimopol - actress
Stelian Streja - journalist, son-in-law of Ilie Pintilie, one of the most important member of Romanian Communist Party durin interwar period
Constantin Duhaneanu - professor, PhD., Polytechnic
Silviu Teodor Dumitrescu - porfessor, PhD. , Polytechnic
Ioan Nistor - associate professor
Ilie Moisescu - major-general of Romanian Army
Gina Solomon - pianist
Tudor Ionescu Dorohoi - researcher, PhD.
Ilie Stefanescu - architect
Constantin Frumuzache - architect
Astra Nandris Calugareanu - Ph.D, doctor, daughter of Dimitrie Calugareanu, member of Romanian Academy; in her case is essential the fact his father and his brother (Gheorghe Calugareanu) were cremated, too. I don't know anything about her mother (Maria Maxim Calugareanu)
Janeta Robu - lecturer