Nicolae Manolescu - General of Romanian Army
Mihai Zapan - professor, PhD., Chemistry
Radu Rusescu - colonel-general of Romanian Army, the president of Red Cross Romania (1958-1961)
Ernest Rossi -consul Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Radu Rusescu - colonel-general of Romanian Army, the president of Red Cross Romania (1958-1961)
Ernest Rossi -consul Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mihai Cerchez - associate profesor, Mathematics
Theodor Donciu - researcher
Adrian Secosan - painter
Adrian Secosan - painter
Constantin C. Atanasiu - art critic
Aurel Malnasan -deputy foreign Minister, ambassador
Mircea Raianu - professor, writer
George Ceausu - General of Romanian Army
Ioan Teodor - PhD. , engineer, professor at Military Acamedy
Adriana Dimopol - actress
Stelian Streja - journalist, son-in-law of Ilie Pintilie, one of the most important member of Romanian Communist Party durin interwar period
Constantin Duhaneanu - professor, PhD., Polytechnic
Silviu Teodor Dumitrescu - porfessor, PhD. , Polytechnic
Ioan Nistor - associate professor
Ilie Moisescu - major-general of Romanian Army
Gina Solomon - pianist
Tudor Ionescu Dorohoi - researcher, PhD.
Ilie Stefanescu - architect
Constantin Frumuzache - architect
Astra Nandris Calugareanu - Ph.D, doctor, daughter of Dimitrie Calugareanu, member of Romanian Academy; in her case is essential the fact his father and his brother (Gheorghe Calugareanu) were cremated, too. I don't know anything about her mother (Maria Maxim Calugareanu)
Janeta Robu - lecturer
RăspundețiȘtergereEven though I do not agree with cremation, due to my own religious and secular points of view, I appreciate your work for this website, and for building the first ever database of famous creamted Romanians, and for your tempt to build a Romanian Cremation Association (I don't know if you've managed to build it). Every western country should have organizations that focus on important facts of life and death, and wich do not spend public funds for nothing (such as our political parties and "ONG"'s).
I'll bookmark your blog, so I can read it my free time. Keep up the good work!
Voicu, from Cluj