1. Instructions for authors:
Papers are accepted only in English or French
Paper not exceeding 12,000 words
Please supply a short biographical note (50 words maximum) and information about your affiliation, postal address, and an email address.
Abstracts of not more than 200 words are required for all papers submitted.
Each paper should have 5 to 7 keywords
Style guidelines:
a).Page Format: B5, 2.5 cm above, below 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, header1.5 cm, footnote 1 cm portrait (except annexes necessary to use type) edges in the mirror, align the left-right, a row spacing, indentation of first lines1.25 cm, without using the Tab key.
b. Recommended fonts: Times New Roman or Garamond (12 p. fortext p. 10 for footnotes and annexes 11 p. for summary).
c. The title should be written in capitals and centred, followed by the nameauthor's (right-aligned).
d. Running titile written in italics and centred 11 p., will contain the nameauthor's (on p. para) and the study title (possibly shortened, the odd page).Page number will be put underground and centred.
e. Summary (abstract) will be placed at the end of the text and will be accompanied by a number of approx.
f. Annexes will be written in Word program under Windows, does not recognize text sent as image.
3. Illustration
Images must be of high quality jpg format., Bmp., Gif., Tiff. (Not allowed Xerox copies) and accompanied by explanations and sources of origin mentioning (Where applicable).
4. Drafting rules
a. Titles of books, studies, newspaper or magazine, mentioned in the text is written with italics.
b. To draw up quotations are used bold, not italics,marking the opening of their being made in accordance with the rules of punctuation in English
When the author wants to emphasize a few wordsthe quotation, use italic characters, followed by mention of [national] or [nn].
For citations in classical languages will use italics, without quotation marks.
c. footnotes are permitted only (orders placed by using Insert Reference, footnote), generally prepared in accordance with Academy Romanian, noting that it will use abbreviations for further Citation sources / books / articles, and not 'op. cit..
Examples of full citation:
National Archives Directorate Alba County, Alba Prefecture fund, no.84/1938, f. 22r (v).
Paul Johnson, A History of the Modern World 1920-2000, Bucharest, Humanitas, 2003, p. 84.
Nikolaus Boroffka, 'Observations on the discoveries of prehistoric amberRomania', in Apulum, XXXIX (2002), p. 147.
R.J.W. Evans, "Joseph II Habsburg and Nationality in the Land", in HM Scott ed.,Enlightened absolutism. Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-Century Europe, London,Macmillan, 1990, p. 209-219.
Examples of abbreviations:
DJAAN, prefecture, no. 76/1880, f. 2r (v).
Johnson, A History, p. 56.
Boroffka, Observations, p. 150.
Evans, Joseph II, p. 210.
The conference proceedings will be published as supplement of the journal
Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica (
http://istorie.uab.ro/publicatii/colectia_auash/auash_prezentare.html ). This journal is indexed in CEEOL (Central and Estern European Online Library) scientific international database (
http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/publicationlist.aspx ).
13th of October – deadline for sending us your full paper for conference proceedings (
mrotar2000@yahoo.com adriana.teodorescu@gmail.com )
Remember: not all the presentations will be published in the conference proceedings. If your paper will not follow the instructions for authors will not be published in the conference proceedings. Also, the editors of the proceedings have the right to reject some papers from the publication in the conference proceedings if those papers wouldn’t have a fit scientific content.
Please keep in your mind the
other deadlines of the conference:
10th of August – deadline for the confirmation of your presence at the conference (mrotar2000@yahoo.com)
20th of August – deadline for your payment (mrotar2000@yahoo.com)
2. As for the last two editions of
Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe (ABDD02 - 2009; ABDD03 - 2010), Romanian Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) will grant some funds for 2011 edition of the conference:
http://www.mct.ro/uploads/manifestari-stiintifice/site-listing-10-iunie.pdf I think this is a new sign of appreciation of
Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference here in Romania.