"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

luni, 25 ianuarie 2010

Conference,Proceedings 2010 + Famous Cremated Romanians (XXVII)

1. Conference
Saturday I was to the Pensiunea Ramet for visit it and for a conversation with the owners of this guesthouse. As I wrote in the call for papers of the conference the registration fee is FREE at our conference. This mean all the meals and bed for 4 nights for any participant at our conference.
Please visit http://www.pensiunearamet.ro/Galerie/index.html to see some pictures of it. There is a very spectacular landscape over there due to the area mountains and Ramet monastery. Anyway we will take a dinner at the monastery.
2. Conference Proceedings 2010
These proceedings will be published as a supplement of Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, the journal of History Department of "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia. This is a journal indexed by CEEOL.
3. Famous Cremated Romanians
Victor Costin - professor at the University of Jassy and the promoter of projective geometry studies in Romania
Vasile I. Radu - journalist and writer
Nicolae Portocala - General of Romanian Army
Gheorghe Moruzzi - General of Romanian Army - this is a very interested eccentric cremation case because according to the general Moruzzi's will his ashes was scattered at Ploiesti Hippodrom due to his love for horses racing.