"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

joi, 30 decembrie 2010

A Happy New Year!

Happy New Year for all our friends! See you in 2011 at the fourth edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference and also at DDD10 in The Netherlands! Both conferences will take place in September! So, be prepared to be pulverized!

vineri, 3 decembrie 2010


Dear Sir/ Madam,

The tenth Death, Dying and Disposal Conference (DDD10): Changing European Death Ways: New Perspectives in Death Studies.
We look forward to welcome you to the DDD’s first visit to Continental Europe and to Nijmegen, the oldest city in The Netherlands.
The conference will be held at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, on 9-12 September 2011 under the auspices of the University’s Centre for Thanatology and Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, and the international Association for the Study of Death and Society (ASDS).
The conference seeks to contribute to a comparative framework to improve our understanding of the rapidly and radically changing death ways, as well as to an integration of research-traditions from various countries in Europe and elsewhere. The overarching theme of the conference is mortuary variation in Europe and beyond.
Because dealing with death provides a valuable focus for comparative research on human experience and cultural life, proposals for papers are invited that relate to death, dying and disposal. Abstracts for papers (maximum of 250 words) and outlines of poster-topics (150 words) may be sent to thanatology@ru.nl.
Details concerning the conference programme will be made available on-line at the website of the Centre for Thanatology, Radboud University Nijmegen: www.ru.nl/ct/en.
To subscribe please fill out the form in the attachment and send it back to thanatology@ru.nl. Various discounts are available. Information can be found in the registration form.
You can always contact us for further information.
Budget-flights are available to nearby Weeze-Airport (Germany). www.airport-weeze.de/index.php?lang=en

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr. Eric Venbrux
Dr. Thomas Quartier

vineri, 26 noiembrie 2010


I hope we can edit all the copies of the proceedings of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, International conference, third edition at the beginning of January 2011, also sending these to all the contributors. Also, we plan to organize the forth edition of this conference at the last weekend of September 2011. The call for papers will send out in January 2011.
On the other hand, finnaly a paper of mine was published in Transylvanian Review *indexed ISI: http://www.centruldestudiitransilvane.ro/detaliu.aspx?eID=575&t=noutati&cat=0
Here in Romania it is a craziness for scholars to publish their works in this type of ISI journals. I disagree with this custom but...

miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010

Dying and Death 03, Alba Iulia, Romania, September, 2010 in "Viata medicala" Journal

As you can read above "Viata Medicala" journal (41/2010) from Bucharest published a paper upon Dying and Death 03 conference. This is a great moment in the history of this conference because for the first time medical press from Romania emphasizes the importance of our conference. I'm really happy with this!
On the other hand we intend to use for our conference an abbreviation for its easier identification. At the Lucian Teodorescu's suggestion the proper abbreviation for Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe would be ABDD, namely Alba Iulia Dying and Death, followed by the number of the conference edition.

vineri, 8 octombrie 2010

Alcoholism02 International Conference

Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues

International Conference, 2nd Edition

Alba Iulia, 13-16 October 2010



Alba County Council

National Museum of Unification Alba Iulia

„1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia


Centro Culturale Italiano „G.M. Visconti” Alba Iulia

Alba County Directorate for Culture and National Heritage

Tradition Group Alba Iulia


Wednesday, 13th of October

Arrival and registration of the participants

Location: Vila Elisabeta

20.00 – Welcome Dinner at Vila Elisabeta

Thursday, 14th of October

9.30-10.15. Opening Ceremony

Location: Union Hall, National Museum of Unification

10.15-10.45. Coffee break

10.45-14.00. Guided historical visit - National Museum of Unification and the Three Fortifications Route (Dr. Tudor Roşu)

14.00-15.30. Lunch at Vila Elisabeta

15.30-16.00. Siesta

16.00-20.00First Session:

Medical, Psychological and Social Issues of Alcohol Consumption

Location: Vila Elisabeta

Chairman: Claudiu Ştefani

The presentations will last for 20 minutes, and 5 minutes are allocated for discussions at the end of each paper. Although it is desirable to follow the programme exactly, last time modifications may appear.

16.00-16.25 - Cristina Maria Speranza, Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapies „Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. (Coautor Medina Bordea) - The benefits of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and it's high rates of succes in people with alcohol problems

16.25-16.50 - Wilfried Koehler, Klinik für Abhängigkeitserkrankungen und Konsiliarpsychiatrie, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Detoxification and motivational therapy of alcoholism in Germany

16.50-17.15 – Vlad Zeno Millea, University „1 Decembrie 1918” Alba Iulia, Romania, Attitudes regarding alcohol consumption; determinant factors and implication

17.15-17.30 – Coffee Break

17.30-17.55 - Claudiu Şimonaţi, County Turism Company of Hunedoara, Romania, Alcohol - Primary risk factor for oral cancer

17.55-18.20 - Creţeanu Olimpia, Pielmuş Cristina-Ionela, Law Court Turnu Măgurele, Romania - The Alcoholism effects on the Social Life

18.20-18.45 - Marian Suciu, „Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania - The Importance of the alcohol in the Society of East Asia

18.45-19.10 Irina Takala, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia - Drinking as a Phenomenon of the Russian Culture

19.10-19.35 - Claudiu Ştefani, „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania - Influence of alcohol consumption over the risk bevaviors behind the wheel

19.35-20.00 – Eugen Băican, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania -

20.15 – Dinner, Vila Elisabeta

Friday, 15th of October

9.00-13.00Second Session:

History of Alcohol Consumption and Alcoholism

Location: Vila Elisabeta

Chair: Judy Stove

9.00-9.25 - Dana Burian, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Alcohol as a triggering factor for domestic violence in the second half of the nineteenth century in Transylvania

9.25-9.50 - Petar Atanackovic, Center for social researches and Alternative cultural organization, Novi Sad, Serbia - Alcohol and construction of social identities

9.50-10.15 - Marin Sâmbrian-Toma, University of Craiova, Romania - Pleasures of the body: a social history of drink in Wallachia (1700-1850)

10.15-10.40 - Costel Coroban, “Ovidius” University of Constanţa, Romania - Presbyterian & Jacobite Spirits in Early Modern Scotland

10.40-11.05 - Sidsel Eriksen, KØbenhavns Universitet, Denmark - ‘A disease of the rich?’ or ‘The rich men’s vice?’ – About preindustrial drinking

11.05-11.20 – Coffee Break

11.20-11.45 - Tudor Roşu, National Museum of Unification Alba Iulia, Romania - The Nationalist dimension in Romanian anti-alcoholism discourse untill the middle of the 20th Century

11.45-12.10 - Renée N. Lafferty, Brock University, Canada - The „Spirits” of Religion: Evangelicals and Medical Care for Toronto’s Dipsomaniacs, 1860-1890

12.10-12.35 – Iulia Adina Pop, “Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania - The Hungarian Legislation over the Production and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages During the Dual Monarchy

12.35-13.00 - Atilla Varga, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Masonry, Good Templars and the Alcoholism in 19th-20th Century Trannsylvania

13.30-15.00 – Lunch, Vila Elisabeta

15.30-19.45Third Session:

History, Religion, Social Asspects

Location: „1 Decembrie 1918” University

Chairman: Sidsel Eriksen

15.30-15.55 - Marius Rotar, „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania - Romanian anti-alcoholism Journals

15.55-16.20 - Oana Tămaş, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania - „Because the drunkness is spread among our people..”. The anti-alcoholic Romanian press at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th Century

16.20-16.45 - Adrian Zandberg, Poland, „Down with the inn!” Polish temperance movement and the making of local prohibition (1920-1934)

16.45-17.10 – Monica Mureşan, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania - The Problem of Alcoholism at the Romanian Clergy in Modern Transylvania

17.10-17.35 - Asztalos Ioan, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Romania - The antialcoholic congress of Cernăuţi in 1927 – case study on the religious media in Sibiu

17.35-17.50 – Coffee Break

17.50-18.15 - Adriana Tămăşan, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania - The alcohol in the Muslim religion

18.15-18.40 - Nadia Văcaru, „Al. I. Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania - Alcoholism - stability factor disrupting Christian family in contemporary society

18.40-19.05 – Judith Stove, Australia, Alcohol, personal responsability, and the law: some recent Australian history

19.05-19.30 – Naima Khatoon, India

19.30-20.00 - Conclusions

20.30 – Dinner


sâmbătă, 2 octombrie 2010

My report to ANCS on Dying and Death 03 - in romanian language

Raport asupra celei de a treia ediţii a conferinţei internaţionale Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe

Prezentare generală:

Cea de a treia ediţie a conferinţei internaţionale Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe a fost organizată de către Universitatea 1 Decembrie 1918 din Alba Iulia, Muzeul Naţional al Unirii, Alba Iulia, Radboud University of Nijmejen, Olanda, Ariodante Fabretti Foundation, Universitatea din Torino, Italia. Partenerii acestui eveniment ştiinţific au fost Consiliul Judeţean Alba, Direcţia de Patrimoniu Alba Iulia şi ANCS, Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association, Romanian Association for Death Studies si Giovanni Morandi Visconti, Centrul Cultural Italian din Alba Iulia. Iniţial conferinţa a fost preconizată a fi organizată la Râmeţ în judeţul Alba, însă datorită numărului mare de participanţi şi a numărului scăzut de posibilităţi de cazare a acestora s-a luat decizia, de către comitetul organizatoric al conferinţei, mutarea acesteia. Astfel, conferinţa a avut loc între 3 şi 5 septembrie 2010 în Alba Iulia fiind găzduită de Universitatea “1 Decembrie 1918” şi de catre Muzeul Naţional al Unirii. Au participat 71 de cercetători din 15 ţări europene (Marea Britanie, Italia, Danemarca, Finlanda, Germania, Bulgaria, Grecia, Franţa, Turcia, Olanda, Republica Ceha, Polonia, Ucraina, Republica Moldova şi România) precum şi din Noua Zeelandă, reprezentând diverse institute şi universităţi de prestigiu. În total au fost reprezentate peste 35 de universităţi, institute de cercetare sau alte ONG şi asociaţii.

Au fost organizate şase secţiuni ştiinţifice ale conferinţei, care datorită numărului mare de comunicării au trebuit sa fie organizate în paralel în primele doua zile. Organizarea de secţiuni paralele a reprezentat o premieră în istoria conferinţei, aspect ce relevă creşterea interesului ştiinţific asupra acestui eveniment, atât în ţară cât şi în străinătate.
De asemenea la conferinţa au participat în premieră cercetători din state europene nereprezentate pana acum, element ce releva creşterea prestigiului conferinţei în mediile academice. Astfel, pentru prima dată au fost reprezentate state din spaţiul balcanic, Europa nordică şi de asemenea s-a întărit participarea din spaţiul ex-sovietic.

Conferinţa s-a bucurat de o reflectare bună la nivelul presei locale dar şi naţionale:

http://www.informatiadealba.ro/2010/09/conferinta-despre-moarte-a-reunit-la-alba-iulia-peste-70-de-participanti /

Din păcate, autorităţile locale au ignorat acest eveniment, în ciuda amplorii sale, lucru subliniat şi în presă.

Importanţa conferinţei:

Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference este unica manifestare dedicate tematicii din România şi centrul şi sud-estul Europei. Din această perspectivă organizarea cele de a treia ediţii reprezintă garanţia permanentizării acestui eveniment. Prin subiectul avut in atenţie conferinţa obligă la un dialog pluri si transdisciplinar. Cea mai simpla justificare a acestei afirmaţii constă în situaţia în care este imposibil a se analiza subiectul muririi si morţii prin prisma unei singure ştiinţe.Obiective avute in vedere:- conturarea unei noi reţele a cercetătorilor interesaţi asupra tematicii din Vestul, Estul, Centrul si Sud Estul Europei; dacă în cazul conferinţelor în domeniu organizate în Europa Occidentala se remarcă o participare aproape exclusivă a cercetătorilor din acest spaţiu geografic, Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, constituie cea mai buna punte de legătură între cercetătorii înteresaţi de subiect din întreaga Europa. Totodată, pentru prima data s-a înregistrat participarea din spatii non-europene, o alta dovada creşterii la nivel internaţional al acestei conferinţe.

- dezvoltarea studiilor de gen in România: dacă la precedentele ediţii ale conferinţei accentul a căzut pe o participare predominanta a mediului academic transilvănean, cea de a treia ediţie a înregistrat o participare deosebită de la diverse universităţi si institute din Bucureşti sau alte centre de cercetare din ţară.
- încurajarea dialogului interdisciplinar asupra tematicii, obiectiv realizat, conferinţa bucurându-se de participarea unor specialişti din diverse ramuri ale ştiinţei: istorici, sociologi, psihologi, medici, preoţi, filologi, asistenţi sociali, artişti (Golie Talaie, artist plastic din Olanda in acest an) sau filosofi ori, pe de altă parte, persoane direct implicate în industria funerară (Cosmin Bodrean, Brian Parsons); participarea doctorului Constantin Bogdan a constitute un punct în plus pentru nivelul conferinţei, domnia sa fiind preşedintele Societăţii Romane de Îngrijiri Paleative si Gerontologie, sub patronajul UNESCO.
- s-a urmărit la fel ca în cazul ediţiilor precedente sensibilizarea opiniei publice româneşti asupra importanţei tematicii muririi si morţii, datorită specificităţilor naţionale în domeniu.
- încercarea de implementare a unor modele vest europene în domeniu în România: spre exemplu serviciile de îngrijiri paliative (dictat şi de creşterea accentuată în ultimii ani a bolnavilor de cancer în România – obiectiv atins prin calitatea si numărul participanţilor la aceasta secţiune a conferinţei) sau a tanatologiei şi a sistemul death education (implementat în Occident prin diverse programe ale unor universităţi de prestigiu – de pildă, Center for Death and Society, Universitatea din Bath, Marea Britanie);

- încurajarea colaborării internaţionale în domeniu: obiectiv atins prin organizarea în cotutela cu Radboud University of Nijemgen, Olanda si Ariodante Fabretti Foudation, Universitatea din Torino, Italia a acestui eveniment
- încurajarea dezvoltării unor dezbateri polemice pe subiecte privind murirea şi moartea în România: euthanasia, sinucidere, tematica crematoriilor şi incinerărilor umane, ultima dintre acestea fiind considerată drept alternativă la rezolvarea crizei locurilor de veci din mediul urban românesc
- diseminarea rezultatelor sub forma editării unui volum al conferinţei: dacă până în acest an volum conferinţei a fost editat de sine stătător, din acest an proceedings-urile manifestării ştiinţifice de faţă au fost publicate ca supliment la Annales Universitatis Apulenis. Series Historica, revista indexata BDI, CEOOL. Situaţia de fata constituie un imbold esenţial în creşterea calitativă a manifestării ştiinţifice. De asemenea, aceasta împrejurare explică şi costurile mult mai ridicate implicate in editarea volumului conferinţei faţaă de ediţiile precedente. Se va încerca publicarea a doua articole din proceedings-uri conferinţei în jurnale ISI (Transylvanian Review)

Concluzii si propuneri pentru viitor:

- Obiectivele urmărite de către organizatorii conferinţei au fost atinse, chestiune demonstrata prin participarea extinsa din ţară şi din străinătate la aceasta manifestare ştiinţifică, multitudinea de subiecte atinse, cât şi prin reflectarea evenimentului la nivelul mass-mediei locale şi centrale. Publicarea volumul conferinţei asigura transparenţa demersului de fata. Din nefericire, datorită deadline-ului “scurt” nu toţi participanţii la conferinţă au reuşit să trimită în timp optim comunicările lor pentru publicarea acestora în volum. Ca urmare a creşterii prestigiului internaţional al conferinţei, Cambridge Scholar Publishing a propus tipărirea unei selecţii a unor lucrări susţinute şi publicate in cele trei ediţii ale conferinţei care sa apără sub forma unei cărţi ce va fi editată anul viitor. Astfel, vizibilitatea conferenţei va creste prin aceasta, în mod sensibil. Din cele peste 120 de articole publicate în volumele conferinţelor desfăşurate între 2008 şi 2009 vor fi selectate circa 20 pentru a fi publicate în această carte.

- De asemenea participanţii români la această conferinţă au decis în unanimitate revigorarea Asociaţiei Române pentru Studii asupra Morţii (RADS). Rostul acestei asociaţii este asigurarea unui nucleu divers de cercetători români asupra domeniului, traducerea pentru înţelesul publicului larg a politicilor sociale privind moartea în România, semnalarea deficienţelor actuale în sistemul românesc al morţii şi încurajarea organelor abilitate de a proceda la diverse modificări pentru îmbunătăţirea acestuia. Au fost aleşi ca membri ai consiliului de conducere ai acestei asociaţii: Marius Rotar – preşedinte, Victor Tudor Rosu – vicepreşedinte, Adriana Teodorescu – secretar.
- Din punct de vedere ştiinţific au fost discutate si analizate majoritatea subiecte presupuse de fenomenul muririi şi evenimentul morţii: analiza istorică a evoluţie atitudinilor în fata muririi si a morţii, a modalităţilor de dispunere asupra cadavrului (înhumare sau incinerare – ultimul dintre acestea fiind puţin răspândit în România); , bioetică, euthanasie, sinucidere, corelaţia boală-moartea în postmodernitate, subiectul îngrijirilor paliative, tematica literaturii (culturii), corelaţiile intre religie şi înţelesurile morţii etc. Ca o premiera a fost organizată o secţiune dedicate noilor ritualizării ale morţii in contemporaneitate, analizându-se tendinţe novatoare în domeniu.
- dimensiunea interdisciplinară, multiculturală, multietnică sau interconfesională este intrinseca acestei conferinţe. În consecinţă, dialogul purtat a fost deseori polemic, aspect ce a ridicat nivelul general al manifestării.
- La fel ca in ediţiile precedente la aceasta ediţiei s-a remarcat prezenta activa a unor persoane implicate În industria funerara la această conferinţă. Spre exemplu, Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association s-a implicat activ atât ca partener, cat şi ca sponsor principal al manifestării.
- Ca urmare a succesului deosebit al acestei ediţii a conferinţei s-a decis organizarea la un nivel a celei de a patra ediţii în ultima săptămână din septembrie 2011. De asemenea s-au demarat procedurile preliminare privind organizarea în premieră într-o ţară central sud est europeană, în speţă România, a celei mai importante conferinţe, pe plan mondial dedicate tematicii – Death and the Disposal of the Body pentru cea de a 11 ediţie preconizată ăn 2013. Pentru atingerea acestui scop, s-au iniţiat deja dialogurile cu Association for Death Studies, care patronează aceasta manifestare de mare prestigiu.

- cât priveşte posibilele modalităţi de creştere a conferinţei, este necesară pe viitor introducerea unei selecţii a participanţilor mult mai severă întrucât exista riscul de a se ajunge la o conferinţa cu peste 150 de participanţi, ceea ce implică costuri extrem de ridicate de suportat de către organizatori. De asemenea, comitetul organizatoric al conferinţei studiază posibilitatea de a introducere o taxa de participare minimă la conferinţă. În plus, una dintre cerinţele esenţiale ale conferinţei ar fi pe viitor implicarea si sensibilizarea mai activă a factorului deciziţional politic, pentru a i se semnala la nivel cat mai accentuat necesitatea reformei sistemului medical şi funerar din România. Se urmăreşte invitarea pentru ediţia următoare a conferinţei a unor membri ai Parlamentului României (spre exemplu senatorul UDMR Peter Lakatos – autorul proiectului noi legii a cimitirelor) sau a altor factori de decizie naţionali.

- In concluzie se poate considera ca a treia ediţie a Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe a fost cea mai reuşita dintre toate ediţiile acestei conferinţe, atât prin numărul si calitatea participanţilor si nivelul ştiinţific atins, precum si prin perspective care s-au deschis pentru dezvoltarea acestei manifestării si a unor colaborări internaţionale ulterioare.

Marius Rotar

luni, 27 septembrie 2010

Adrian Nastase's opinion upon Dying and Death 03 conference

Adrian Nastase, the former prime minister of Romania, mentioned on his blog something about Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, International Conference. He was ironic with the general topic of our conference and also he tried to criticize his political enemies mentioning our conference:

"Cu toate ca, probabil, o sa vi se para un inceput prea morbid al acestei sectiuni, va anunt ca au existat doua stiri ale caror informatii mi-au ramas intiparite in minte zilele anterioare. Nu, nu este vorba despre remanierea guvernamentala, asa cum nu este vorba nici despre bataile la usa mamei unui anumit fost ministru al dinastiei Boc 4.

Primul subiect vorbea despre faptul ca in week-end, la Alba Iulia, a avut loc cea de-a treia editie a conferintei internationale “Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe”. Conform spuselor organizatorilor, evenimentul organizat in Romania este, citez, unic in Centrul si Sud Estul Europei. O prima concluzie? Pana si moartea se simte la ea acasa, unica si in centrul atentiei in Romania…

De cealalta parte, o alta stire, din acelasi flux, anunta faptul ca ministrul Educatiei este asteptat, culmea, tot la Alba Iulia la sfarsit de saptamana. Involuntar, fara o lectura prealabila a textului din urma, am facut o legatura malitioasa, ce-i drept, intre Congresul International si vizita lui Daniel Funeriu. Vizita care, nu in contextual remanierii, repet, ci in acela al ramanerii demne a domniei sale in functie (Ministerul Educatiei este cel mai vaduvit de fonduri minister in urma rectificarii bugetare, iar dascalii sunt cea mai umilita categorie sociala a Romaniei, alaturi de medici, de catre Traian Basescu), ar fi putut avea o prezentare la congresul mai sus-mentionat, cu titlul Moartea sistemului educational romanesc". (http://nastase.wordpress.com/2010/09/12/raspunsuri-vechi/#comment-106992 )

I fully understand the jokes and the ironies and I dolove these but I think Adrian Nastase minimizes our effort to organize this conference, taking into the laughter the conference.
This is my comment upon it on his blog approved already by him:

"Domnule Adrian Nastase,

Imi cer scuze ca va raspund asa de tarziu la ceea ce ati scris pe blogul dvs. legat de conferinta. In calitate de initiator si organizator principal al manifestari mentionate, nu pot decat sa-mi exprim regretul fata de aprecierile pe care le-ati facut. Inteleg ironia si umorul, insa in acest caz nu-si au avut rostul, intrucat vorbim despre un eveniment stiintific de inalta tinuta, unic intr-adevar in partea asta de lume. Nu ma apuc sa va vorbesc despre relevanta sa si nici nu va dau diverse linkuri care v-ar edifica asupra interesului academic existent de decenii bune asupra tematicii. Ar fi o pierdere de vreme. Vreau doar sa va spun ca, din pacate, vorba unui coleg, atunci cand organizezi un astfel de eveniment, dupa ce se incheie, realizezi, in calitate de cercetator, ca nu mai ai bani cu ce sa-ti platesti gazu’ fiind nevoit, de cele mai multe ori, sa pui bani din buzunar pentru organizare. Asta apropo de sprijinul autoritorilor locale si centrale. Iar ca satisfactie profesionala nu primesti de multe ori decat aprecieri hazlii la adresa muncii depuse.
Va stau oricand la dispozitie cu amanunte despre aceasta conferinta, ajunsa in acest an la a treia editie si care in 2010 a adunat cercetatori din 16 tari. De asemenea va pot trimite proceedings-urile conferintei din acest an, pentru a vedea ca ironiile dvs. nu isi au rostul. Proceedings-urile sunt indexate BDI si sper ca anul viitor sa le indexam ISI.
Puteti vizita blogul meu: http://www.romaniandeathcremation.blogspot.com pentru a va lamuri si mai bine despre ce a fost vorba.
Va putem invita anul viitor sa participati si sa vedeti, spre exemplu, dimenisiunile reale ale crizei in sistemul mortii din Romania (slaba dezvoltare a serviciilor de ingrijiri paliative, criza locurilor de veci in mediul urban, lipsa de reforma a sistemului funerar romanesc etc.)
Va multumesc!
Cu respect,
Marius Rotar" (http://nastase.wordpress.com/2010/09/12/raspunsuri-vechi/#comment-106992 )

Anyway it is a honor that my blog was mentioned on Adrian Nastase's blog and I'm not sad by his opinion.

duminică, 26 septembrie 2010

Conference Proceedings 2010

For conference proceedings 2010 we received about 42 papers. This is a good overall taking into account the participants' number at the conference. Right now I'm hardly working on my report which I have to send to ANCS, Romania. I will publish this report on my blog.
Also, Cambridge Scholars Publishing proposed to me to edit a book with some selected papers from all the editions of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, international conference. I think they and I will select maximum 20 papers for this book.

joi, 16 septembrie 2010

Thomas Quartier in action at karaoke party of Dying and Death 03, Alba Iulia 2010 !

He is best singer at our conference's karaoke party, performing Bob Dylan!

miercuri, 15 septembrie 2010

miercuri, 8 septembrie 2010

Pictures + ELVIS

At Ramet Monastery

Some of the conference's participants (without italian team and other participants from UK, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Romania, too)

Elvis at Dying and Death III conference


Cremation team (Peter C. Jupp, Zdenek Nespor, Hilary Grainger, Mihaela Bodrean, Brian Parsons, Marius Rotar)
Elvis never dies!

Me perfoming Luminita Anghel's Let me try

My daughter at Ramet monastery

Cyrill Nespor (Czech Republic) - the youngest participant at the conference

Conclusions' moment

Here are some pictures taken by me at the third edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, Alba Iulia, Romania, 3-5 of september 2010. I will post other pictures later. Stay here for this!

luni, 6 septembrie 2010

Thank you!

On behalf of organizers and the organizing team of "Dying and Death in 18-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe", International Conference I wish to THANK YOU for your participation and your contribution at our conference. I think our conference was a great moment.
Here is the Rocky:


In few days I will post here some pictures taken by.
See you very soon!

sâmbătă, 28 august 2010

The Final Programme

Thursday, September 2

20:00 – Welcome Dinner
Location: Platoul Romanilor Restaurant

Friday, September 3

9:15 – Opening Ceremony
Location: Union Hall, National Museum of Unification

• Moise Ioan Achim – President of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania
• Ion Dumitrel – President of Alba County, Romania
• Gabriel Rustoiu – Director of National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia, Romania
• Marina Sozzi - Ariodante Fabretti Foundation, University of Turin (Italy)
• Peter C. Jupp – University of Bristol (UK)
• Eric Venbrux – Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
• Gianfranco Fracarollo - Director of “Giovanni Morando Visconti” Italian Cultural Center of Alba Iulia (Romania)
• Cosmin Bodrean – Vice president of Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association (Romania)
• Victor Tudor Roşu – National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia (Romania)
• Marius Rotar – “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

10:15 – 10:30 – Coffee Break

10:30 – 13:30 – Session 1: Cultural History of Death
Location: Apor Palace
Chair: Ştefan Borbély
• Diarmuid Johnson (Poland –UK), Attitudes Towards Death and Dying in the Oral and Written Literatures of the Celtic Languages since the 18th Century
• Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic), Dying, death and funeral ceremonies of Austrian aristocracy in the 19th century Habsburg Monarchy. (An example of the Schwarzenberg family)
• Alina Felea (Republic of Moldova), Some Information on the Image of Death in 18th century Moldova
• Nicolae Mihai (Romania), Lutter contre les superstitions: Eglise orthodoxe roumaine et la culture populaire de la mort au milieu du XIXe siècle
• Mihai Chiper (Romania), Honor and Death in the Militarist Discourse, Romania 1859-1918
• Raluca Betea (Romania), Visual Representations of Death between Production and Reception.
A Case-Study on the Romanian Churches in Maramureş (18th-19th Century)

10:30 – 13:30 – Session 2: Commemoration of the dead in space and time
Location: Aula Magna room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Chair: Ken Worpole
• Virgiliu Birladeanu (Republic of Moldova), The Victims of Tweeter revolution: from Justice to Commemoration
• Emiliya Karaboeva (Bulgaria) Commemorating the dead. Bulgarian street necrologs in comparative perspective
• Emilie Jaworski (France), Commémorations et deuils nationaux en Pologne. Entre héritage symbolique et nouvelles réalités sociales
• Malgorzata Zawila (Poland), Missing the Heroes
• Olga Nesporova, (Czech Republic), New Phenomena: Roadside Memorials
• Irina Stahl (Romania), Les croix de la ville de Bucarest. Problèmes de sociologie religieuse
• Bogdan Neagota, Ileana Benga (Romania) Ritual Happening and Personal Experience Within the Narrative-Ceremonial Funerary Complex. Case Studies from Caras-Severin and Arges counties

13:30 – 15:30 – Lunch
Location: Pub 13 Restaurant offer by Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association)

15:45 – 17:15 – Session 1: Cultural History of Death
Location: Apor Palace
Chair: Marina Sozzi

• Florenţa Popescu-Simion (Romania), Crosses on the roads– Romanian marks of violent deaths in the public space
• Cristinel Roman-Negoi, Ana Maria Roman Negoi (Romania), Maria Theresa and horses. The legend of the empress’s death in the Romanian contemporary mindset
• Gevher Gökçe Acar (Turkey), Two different cultures, two different approaches on death-place relationship – death cult and cemeteries in Vienna and Istanbul in the 18th and 19th centuries
• Adriana Teodorescu (Romania), The Death of the Star. Social and Cultural Issues

15:45 – 17:15 – Session 2: Commemorations and the Space of the Dead
Location: Aula Magna room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Chair: Christine Schlott

• Ludmila Cojocari (Republic of Moldova), May 9 in the republic of Moldova (2001-2009): between the commemoration of Victory and cult of the dead
• Nikolay Vukov (Bulgaria), Collective Interments: Ossuaries and Brotherly Mounds in Bulgaria After 1944
• Olga Gradinaru (Romania), Two Deaths and Two Destinies: Rasputin and the Imperial Russia
• Golie Tataie (The Netherlands), A Transatlantic Love. On Photography and Memory

17:15 – 17:30 – Coffee Break

17:30 – 19:40 – Session 1: Cultural History of Death
Location: Apor Palace
Chair: Cyrill Schaffer

• Victor Tudor Roşu (Romania), The representations of American stars’ death in communist Romania
• Ştefan Borbély (Romania), Death and Work. Or: Death by Work? A Classical Case Study: Marx
• Laura Jiga Iliescu (Romania) Few considerations about the power of the ironsmith, as expressed in the ATU 331 and ATU 753 narratives
• Anna Kubiak (Poland), Atrocities of von Hagens and sacrifice’s crisis
• Claudiu Stefani (Romania), Social context of accidental dead. A content analysis of newspaper coverage

17:30 – 19:40 – Session 2: End of Life and Palliative Cares. Bereavement
Location: Aula Magna room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Chair: Maria Xenaki

• Constantin Bogdan (Romania), A complex approach and Therapy End of life - doctors, moral, social, spiritual - Palliative Care
• Cristina Maria Speranza, Bordea Medina, (Romania), Bereavement in children and adolescents
• Veronese S., Gallo G., Valle A., Rivoiro C., Oliver D.J (Italy), Specialist Palliative Care Service for People Severely Affected By Neurodegenerative Conditions: Does This Make a Difference To Palliative Care Outcomes? Results Of Ne-Pal - An Explorative Randomized Controlled Tria.
• Désirée Boschetti, Barbara Ottaviani (Italy), Awareness of Terminality, Criteria for the psychological investigation of levels of awareness of terminality in cancer patients
P. Varese, N. Volgarino, P. Bellingeri, S. Bellinceri, M.Musso (Italy), CIGNO philosophy and the treatment of mourning

20:00 –Dinner
Location: Preciosa Restaurant

21:30 –Karaoke Party (optional)
Location: Preciosa Restaurant

Saturday, September 4

09:00 – 10:50 – Session 1: New Ritualisation of Death in 21th century
Location: Apor Palace
Chair: Thomas Quartier

• Eric Venbrux (The Netherlands), Mission Accomplished: Notions of Life in Dutch Funerary Culture
• Florina Codreanu (Romania) Death Lessons in the Imaginary Delivered by Computer Games Industry
• Monica Alina Danci (Romania), Love, Death and Everyday Life
• Ilona Kemppainen (Finland), Death and modernization
• Adela Toplean (Romania), Crossroads between Modern Death and Secular Sacred

09:00 – 10:50 – Session 2: End of Life and Palliative Cares. Bereavement
Location: Aula Magna room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Chair: Anne Markussen

• Constantin Bogdan (Romania), To die today
• Maria Xenaki (Greece-UK), Grieving alone? Towards an understanding of the experience of bereaved single parents: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
• Ioana Todor, Lucian Marina (Romania), Perception on the Ethical Perspective of Euthanasia
• Birgitte Koch (Denmark), Palliative Cares in Denmark

10:50-11:05 – Coffee Break

11:05 – 13:30 – Session 1: New Ritualisation of Death in 21th century
Location: Aula Magna room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Chair: Eric Venbrux

• Christine Schlott (Germany), Undertaker in Leipzig (Germany) – Ritual Specialists in Secular Time
• R. Becarelli, E. Locatelli, M. Sozzi (Italy), Contemporary features of death: a research over 52 mortuary chapels of health structures in Piedmont, Italy
• Thomas Quartier (The Netherlands), Personalized eschatology. Crossing the border of death in Dutch mourning rituals
• Cyrill Schaffer (New Zealand), Corpses, Conflict and Culture: An Analysis of Colonial Post-Mortem Practices
• Oana Elena Branda (Romania), War on terror: the new face of death
• Luigi Bartolomei (Italy), New architectures for funeral houses in the contemporary secularized italian society
• Antonella Grossi (Italy), Dans les « jardins du souvenir ». Expérience de la mémoire dans les cimetières de Paris. Premières notes de terrain

11:05 – 13:30 – Session2: Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation
Location: Apor Palace
Chair: Julie Rugg

• Anne Markussen (Denmark), Inverse Cremation and organ donation rates / Taking another Look at Bodily Disposal and Religion
• Brian Parsons (UK), European Influences on the Development of Cremation in Great Britain
• Revd Dr Peter C. Jupp (UK), Inverness crematorium: a challenge to the Highland way of death?
• Marius Rotar (Romania), The issues of cremation and the Romanian elites (19th-21st century)
• Hilary Grainger (UK), A Modernist Architectural Expression of Cremation: A Scottish Perspective
• Zdeněk R. Nešpor, (Czech Republic), Building of Crematoria in the Czech Republic: Social and Ideological Issue

13:30 – 15:00 – Lunch
Location: Platoul Romanilor Restaurant

16:00 – 19:00 – Trip at Bucerdea Vinoasa

20:00 – 23:00 – Romanian Traditional Meal
Location: Bucerdea Vinoasa

Sunday 5 September

8:20-9:00 – The annual meeting of Romanian Association for Death Studies *only for Romanian participants
09:00 – 11:15 – Session 1: Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation
Location: Apor Palace
Chair: Hilary Grainger

• Mirjam Klaassens (The Netherlands), Natural burial in the Netherlands
• Claudia Ionescu (Romania), Ekphrastic Representations of Death in Bellu Orthodox Cemetery in Bucharest
• Julie Rugg (UK), Cemeteries and modernity: new narrative frameworks
• Olivia Ministeri (Italy), Virtual cemeteries. A new way of grief processing?
• Marianna Nitu (Romania), The vertical metaphoric structure of the cemetery
• Andreea Pop (Romania), Forgotten Heritage of Memory and Commemoration - assemblies and funerary monuments in Romania

11:15-11:30 – Coffee Break

11:30 – 13:00 – Session2: Religion and The Meaning of Death
Location: Apor Palace
Chair: Peter C. Jupp

• Sergiy V. Kurbatov (Ukraine), Death as a Factor of Creation the Cultural Reality: the Cases of Socrates and Hamlet
• Josef Schovanec (Czech Republic), The East in the West: death and new religions – the example of Bahai faith and Theosophy
• Bożena Józefów (Poland), Other World – Relics of the Pagan Belief in Polish Folk Culture
• Constantin Mihai (Romania), Sur la vie et sur la mort. Être en Christ dans la théologie de Saint Paul
• Corneliu Simuţ (Romania), Learning How to Die. Attitudes towards Death in Vito Mancuso’s Catholic Radicalism

Conclusions: 13:10-13:30

13:30 – 15:00 – Lunch
Location: Hotel Parc, offer by “Giovanni Morando Visconti” Italian Cultural Center of Alba Iulia

16:00 – 18:30 – Trip -Visitation of Ramet Monastery

19:30 – Dinner
Location: Hotel Parc, offer by “Giovanni Morando Visconti” Italian Cultural Center of Alba Iulia

Other information:
If you have some problems during your staying in Romania you could contact me on phone at 0040731030124 or my collegue Victor Tudor Rosu at 0040724072655.
We will pick up you from airport but if you have to wait for cars in the aiport for a while don't worry. The cars will pick up from airports not just one conference participant.
Remember: you have 15 minutes for your paper presentation followed by 5-7 minutes for questions and answers. You could use PowerPoint presentation.

joi, 26 august 2010


Due to the many final arrangements which have to be done just tomorow I can post here the final programme of the conference scheduled by days, times, locations!
Stay here for this!

marți, 24 august 2010

A very important change with the conference

There is a very important change with the conference: due to the fact that the guesthouse where I intended to organize the conference cannot host all the participants, having also big problems with the room for meals, we decided to change the location of the Dying and Death III Conference from Ramet to Alba Iulia. We are about 74 participants, including here the organizing team! So, under these conditions all the participants at the conference will have their accomodation at Hotel Cetate in Alba Iulia. This is the link to see this Hotel: http://www.hotel.cetate.tourneo.ro/F_New/
This is a good hotel. On Thursday the conference programme by time schedule will be sending out on this blog.
Remember: in spite of this change all the costs conference for participants are free!

Thanks for understanding this!

marți, 17 august 2010

The first draft of the final programme of Dying and Death III

Here is the first draft of the final programme of Dying and Death III International Conference.
Of course there are possible many changes upon it. In few days I will post here the detailed final programme of the conference by chairmen, times, days, hours, locations, meals, official reception and also the entertaiment programme *by the way, we intend to organize a karaoke party and also to invite a band who play for us some traditional romanian music.
As you can read bellow there are participants from 17 countries at our conference!
If you wish to change your paper location by sections please contact me urgently.

Cultural History of Death

Diarmuid Johnson (Poland –UK), Attitudes Towards Death and Dying in the Oral and Written Literatures of the Celtic Languages since the 18th Century

Alina Felea (Republic of Moldova), Some Information on the Image of Death in 18th century Moldova

Lilia Zabolotnaia (Republic of Moldova), Aspects of the funeral rite in Terra Moldavia and of the Eastern Slavs after the testimony of foreign travelers (XVI-XVIII). A comparative approach.

Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic), Dying, death and funeral ceremonies of Austrian aristocracy in the 19th century Habsburg Monarchy. (On example of the Schwarzenberg family).
Sergiy V. Kurbatov (Ukraine), Death as a Factor of Creation the Cultural Reality: the Cases of Socrates and Hamlet

Stefan Borbely (Romania), Death and Work. Or: Death by Work? A Classical Case Study: Marx

Nicolae Mihai (Romania), Lutter contre les superstitions: Eglise orthodoxe roumaine et la culture populaire de la mort au milieu du XIXe siècle

Mihai Chiper (Romania), Honour and Death in the Militarist Discourse, Romania 1859-1918

Olga Gradinaru (Romania), Two Deaths and Two Destinies: Rasputin and the Imperial

Gevher Gökçe Acar (Turkey), Two different cultures, two different approches on death-place relationship – death cult and ceneteries in Vienna and Istanbul in the 18th and 19th centuries

Bogdan Neagota, Ileana Benga (Romania) Ritual Happening and Personal Experience Within the Narrative-Ceremonial Funerary Complex. Case Studies from Caras-Severin and Arges counties

Adriana Teodorescu (Romania), Death of the Star. Social and Cultural Issues

Victor Tudor Rosu (Romania), The representations of American stars’ death in communist Romania

Anna Kubiak (Poland), Atrocities of von Hagens and sacrifice’s crisis

Laura Jiga Iliescu (Romania) Few considerations about the power of the ironsmith, as expressed in the ATU 331 and ATU 753 narratives

Raluca Betea (Romania), Visual Representations of Death between Production and Reception.
A Case-Study on the Romanian Churches in Maramures (18th-19th Century)

Cristinel Roman-Negoi (Romania)

New Ritualisation of Death in 21th century

Eric Venbrux (The Netherlands), Mission Accomplished: Notions of Life in Dutch Funerary Culture
Florina Codreanu (Romania) Death Lessons in the Imaginary Delivered by Computer Games Industry

Monica Alina Danci (Romania), Love, Death and Everyday Life

Ilona Kemppainen (Finland), Death and modernization

Christine Schlott (Germany), Undertaker in Leipzig (Germany) – Ritual Specialists in Secular Time

R. Becarelli, E. Locatelli, M. Sozzi (Italy), Contemporary features of death: a research over 52 mortuary chapels of health structures in Piedmont, Italy

Thomas Quartier (The Netherlands), Personalized eschatology. Crossing the border of death in Dutch mourning rituals

Oana Elena Branda (Romania), War on terror: the new face of death

Luigi Bartolomei (Italy), New architectures for funeral houses in the contemporary secularized italian society

Marinos Kachrilas (Greece), Self induced death as a means of preserving personal and social integrity in times of warfare.

Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation

a). Burial, Cemeteries

Antonella Grossi (Italy), Dans les « jardins du souvenir ». Expérience de la mémoire dans les cimetières de Paris. Premières notes de terrain

Mirjam Klaassens (The Netherlands), Natural burial in the Netherlands

Claudia Ionescu (Romania), Ekphrastic Representations of Death in Bellu Orthodox Cemetery in Bucharest

Julie Rugg (UK), Cemeteries and modernity: new narrative frameworks

Olivia Ministeri (Italy), Virtual cemeteries. A new way of grief processing?

Andreea Pop (Romania), Forgotten Heritage of Memory and Commemoration - assemblies and funerary monuments in Romania

Marianna Nitu (Romania), The vertical metaphoric structure of the cemetery

b.) Cremation

Anne Markussen (Denmark), Inverse Cremation and organ donation rates / Taking another Look at Bodily Disposal and Religion

Zdeněk R. Nešpor, (Czech Republic), Building of Crematoria in the Czech Republic: Social and Ideological Issue

Brian Parsons (UK), European Influences on the Development of Cremation in Great Britain

Revd Dr Peter C. Jupp (UK), Inverness crematorium: a challenge to the Highland way of death?

Marius Rotar (Romania), The issues of cremation and the Romanian elites (19th-21st century)

Hilary Grainger (UK) A Modernist Architectural Expression of Cremation: A Scottish Perspective

End of Life and Palliative Cares. Bereavement


Eric Venbrux (The Netherlands), Mission Accomplished: Notions of Life in Dutch Funerary Culture

Constantin Bogdan (Romania), To die Today

Birgette Koch (Denmark), Palliative Cares in Denmark

Constantin Bogdan (Romania), A complex approach and Therapy End of life - doctors, moral, social, spiritual - Palliative Care


Désirée Boschetti, Barbara Ottaviani (Italy), Awareness of Terminality, Criteria for the psychological investigation of levels of awareness of terminality in cancer patients

Bordea Medina, Cristina Maria Speranza (Romania), Bereavement in children and adolescents

Maria Xenaki (Greece), Grieving alone? Towards an understanding of the experience of bereaved single parents: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Ioana Todor, Lucian Marina (Romania), Perception on the Ethical Perspective of Euthanasia

Commemoration of dead in space and time

Virgiliu Birladeanu (Republic of Moldova), The Victims of Tweeter revolution: from Justice to Commemoration

Emiliya Karaboeva (Bulgaria) Commemorating the dead. Bulgarian street necrologs in comparative perspective

Emilie Jaworski (France), Commémorations et deuils nationaux en Pologne. Entre héritage symbolique et nouvelles réalités sociales.

Malgorzata Zawila (Poland), Missing the Heroes

Olga Nesporova, (Czech Republic), New Phenomena: Roadside Memorials

Florenţa Popescu-Simion (Romania), Crosses on the roads– Romanian marks of violent deaths in the public space

Cyril Schafer New Zealand & Paul Voninski (United States of America), Memorialisation on the Information Superhighway: Life, Death, and Remembrance in the Cloud


Ludmila Cojocari(Republic of Moldova), May 9 in the republic of Moldova (2001-2009): between the commemoration of Victory and cult of the dead

Zanita Halimi (Kosovo), Roadside Memorials in Kosovo after war 1999 : An Ethnological approach

Religion and The Meaning of Death

Constantin Mihai (Romania), Sur la vie et sur la mort. Être en Christ dansla théologie de Saint Paul

Adela Toplean (Romania), Crossroads between Modern Death and Secular Sacred

Josef Schovanec (Czech Republic), The East in the West: death and new religions – the example of Bahai faith and Theosophy

Bożena Józefów (Poland), Other World – Relics of the Pagan Belief in Polish Folk Culture

Irina Stahl (Romania), Les croix de la ville de Bucarest, Problèmes de sociologie religieuse

Corneliu Simut (Romania), Learning How to Die. Attitudes towards Death in Vito Mancuso’s Catholic Radicalism

luni, 9 august 2010


I came back from my vacation to Romania. We received many confirmations for conference's participation. I think in 10-12 days we can arrange the final programme of Dying and Death III conference posting it on this blog.

Also, in few days I will post here the accepted papers for second edition of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference.

Stay here for news!

The picture from above is taken by me into the one of the oldest rooms of Cenusa Crematorium's Columbarium in Bucharest.

joi, 29 iulie 2010

New Deadline for Your Confirmation

I will be gone for a week to Bulgaria at the Black Sea, taking my vacation together with my family *until 6 of August. For this reason I extented the deadline for your confirmation participation at Dying and Death III until 9th of August 2010.

I don't know if I will have internet connection over there during next week. So, if you have any question regarding the conference please contact Adriana Teodorescu, one of the members of organizing team of the conference, at adriana.teodorescu@gmail.com

The picture from above was taken by me last month and this is from Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest.

luni, 26 iulie 2010

Another picture taken by me published in Adevarul

Today "Adevarul", the most important newspaper from Romania published another picture taken by me on the page dedicated to the readers ( http://www.adevarul.ro/actualitate/Poza_lunii_5_254424584.html ). It's about the picture from the previous post on this blog, taken by me in the Columbarium of Bellu Cemetery in Bucharest.
Also, don't forget to confirm your presence at our conference Death and Death III, 3-5 of September 2010 sending a mail to me (mrotar2000yahoo.com ). Please tell me your flights details to Romania if you come from foreign country to Romania attending at our conference. We need these information for your accommodation and also to pick up you from airport.

luni, 19 iulie 2010


I remind to you that the deadline of your confirmation participation at third edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, International Conference, Alba Iulia Ramet, 3-5 september 2010 is August The First 2010. Also, the deadline for sending us your full paper for conference proceedings is 16th of September 2010.
You can see above a very interesting picture taken by me into the Columbarium of Bellu Cemetery in Bucharest: the workers from there found the "perfect place" for storing their tools and slippers, too - into the niches of this Columbarium!!!! Halellujah !!!

marți, 15 iunie 2010

Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, International Conference, third edition - Information for participants

1. Instructions for Authors

Romanian Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) will grant some funds for organizing the third edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, International Conference. Due to this fact we have to edit the conference proceedings latest 30 days after conference. As your presentation will be published in the conference proceedings I ask you to send it to us at marina.sozzi@fastwebnet.it; eric.venbrux@gmail.com; or mrotar2000@yahoo.com . The deadline for it is 16th of September 2010.
Here are the instructions for authors:
Papers are accepted only in English or French
Paper not exceeding 12,000 words
Please supply a short biographical note (50 words maximum) and information about your affiliation, postal address, and an email address.
Abstracts of not more than 200 words are required for all papers submitted.
Each paper should have 5 to 7 keywords
Style guidelines:
a).Page Format: B5, 2.5 cm above, below 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, header1.5 cm, footnote 1 cm portrait (except annexes necessary to use type) edges in the mirror, align the left-right, a row spacing, indentation of first lines1.25 cm, without using the Tab key.
b. Recommended fonts: Times New Roman or Garamond (12 p. fortext p. 10 for footnotes and annexes 11 p. for summary).
c. The title should be written in capitals and centred, followed by the nameauthor's (right-aligned).
d. Running titile written in italics and centred 11 p., will contain the nameauthor's (on p. para) and the study title (possibly shortened, the odd page).Page number will be put underground and centred.
e. Summary will be placed at the end of the text and will be accompanied by a number of approx.
f. Annexes will be written in Word program under Windows, does not recognize textsent as image.
3. Illustration
Images must be of high quality jpg format., Bmp., Gif., Tiff. (Not allowed Xerox copies) and accompanied by explanations and sources of origin mentioning (Where applicable).
4. Drafting rules
a. Titles of books, studies, newspaper or magazine, mentioned in the text is written withitalics.
b. To draw up quotations are used bold, not italics,marking the opening of their being made in accordance with the rules of punctuation in English
When the author wants to emphasize a few wordsthe quotation, use italic characters, followed by mention of [national] or [nn].
For citations in classical languages will use italics, without quotation marks.
c. footnotes are permitted only (orders placed by using Insert Reference, footnote), generally prepared in accordance with Academy Romanian, noting that it will use abbreviations for further Citation sources / books / articles, and not 'op. cit..
Examples of full citation:
National Archives Directorate Alba County, Alba Prefecture fund, no.84/1938, f. 22r (v).
Paul Johnson, A History of the Modern World 1920-2000, Bucharest, Humanitas, 2003, p. 84.
Nikolaus Boroffka, 'Observations on the discoveries of prehistoric amberRomania', in Apulum, XXXIX (2002), p. 147.
R.J.W. Evans, "Joseph II Habsburg and Nationality in the Land", in HM Scott ed.,Enlightened absolutism. Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-Century Europe, London,Macmillan, 1990, p. 209-219.
Examples of abbreviations:
DJAAN, prefecture, no. 76/1880, f. 2r (v).
Johnson, A History, p. 56.
Boroffka, Observations, p. 150.
Evans, Joseph II, p. 210.
The conference proceedings will be published as supplement of the journal Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica (http://istorie.uab.ro/publicatii/colectia_auash/auash_prezentare.html). This journal is indexed in CEEOL (Central and Estern European Online Library) scientific international database (http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/publicationlist.aspx).

2. Other informations:

Also, please confirm your participation at our conference until August the First 2010.
Please inform us about your flights to Romania (time of your arrival and your departure in order to pick up you from Cluj Napoca or Sibiu airports).
The first day of the Conference will take place in Alba Iulia *opening ceremony and the first two sections of the conference. Due to the larger numbers of the presentations we have to organize in the first day of the conference two parallel sections. The next two days of the conference will take place at Ramet.
All the participants will have their accomodation in Ramet during the conference(http://www.pensiunearamet.ro/ ). In the first day of the conference a bus will take the conference participants for going from Ramet to Alba Iulia (in the morning).
If you have any other questions regarding the conference please contact dr. Marius Rotar (mrotar2000@yahoo.com)

joi, 27 mai 2010

Papers at the Dying and Death III, International Conference

Third International Conference on Dying and Death in 18th – 21st Century
Refiguring Death Rites in Europe

Ramet, Alba Iulia , 3 – 5 September 2010

Accepted papers for presentation:

R. Becarelli, E. Locatelli, M. Sozzi (Italy), Contemporary features of death: a research over 52 mortuary chapels of health structures in Piedmont, Italy

Désirée Boschetti, Barbara Ottaviani (Italy), Awareness of Terminality, Criteria for the psychological investigation of levels of awareness of terminality in cancer patients

Oana Elena Branda (Romania), War on terror: the new face of death

Virgiliu Birladeanu (Republic of Moldova), The Victims of Tweeter revolution: from Justice to Commemoration

Francesco Faeta (Italy), Behind the Silence of Cemeteries. Imago Mortis Revisited


Ludmila Cojocari(Republic of Moldova) LudmilaMay 9 in the republic of Moldova (2001-2009): between the commemoration of Victory and cult of the dead

Mihai Chiper (Romania), Honour and Death in the Militarist Discourse, Romania 1859-1918

Alina Felea (Republic of Moldova), Some Information on the Image of Death in 18th century Moldova

Hilary Grainger (UK) A Modernist Architectural Expression of Cremation: A Scottish Perspective

Olga Gradinaru (Romania), Two Deaths and Two Destinies: Rasputin and the Imperial

Tino Grasi (Italy), The Space of the Ashes


Antonella Grossi (Italy), Dans les « jardins du souvenir ». Expérience de la mémoire dans les cimetières de Paris. Premières notes de terrain

Zanita Halimi (Kosovo), Roadside Memorials in Kosova after war 1999 : An Ethnological approach

Silviu Hariton (Romania/Hungary)The Romanian Dead in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878 and their Public Commemoration in Romania, 1880s-1910s

Emiliya Karaboeva (Bulgaria) Commemorating the dead. Bulgarian street necrologs in comparative perspective

Ilona Kemppainen (Finland), Death and modernization

Birgitte Due (Denmark), Palliative Cares in Denmark

Anna E. Kubiak (Poland), Atrocities of von Hagens and sacrifice’s crisis

Bożena Józefów (Poland), Other World – Relics of the Pagan Belief in Polish Folk Culture,

Diarmuid Johnson (Poland –UK), Attitudes Towards Death and Dying in the Oral and Written Literatures of the Celtic Languages since the 18th Century

Emilie Jaworski (France), Commémorations et deuils nationaux en Pologne. Entre héritage symbolique et nouvelles réalités sociales.

Revd Dr Peter C. Jupp (UK), Inverness crematorium: a challenge to the Highland way of death?

Mirjam Klaassens (The Netherlands), Natural burial in the Netherlands: who chooses for natural burial and why?

Sergiy V. Kurbatov (Ukraine), Death as a Factor of Creation the Cultural Reality: the Cases of Socrates and Hamlet

Anne Markussen (Denmark), Inverse Cremation and organ donation rates / Taking another Look at Bodily Disposal and Religion

Olivia Ministeri (Italy), Virtual cemeteries. A new way of grief processing?

Bogdan Neagota, Ileana Benga (Romania) Ritual Happening and Personal Experience Within the Narrative-Ceremonial Funerary Complex. Case Studies from Caras-Severin and Arges counties

Marinos Kachrilas (Greece), Self induced death as a means of preserving personal and social integrity in times of warfare.

Natasha Mihailovic (UK), ‘Attitudes Towards the Dead Body in Eighteenth Century England’

Olga Nesporova, (Czech Republic), New Phenomena: Roadside Memorials

Zdeněk R. Nešpor, (Czech Republic), Building of Crematoria in the Czech Republic: Social and Ideological Issue

Marianna Nitu (Romania), Commemorating the dead in space and time

Brian Parsons (UK), European Influences on the Development of Cremation in Great Britain

Andreea Pop (Romania), Forgotten Heritage of Memory and Commemoration - assemblies and funerary monuments in Romania

Florenţa Popescu-Simion (Romania), Crosses on the roads– Romanian marks of violent deaths in the public space

Cyril Schafer New Zealand & Paul Voninski (United States of America), Memorialisation on the Information Superhighway: Life, Death, and Remembrance in the Cloud

Christine Schlott (Germany), Undertaker in Leipzig (Germany) – Ritual Specialists in Secular Time

Irina Stahl (Romania), Les croix de la ville de Bucarest, Problèmes de sociologie religieuse

Josef Schovanec (Czech Republic), The East in the West: death and new religions – the example of Bahai faith and Theosophy

Adela Toplean (Romania), Crossroads Between Modern Death And Secular Sacred




Maria Xenaki (Greece), Grieving alone? Towards an understanding of the experience of bereaved single parents: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Lilia Zabolotnaia (Republic of Moldova), Aspects of the funeral rite in Terra Moldavia and of the Eastern Slavs after the testimony of foreign travelers (XVI-XVIII). A comparative approach.

Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic), Dying, death and funeral ceremonies of Austrian aristocracy in the 19th century Habsburg Monarchy. (On example of the Schwarzenberg family).

Julie Rugg (UK), Cemeteries and modernity: new narrative frameworks


Stefan Borbely (Romania), Death and Work. Or: Death by Work? A Classical Case Study: Marx

Constantin Bogdan (Romania), A complex approach and Therapy End of life - doctors, moral, social, spiritual - Palliative Care

luni, 24 mai 2010

Dying and Death conference - abstract proposals' evalution

Wednesday at the latest we will finish the evalution of the abstract proposals received for the third edition of our conference Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe which will be held at Ramet (Alba Iulia), between 3-5 of september 2010. After that in the same day I will post here on this blog the list of the accepted proposal for a presentation at our conference. So, stay here for news! Just a short notification for now: the majority of these abstract proposals have a high scientific level and these will be accepted at our conference!

joi, 20 mai 2010

A picture taken by me in Adevarul newspaper

Today the famous romanian newspaper Adevarul, having the largest circulation in Romania as a newpaper, published a picture taken by me into the Central Cemetery of Alba Iulia: http://www.adevarul.ro/actualitate/eveniment/Pagina_cititorului_0_264574089.html
This picture shows the crisis of the burial places in urban area of Romanian of nowadays.
First time I posted this picture on this blog *a burial place between corns!

miercuri, 19 mai 2010

Dying and Death III Conference - some news

I will attend at the Congres International d'etudes sur les Dances Macabre et l'art Macabre en General which will be held at Sibiu, Romania between 20 and 23 of May 2010. I will present a paper about the issues of cremation in Romania of nowadays. For this reason I have to postpone the evalution of the abstract proposals of the third edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference until the beginning of next week. We have received abstract proposal from 20 countries and this situation makes me to believe this edition of the conference will be the most extended edition on comparasion with the previous ones. Particulary I'm so very glad because the cremation topic of the conference will be covered very well. The most abstract proposals we received from Italy (9) and UK (6).
Also, Peter C. Jupp will attend at our conference but, unfortunately Tony Walter is not able to come because he is very busy. Hilary Grainger and Brian Parsons are also two very important researchers will come to Romania attending at the conference.

joi, 13 mai 2010


1. There are just two days until then you can send us abstract proposals for the third edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe: Refiguring Death Rites in Europe, which will be held at Ramet (Alba Iulia), between 3-5 of September 2010. Until now we have received abstract proposals from researchers from 12 countries! I'm very happy because we will have participants from "new" countries at our conference (Ukraine, Germany, USA, Kosovo, New Zeeland, Bulgaria and maybe Turcia and Denmark)!
2. I moved my list of the Famous Cremated Romanians on the Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association's website: http://www.incinerareamurg.ro/romani-celebri-care-au-fost-incinerati Until now I have identified about 700 famous romanians who prefered to be cremated!
3. Here is the website of XIVème CONGRÈS internationalD’ÉTUDES SUR LES DANSES MACABRES ET L’ART MACABRE EN GÉNÉRAL, SIBIU,TRANSYLVANIE (ROUMANIE)20 - 23 MAI 2010: http://imagomortis.ro/ (this is in french language)