Thursday, 6th September 2012
8:00-14:00 Registration
Location: A9 Room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
10 -10:40 Opening Ceremony:
Location: A9 Room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Thursday, 6th September 2012
8:00-14:00 Registration
Location: A9 Room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
10 -10:40 Opening Ceremony:
Location: A9 Room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Daniel Breaz (Rector of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania)
Ion Dumitrel (President of Alba Council, Romania)
Hilary Grainger (London College of Fashion, UK)
Peter C. Jupp (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Ilona Kemppainen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Ilona Kemppainen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
Tudor Rosu
(National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia,
Marius Rotar (“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania)
Marius Rotar (“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania)
10:45-11:00 Coffee Break
Funerary Levels within European
Folk Cultures (11:00-13:30)
Chair Ileana
Benga (Romania)
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room
Antonella Grossi (Messina University, Italy), Bogdan Neagota (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Death ritual chant. The gestures, the melodies and the words of a funeral in a village of contemporary Romania
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room
Antonella Grossi (Messina University, Italy), Bogdan Neagota (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania): Death ritual chant. The gestures, the melodies and the words of a funeral in a village of contemporary Romania
Silvestru Petac (Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania): Forms of a Post-Funerary
Choreutic ritual from the Vale of the Danube:
The dance alms / Hora de pomana
Anamaria Iuga (Museum of the Romanian
Peasant, Bucharest):
Commemoration of the dead. Easter in Lăpuş region
Gabriel-Cătălin Stoian
(Museum of the Village “Dimitrie Gusti”, Bucharest): The Fir-Tree (Bradul) from Brazi. A Funerary rite in Brazi, Haţeg region
Bogdan Neagota (Babeş-Bolyai
University, Cluj-Napoca):
Communication with Dead and
Feminine Ecstatic Experiences in South and South-Western Rural Romania
History - chair Helen Frisby (UK)
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace (Stefan Apor Room)
11:00-11:30 Agnieszka Kowalska, Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Poland), Polish Coffin Portraits in the 18th Century and Later
11: 30-12:00 Andreea Pop (Romania),
An old burial regulation from 19th century in Romania – its impact on society,
towns and modern cemeteries
12:00-12:30 Anu Salmela (Finland), For Whom the Bell Tolls? Finnish Lower
Courts' Rulings on Female Suicides' Manner of Burial in Late 19th Century
12: 30-13:00 Olga Grădinaru (Romania), A.S. Pushkin’s duel –
between poetry and reality
13:00-13:30 Cristina Bogdan (Romania), Entre
solitude et communion. Des
aumônes de son vivant à la veillée mortuaire en ligne
13:30-15:00 Lunch
Location Pub 13 Alba Iulia (offered by the Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association and the Romanian Association for Death Studies)
Location “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia,
A9 Room
Funerary Levels within European Folk Cultures (15:00-18:00)
Funerary Levels within European Folk Cultures (15:00-18:00)
Chair Bogdan
Rosario Perricone (Museo Internazionale delle
Marionette Antonio Pasqualino, Palermo, Sicily): Death and Rebirth.
Photographies of Death in Sicily / Morte
e rinascita. Fotografie della morte in Sicilia
Ileana Benga (Institute the Folklore Archive of the Romanian Academy,
Cluj-Napoca): Placating
irregular dead: the category of aborted children. A case study based on the
bonfires of St Demetrius in rural Argeş, România
Mihai Andrei Leaha (Orma Sodalitas Anthropologica, Cluj-Napoca): Between here and afterworld. The Tree of the Dead in Central
Transylvania. An ethnographic documentary [ethnographic
Adela Ambruşan (Orma Sodalitas Anthropologica, Cluj-Napoca): Trees of Dead – Trees of Christening in two villages from Cluj region (Buza and Cătina) [ethnographic
Alin Rus (PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
USA): Two different burial rituals in the same village of Eastern Romania:
Heleşteni, Iaşi
region [ethnographic film]
Florin Gherasim (Romania)
Exhumation and reburial of some anticommunist partisans in Cluj County, Romania
16:55-17:25 Rasa Račiūnaitė-Paužuolienė, Aušra Lukauskaitė (Lithuania),
Lithuanian tatar funeral customs: transformation and preservation of identity
17:25-17:55 Laura Iliescu (Romania), Dying
in the mountain and the resacralisation of the nature
2. Suicide, euthanasia and the law - chair Simone Veronese (Italy)
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace (Stefan Apor Room)
15:00-15:30 Constantin Bogdan (Romania), Le suicide chez les roumains
15:30-16:00 Constantin Bogdan (Romania)
Constantin Bogdan (Romania),
Requesting Euthanasia between terminal patients
16:00-16:30 Mihaela
Balan (Romania),
From Seppuku to Hikikomori. Suicidal patterns in the 19th and 21st Century
Japanese Literary Imagery.
16:30-17:00 Ozhan Hancilar (Turkey), Suicide Terorrism and PKK
16:30-17:00 Ozhan Hancilar (Turkey), Suicide Terorrism and PKK
17: 00-17:30 Dejan Donev (Macedonia), Bioethical aspects of the question of "good" death (euthanasia) in contemporary world
17:30-17:45 Coffee break
1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death
a. History/Philosophy - chair Adriana Teodorescu (Romania)
Location 1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room
18:00-18:30 Ormeny Theodora-Eva (Romania), Coping mechanisms for the perception of finitude
18:30-19:00 Marija Selak (Croatia), It just takes time
19:00-19:30 Josef Schovanec (France), When Scholars die: Death, Mourning and Intellectual Resurrection in Western Universities
19:30-20:00 Alfred James Ellar (Philippines), Sense and Reference of Death
2. History - chair Stefan Borbély (Romania);
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace (Stefan Apor Room)
17:45-18:15 Csaba Todor (Romania), Changes in funeral customs. The effect of mortuary houses and pre-made headstones among British and Transylvanian Unitarians
18:15-18:45 Eva Kosa (Hungary), The Experience of Death and the Expression of Mourning in the Diary of a Nurse in the First World War
18:45-19:15 Ilona Kemppainen (Finland), “Coffin stories” – rumours, jokes and normative aspects of death in Finland in the turn of the 20th century
19:15-19:45: Constantina Raveca Buleu (Romania),
Esotericism and Death. The Myth of the Hidden Monarch
20:30-21:30 Dinner
Location: Preciosa Restaurant Alba Iulia
Karaoke Party (optional)
Location: Preciosa Restaurant Alba Iulia
Friday 7th September
Sessions: 9:30-11:30
3. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century; chair Emiliya Karaboeva (Bulgaria)
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room
9:30-10:00 Aleksandra Pavićević (Serbia), Future of Death or Diving in the SilenceMourning and Afterlife believes in Serbia at the beginning of third Millennium
10:00-10:30 Federica Manfredi (Italy), Federica Manfredi (Italy), Body marks and death. Extreme body modification rituals in contemporary Italy
10:30-11.00 Stefan Borbély (Romania), Society as Form or Energy in the Modernist Approach of the 19th and 20th Centuries
20:30-21:30 Dinner
Location: Preciosa Restaurant Alba Iulia
Karaoke Party (optional)
Location: Preciosa Restaurant Alba Iulia
Friday 7th September
Sessions: 9:30-11:30
3. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century; chair Emiliya Karaboeva (Bulgaria)
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room
9:30-10:00 Aleksandra Pavićević (Serbia), Future of Death or Diving in the SilenceMourning and Afterlife believes in Serbia at the beginning of third Millennium
10:00-10:30 Federica Manfredi (Italy), Federica Manfredi (Italy), Body marks and death. Extreme body modification rituals in contemporary Italy
10:30-11.00 Stefan Borbély (Romania), Society as Form or Energy in the Modernist Approach of the 19th and 20th Centuries
11:30-12:00 Adela Toplean (Romania), More story and less thanatology: a sociological inquiry into the (ir)relevance of death narratives in late modernity
5 . Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation;
a. Cemeteries, Burials chair Hilary Grainger (UK):
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace (Stefan Apor Room)
9:30-10 00 Maggie Jackson (UK), You take your students to the cemetery don’t you? Teaching about Loss to Social Work students.
10 00-10:30 Christine Schlott (Germany), Changing attitudes towards cemeteries in Leipzig, Germany
10:30-11.00 Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz (Germany), Natural burials in Germany: Results of a Qualitative Interview Study
11: 00-11:30 Adriana Teodorescu, Roxana Varian (Romania), Cemetery as a battlefield. a case study upon the Hajongard cemetery from Cluj-Napoca
11:30-11:45 Coffee break
4. History; chair Radoslaw Sierocki (Poland), Marina Sozzi (Italy)
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room
11:45-12:15 Helen Frisby (UK), Six feet under? A brief history of English burial grounds
12:15-12:45 Nadezhda Galabova (Bulgaria), Digging their graves with their own teeth”: narratives on obesity as a mortality risk factor in socialist Bulgaria
12:45-13:15 Galina Goncharova Emiliya Karaboeva (Bulgaria), Social recognition of death Patterns of commemorating death during socialism
5. Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation;
b. Cremations and Crematoria chair Ilona Kemppainen (Finland)
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Stefan Apor Room)
11:45-12:15 Peter C. Jupp (UK), 'Capital Crematoria for Scotland (1909-1939) Part 1: providing alternatives to burial in the City of Edinburgh’
12:15-12:45 Hilary Grainger (UK), Capital Crematoria for Scotland (1909-1939) Part 2: The Architectural Story of Edinburgh
12:45-13:15 Marius Rotar (Romania), The Cremation War– Oradea, Cluj Napoca, Romania 2011/2012
13: 45-13:45 Adriana Teororescu (Romania), Upon the Imaginary of Cremation in Romania. A Case Study: Why would I choose Cremation? Essay Contest
13:45-15:30 Lunch
Restaurant of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
4. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century chair Aleksandra Pavićević (Serbia)
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Stefan Apor Room)
15:30-16:00 Radoslaw Sierocki (Poland), Facebook, Death and Beyond. Social Network Sites and the Dead (Users’) Accounts
16:00-16:30 Florina Codreanu (Romania), The Worldly Conquest of Death: Near Death Experiences (NDEs)
16:30 -17:00 Aleksandra Drzal-Sierocka (Poland), "Taste of dying - the theme of death in food films
End of Life, Berevement- chair Dejan Donev (Macedonia)
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room
Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room
15:30-16:00 Mihaela Vlad, Livia Caciuloiu Minea (Romania), “Exista viata dupa doliu!” («There is life after bereavement ») – Romanian non-profit organisation
16:00-16:30 Veronese S.1, Valle A., Oliver D. (Italy), The last months of life of people with motor neurone disease in mechanical invasive ventilation: a qualitative study
16:30 -17:00 Marina Sozzi,
Cristina Vargas (Italy), Bereavement in the social context: a
study in the Piedmont region of Italy
17:00 -17:30 Medina Bordea, Cristina Speranza Maria (Romania), CBT, Grief Experience and Emotional Problems After Bereavement
18:00 Departure to Bucerdea Vinoasa
Dinner (Traditional Romanian Meal)
Bucerdea Vinoasa – Tradition Group Association
Sessions: 9:30-13,00
17:00 -17:30 Medina Bordea, Cristina Speranza Maria (Romania), CBT, Grief Experience and Emotional Problems After Bereavement
18:00 Departure to Bucerdea Vinoasa
Dinner (Traditional Romanian Meal)
Bucerdea Vinoasa – Tradition Group Association
Sessions: 9:30-13,00
Location “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia,
A9 Room
New ritualisations of death in the 21st century chair Peter C. Jupp
9:30-10:00 Cristina Mihala (Romania), Death and Dying Marketing: from the reconciliation of tradition to the consumption of funeral services in postmodern Romanian society
10:00-10:30 Naum Trajanovski (Macedonia), The Challenges of Biopolitics
9:30-10:00 Cristina Mihala (Romania), Death and Dying Marketing: from the reconciliation of tradition to the consumption of funeral services in postmodern Romanian society
10:00-10:30 Naum Trajanovski (Macedonia), The Challenges of Biopolitics
10:30-11:00 Andréia Martins (Brazil), An online ethnography of a
Real-Time Obituary: the Dead People Profiles Community
11: 00 -11:20
Coffee Break
11.20 – 11:50 Bożena Józefów-Czerwińska (Poland), Death and the deceased motifs - in the Carnival
11.50 -12: 20 Anca Timofan (Romania),
Ghost Riders. Journeys of
Awareness, Death and Dying in Motorcycle Movies
12:20-12.50 Valtko Chalovski (Macedonia), Media Consciousness –
media’s influence while reporting on suicide
13:00-13:30 Conclusions
chair Tudor Roşu (Romania)
Peter C. Jupp
Helen Frisby
Marina Sozzi
Stefan Borbely
Tudor Rosu
Marius Rotar
13:30-15:30 Lunch
Restaurant of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Visit of Alba Iulia Fortress
Restaurant of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
13:30-15:30 Lunch
Restaurant of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Visit of Alba Iulia Fortress
Restaurant of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Instructions for authors:
Papers are accepted only in English or French
Paper not exceeding 12,000 words
Please supply a short biographical note (50 words maximum) and information about your affiliation, postal address, and an email address.
Abstracts of not more than 200 words are required for all papers submitted.
Each paper should have 5 to 7 keywords
Style guidelines:
a).Page Format: B5, 2.5 cm above, below 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, header1.5 cm, footnote 1 cm portrait (except annexes necessary to use type) edges in the mirror, align the left-right, a row spacing, indentation of first lines1.25 cm, without using the Tab key.
b. Recommended fonts: Times New Roman or Garamond (12 p. fortext p. 10 for footnotes and annexes 11 p. for summary).
c. The title should be written in capitals and centered, followed by the name author's (right-aligned).
d. Running title written in italics and centred 11 p., will contain the name author's (on p. para) and the study title (possibly shortened, the odd page).Page number will be put underground and centred.
e. Summary (abstract) will be placed at the end of the text and will be accompanied by a number of approx.
f. Annexes will be written in Word program under Windows, does not recognize text sent as image.
3. Illustration
Images must be of high quality jpg format., Bmp., Gif., Tiff. (Not allowed Xerox copies) and accompanied by explanations and sources of origin mentioning (Where applicable).
4. Drafting rules
a. Titles of books, studies, newspaper or magazine, mentioned in the text is written with italics.
b. To draw up quotations are used bold, not italics, marking the opening of their being made in accordance with the rules of punctuation in English
When the author wants to emphasize a few words the quotation, use italic characters, followed by mention of [national] or [nn].
For citations in classical languages will use italics, without quotation marks.
c. footnotes are permitted only (orders placed by using Insert Reference, footnote), generally prepared in accordance with Academy Romanian, noting that it will use abbreviations for further Citation sources / books / articles, and not 'op. cit..
Examples of full citation:
National Archives Directorate Alba County, Alba Prefecture fund, no.84/1938, f. 22r (v).
Paul Johnson, A History of the Modern World 1920-2000, Bucharest, Humanitas, 2003, p. 84.
Nikolaus Boroffka, 'Observations on the discoveries of prehistoric amber Romania', in Apulum, XXXIX (2002), p. 147.
R.J.W. Evans, "Joseph II Habsburg and Nationality in the Land", in HM Scott ed.,Enlightened absolutism. Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-Century Europe, London,Macmillan, 1990, p. 209-219.
Examples of abbreviations:
DJAAN, prefecture, no. 76/1880, f. 2r (v).
Johnson, A History, p. 56.
Boroffka, Observations, p. 150.
Evans, Joseph II, p. 210.
The conference proceedings will be published as supplement of the journal Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica ( ). This journal is indexed in CEEOL (Central and Estern European Online Library) scientific international database ( ).
Deadline: 15th of October 2012 – deadline for sending us your full paper for conference proceedings ( )
Remember: not all the presentations will be published in the conference proceedings. If your paper will not follow the instructions for authors will not be published in the conference proceedings. Also, the editors of the proceedings have the right to reject some papers from the publication in the conference proceedings if those papers wouldn’t have a fit scientific content.
Useful Phones and Address:
Papers are accepted only in English or French
Paper not exceeding 12,000 words
Please supply a short biographical note (50 words maximum) and information about your affiliation, postal address, and an email address.
Abstracts of not more than 200 words are required for all papers submitted.
Each paper should have 5 to 7 keywords
Style guidelines:
a).Page Format: B5, 2.5 cm above, below 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, header1.5 cm, footnote 1 cm portrait (except annexes necessary to use type) edges in the mirror, align the left-right, a row spacing, indentation of first lines1.25 cm, without using the Tab key.
b. Recommended fonts: Times New Roman or Garamond (12 p. fortext p. 10 for footnotes and annexes 11 p. for summary).
c. The title should be written in capitals and centered, followed by the name author's (right-aligned).
d. Running title written in italics and centred 11 p., will contain the name author's (on p. para) and the study title (possibly shortened, the odd page).Page number will be put underground and centred.
e. Summary (abstract) will be placed at the end of the text and will be accompanied by a number of approx.
f. Annexes will be written in Word program under Windows, does not recognize text sent as image.
3. Illustration
Images must be of high quality jpg format., Bmp., Gif., Tiff. (Not allowed Xerox copies) and accompanied by explanations and sources of origin mentioning (Where applicable).
4. Drafting rules
a. Titles of books, studies, newspaper or magazine, mentioned in the text is written with italics.
b. To draw up quotations are used bold, not italics, marking the opening of their being made in accordance with the rules of punctuation in English
When the author wants to emphasize a few words the quotation, use italic characters, followed by mention of [national] or [nn].
For citations in classical languages will use italics, without quotation marks.
c. footnotes are permitted only (orders placed by using Insert Reference, footnote), generally prepared in accordance with Academy Romanian, noting that it will use abbreviations for further Citation sources / books / articles, and not 'op. cit..
Examples of full citation:
National Archives Directorate Alba County, Alba Prefecture fund, no.84/1938, f. 22r (v).
Paul Johnson, A History of the Modern World 1920-2000, Bucharest, Humanitas, 2003, p. 84.
Nikolaus Boroffka, 'Observations on the discoveries of prehistoric amber Romania', in Apulum, XXXIX (2002), p. 147.
R.J.W. Evans, "Joseph II Habsburg and Nationality in the Land", in HM Scott ed.,Enlightened absolutism. Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-Century Europe, London,Macmillan, 1990, p. 209-219.
Examples of abbreviations:
DJAAN, prefecture, no. 76/1880, f. 2r (v).
Johnson, A History, p. 56.
Boroffka, Observations, p. 150.
Evans, Joseph II, p. 210.
The conference proceedings will be published as supplement of the journal Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica ( ). This journal is indexed in CEEOL (Central and Estern European Online Library) scientific international database ( ).
Deadline: 15th of October 2012 – deadline for sending us your full paper for conference proceedings ( )
Remember: not all the presentations will be published in the conference proceedings. If your paper will not follow the instructions for authors will not be published in the conference proceedings. Also, the editors of the proceedings have the right to reject some papers from the publication in the conference proceedings if those papers wouldn’t have a fit scientific content.
Useful Phones and Address:
“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Alba Iulia,
Bethlen street 5
+40 258-806130
The Accomoddation
Hotel Transilvania
(5th and 6th of September 2012 + two nights + breakfest) (3 STARS)
Iuliu Maniu 22 Alba
258 812052
Hotel Parc (7th and 8th
of September 2012 + two nights + breakfest) (4 STARS)
Primăverii 4 Alba Iulia
+40 258 811 723
There are just about 150 meters between these
two hotels!
+40 731 030124
+4 0724072655
Grainger (UK)
Grainger Viner (UK)
Kemppainen (Finland)
Anu Salmela
Aleksandra Drzal-Sierocka (Poland)
Sierocki (Poland)
Helen Frisby (UK)
Federica Manfredi
Simone Veronese
Cristina Vargas
Marina Sozzi
Christine Schlott (Germany)
Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz (Germany)
Golie Talaie (The Netehrlands)
Maggie Jackson (UK)
Peter C. Jupp (UK)
Elisabeth Jupp (UK)
Eva Kosa (Hungary)
Dejan Donev (Macedonia)
Valtko Chalovski (Macedonia)
Naum Trajanovski
Marija Selak (Croatia)
Ozhan Hancilar (Turkey)
Alfred James Ellar (Philippines)
Aušra Lukauskaitė (Lithuania)
Andreia Martins de Sousa (Brazilia)
Aleksandra Pavicevic (Serbia)
Goncharova (Bulgaria)
Karaboeva (Bulgaria)
Nadezhda Galabova (Bulgaria)
Josef Schovanec (France)
Grossi (Italy)
Perricone (Italy)
Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Poland)
Bożena Józefów-Czerwińska (Poland)
Adela Toplean
Cristina Bogdan
Dragoş Bogdan
Cristina Mihala
Mihaela Vlad
Livia Caciuloiu Minea
Constantin Bogdan
Mihaela Bodrean
Laura Iliescu
Andreea Popp
Mihaela Bălan
Roxana Varian
Ştefan Borbely
Ileana Benga
Bogdan Neagota
Florina Codreanu
Csaba Toth
Olga Grădinanu
Eva Theodora Ormeny
Silvestru Petac
Constantina Raveca Buleu
Corina Rotar
Tudor Roşu
Medina Bordea
Speranza Maria
Anca Timofan
Călin Paraschiv
Marius Rotar
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