"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

joi, 31 decembrie 2009

A Happy New Year!

When I started this blog I strongly refused to make it as my diary . After 8 months of Romanian. Death. Cremation I'm proud by what became this blog: an easier way to keep in touch of death scholars in worldwide. This blog didn't represent just my contribution but a wider one of all the people who believed and sustained this project! Thank you very much! A Happy New Year for all of you!
I don't know if this picture is the proper one in order to express these lines from above but this photo is a very interesting one: one of the biggest problems of death system in Romania of nowadays is the crisis of burial places in urban area so this photo, taken in the Alba Iulia's cemetery, show us the real dimensions of this situation - a burial place between corns! Hallelujah!