"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

joi, 13 mai 2010


1. There are just two days until then you can send us abstract proposals for the third edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, which will be held at Ramet (Alba Iulia), between 3-5 of September 2010. Until now we have received abstract proposals from researchers from 12 countries! I'm very happy because we will have participants from "new" countries at our conference (Ukraine, Germany, USA, Kosovo, New Zeeland, Bulgaria and maybe Turcia and Denmark)!
2. I moved my list of the Famous Cremated Romanians on the Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association's website: http://www.incinerareamurg.ro/romani-celebri-care-au-fost-incinerati Until now I have identified about 700 famous romanians who prefered to be cremated!
3. Here is the website of XIVème CONGRÈS internationalD’ÉTUDES SUR LES DANSES MACABRES ET L’ART MACABRE EN GÉNÉRAL, SIBIU,TRANSYLVANIE (ROUMANIE)20 - 23 MAI 2010: http://imagomortis.ro/ (this is in french language)