"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

vineri, 23 aprilie 2010


A historical moment here: the romanian version of Amurg.Romanian Cremation Association's website is available for now on: http://www.incinerareamurg.ro/
I'm very happy and I'm proud to be part of this!
In two weeks I hope we will have the english version of it.

Don't forget: the deadline for submission abstract proposal for our third edition of Dying and Death conference is 15 of May 2010. You can find details in my previous two postings on this blog!

miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010

Deadline - 15 MAY!

I remind to you the deadline for the third edition of Dying and Death conference is 15 OF MAY 2010!
You can send abstract proposal for one of these nine sections of our conference, until this time, to mrotar2000@yahoo.com ; eric.venbrux@gmail.com or marina.sozzi@fastwebnet.it
Please visit http://www.uab.ro/sesiuni_2010/die/index.htm if you prefer the on-line registration at Dying and Death in 18th--21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, International Conference, third edition

On the other hand, at the beginning of next week the website of AMURG. Romanian Cremation Association will be available. We have the draft of this website but we must make some improvements to it.

joi, 15 aprilie 2010

Registration on-line at our conferences

The registration at our both conferences which we organize this year is avaiable on-line now.
Please visit http://www.uab.ro/sesiuni_2010/die/index.htm for the registration at Dying and Death in 18th--21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, International Conference, third edition
http://www.uab.ro/sesiuni_2010/alcoholism/index.htm for the registration at Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference, second edtion.
Also, me and Tudor Rosu sent two applications to ANCS, Romania for funding these conferences. Let's hope we get these!
You can find information about both conferences on http://www.uab.ro/conferinte/index.php?cale=conferinte2010 too

vineri, 9 aprilie 2010


The "Albaiulianul" published, in romanian language, a short paper of mine about the actual situation of cremation in Romania. This paper is not a scientific one, but a paper for popularization the practice of cremation and our association, Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association, too. Here is the link to this paper: http://www.albaiulianul.ro/asupra-incinerrii-i-crematoriilor-umane-in-romania.html
I tried to be calm talking on cremation, not burning myself into the feelings' flames!

sâmbătă, 3 aprilie 2010


This is a review of the Proccedings of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference, second edition, published in Apostrof, a romanian cultural journal from Cluj Napoca: http://www.revista-apostrof.ro/articole.php?id=1102 *unfortunately this review is written in romanian language. The author, Stefan Borbely is a Professor at the Department of World and Comparative literature of The Faculty of Letters in Cluj, "Babes-Bolyai" University of Cluj Napoca, Romania. This is a very favorable review considering our conference a great succes but Stefan Borbely has doubts that romanian cultural authorities will support us in the future.