"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

miercuri, 23 martie 2011


1.At the end of the next week I hope I can start to send the copies of Dying and Death 2010 proceedings (ABDD03) to the contributors.
2. The call for paper of ABDD04 2011 was posted on conferencealerts:
http://www.conferencealerts.com/seeconf.mv?q=ca1is3x6 and also on the website of the Association for the Study of Death and Society (UK): http://www.deathandsociety.org/pages/events-detail.php?news_id=71
3. In the town of Alba Iulia (my town) was open the first palliative care unit:
http://www.adevarul.ro/locale/alba_iulia/Alba-Iulia-Servicii-domiciliu-terminale_0_449355152.html This are bad but also good news!
4. This week I attend at a history conference at Iasi (Romania) presenting a paper on cremation issues in 19th century Romania.
5. If you are interested in the issues of cremation in Romania you could find an detalied list of the famous cremated romanians on
6. Next week I will submit an abstract for DDD10. I'm going to present a paper on the issues of cremation and the Romanian Orthodox Church in the last two centuries.