"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

miercuri, 13 ianuarie 2010

Conference + Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIV)

Marcel Chirnoaga 's work: Ressurection of the Dead. According to his will he was cremated in 2008 at the Vitan Barzesti crematorium in Buharest.

1. At the end of this week or latest at the very beginning of the next week the Call for Papers for Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference will be available on this blog. Stay here for it!

2. Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIV)
Lascar Viorel - painter. He died in 1918 being cremated in Germany but latter his ashes was buried at the Eternitatea Cemetery in Piatra Neamt.
Mircea Zorileanu - pilot, one of the pionier of Romanian Aircraft. He died in 1919 at Genoa, Italy being cremated. In 1937 his urn became the foundation of a monument dedicated to his memory in Bucharest
Aetiu Hogas - one of the children of famous romanain writer Calistrat Hogas
Ion Pantazi - journalist. He died at Munich but his urn was buried at Ghencea Cemetery in Bucharest

Besides these persons there was an other very intersting case of the painter George Nasturel: he died very poor at the 96 age in United States. With the help of some orthodox romanian belivers from Los Angeles he was "saved" from cremation being inhumated!