"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

luni, 11 ianuarie 2010

Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIII) - 582!

One of the Ileana Radulescu's works. She was cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest in 1984

Miti Dumitrescu's team composed by: Miti Dumitrescu (lawyer), Ion Ionescu (student), Ovidiu Isaia (photographer), Ion Moldoveanu (student), Gheorghe Paraschivescu (student), Cezar Popescu (student), Mihai Stanciulescu (worker mechanic), Traian Popescu (student) and Ioan Vasiliu (illustrator). They were members of Iron Guard a far-right movement and political party during the interwar period and having also a ultra-nationalist, fascist and antisemitic character. Miti Dumitrescu's team is responsible by the assassination of Armand Calinescu, prime minister of Romania on 21 of September 1939. For this fact, they were executed and their bodies were cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest. Also in 1939 others Iron Guard's member cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucarest: Vasile Cristescu, Nicoleta Nicolescu and Victor Dragomirescu and others unidentified until today.

Dimitre Motas - general of Romanian Army

Fischer Hogl - killed during the first anti-communist manifestation at Bucharest on 8 November 1945. His body was cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest. It's very important the fact that some dead of this manifestation were cremated, too but their identity remained unknown until today.

Macavei Al Nicolae - employer of Siguranta Statului (the secret police) during the interwar period. He was killed embracing his daughter (4 years old!) by Securitate (the political police of Romanian Communist Party) in 1952. Their bodies were cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest

Bucura Dumbrava - writer, alpinist
Emilian Cristea - alpinist

I have had until now on my list 582 names of famous cremated romanians!