"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

miercuri, 17 martie 2010

AMURG. Romanian Cremation Association + Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIX)

As I announced already, yesterday 16 of March 2010 Justice Court from Hunedoara approved the statutes and the existence of Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association. But We have to wait for a week to receive all the offical documents for the functioning of our association. So, I think from the next week we will start the registration action for the possible Amurg's members. Stay here with us for all the details regarding this!
Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIX):
Anton Badulescu - General of Border Guard of Romanian Army
Alfred Pagoni - composer, he died in the bombing of German Nazy avition on the Bucharest in August 1944, being cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest
Alexandru Papana - aviator, died in Las Vegas in 1946, commiting suicide, he asked his ashes to be scattering from an airplane *I don't know if his wish was accomplished or not.
Vasile Firoiu - writer
Decebal Niculescu Zinca - professor, PhD., he introduced the importance of radioisotopes in the development of medicine studies
Robert Braunstein - international box referee
Michaela Iordache - professor, PhD., the wife of the famous romanian actor Stefan Iordache