"Our soul is just an urn where we close, once and for all, the ashes of our lost passions !"

luni, 26 septembrie 2011

ABDD04 final program + instruction for authors + list of the participants + information regarding your transfer from airports


Thursday, 29th September 2011

8:00-14:00 Registration

Location: A9 Room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

9:30 -10:20 Opening Ceremony:

Location: A9 Room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Moise Ion Achim (Rector of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania)
Ion Dumitrel (President of Alba Council, Romania)

Gianfranco Fraccarollo (Centro Culturale Italiano “G.M. Visconti” Alba Iulia, Romania)
Hilary Grainger (London College of Fashion, UK)
Ilona Kempainen (University of Helsinki, Finlanda)
Ken Worpole (London Metropolitan University, UK)
Luigi Bartolomei (University of Bologna, Italy)
Victor Tudor Rosu (National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia, Romania)
Marius Rotar (“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania)

10:20-10:50 Art Exhibition – Alexandru Podea (Romania), Soul Fusion Metal Conference, presented by Diana Câmpan ( “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania)

Location: Apor Palace (Hall), “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

10:50 Coffee Break

Sessions: 11:00 -13:30

1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death

a. Folklore/Anthropology - chair: Helen Frisby (UK)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room

11:00-11:30 Evy Johanne Håland (Norway/Greece), When the dead ensure the food: Death and the regeneration of life through festivals, food and social gathering during the ritual year in ancient and modern Greece

11:30-12:00 Rasa Raciunaite-Pauzuoliene (Lithuania), Lithuanian Funeral Rites from Tradition to Modernity

12:00-12:30 Florin Gherasim, Leaha Mihai (Romania), The Tree of the Dead – a Bridge Between the Worlds. A video-anthropological exploration of a commemoration ritual from Transylvania.

12:30-13:00 Ilona Kemppainen (Finland), Finnish funeral customs in manners guides

13:00-13:30 Dorel Marc (Romania), La symbolique funéraire et l'identité culturelle dans la région multi-ethnique. Les comtés de Mures et Harghita

b. History - chair Erika Quinn (Germany)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senate Bureau Room)

11:00-11:30 Agnieszka Kowalska, Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Poland), Ancient Egyptian Burial Patterns Being Repeated – Mannerism or Specific Meaning of Death

11:30-12:00 Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic), Medicalization of Death at the Turn of the 18th to 19th Centuries. The moment of Death, apparent Death and Attitudes towards dead Body from the Point of View of the History of Medicine

12:00-12:30 Roxana Vasile (Romania), Death between Maniera Greca and Maniera Italiana in Wallachia at the Beginning of the 18th Century.

12:30-13:00 Laura Pop (Romania), Categories of death in Romanian rural world of the late 19th - early 20th century after parish registers in several villages from Mures county (Romania)

13:00-13:30 Mihai Chiper (Romania), The most famous Romanian affair of honour: Filipescu- Lahovary (1897). The implications of a deadly duel.

13:30-15:00 Lunch

Location Pub 13 Alba Iulia (offered by the Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association and the Romanian Association for Death Studies)

Sessions: 15:00-19:30

1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death

c. Literature, Theater, Music, Art, Philosophy - chair Stefan Borbely (Romania)

Location “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room

15:00-15:30 Eliza Ramona Dumitrescu (Romania), Des morts non-naturelles chez le père du naturalisme. Les images de la mort chez Émile Zola

15:30-16:00 Gevher Gökçe Acar (Turkey), Hermann Nitsch’s Performances Or About Death And The Symbolic Transformation Of Death Concept

16:00-16:30 Alexa Stoicescu (Romania), Suicide in the communist discourse. Aktionsgruppe Banat and Herta Müllers Herztier

16:30-17:00 Iuga Marcela Cristina (Romania), The Eternal Time In Fairytales (The Dissemination Of The Land Of Youth Theme In Various Cultures)

2. Suicide, euthanasia and the law - chair Maggie Jackson (UK)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace (Birou Senat Room)

15:00-15:30 Ken Worpole (UK), Can There Ever Be Dignity in Dying? The Ethical Debate about Assisted Dying in the UK

15:30-16:00 Dejan Donev (Macedonia), The Right To Live And The Right To Die As A Two Fundamental Bioethical And Thantological Values

16:00-16:30 Özhan Hancılar (Turkey), Suicide and Euthanasia under Turkish Law

16:30-17:00 Anna E. Kubiak (Poland), The Discourse of Biopower against Disturbances of the boundary between Life and Death

17:00-17:15 Coffee break

1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death

a. History - chair Rasa Raciunaite-Pauzuoliene (Lithuania)

Location 1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room

17:15-17:45 Helen Frisby (UK), Widows, grief and mourning in Victorian England

17:45-18:15 Claudia Ionescu (Romania), Victorian Memento Mori: From Post-morthem Photography to Mourning Jewelry

18:15-18:45 Erika Quinn (Germany), German Widows of the First World War: Between Rage and Repression

18:45-19:15 Audun Kjus (Norway), Death and the Boogeyman

2. End of life and palliative care - chair Ken Worpole (UK);

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Birou Senat Room)

17:15-17:45 Cristina Speranza Maria, Medina Bordea (Romania), The Psychologist’s Role in Palliative Cares

17:45-18:15 Zaklina Trajkovska Ancevska, Daniela Tasevska (Macedonia), End of life and palliative care

18:15-18:45 Cornelia Miclea (Germany), Handicapped People Die, too

18:45-19:15 Olivia Ministeri (Italy), Self mutual help groups for people in grief in their recent online dimension

20:00-21:00 Dinner

Location: Preciosa Restaurant Alba Iulia


Karaoke Party (optional)

Location: Preciosa Restaurant Alba Iulia

Friday 30th September

Sessions: 9:00-11:00

3. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century; chair Evy Johanne Håland (Norway/Greece)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Sala Senat Room)

9:00-9:30 Maggie Jackson (UK), Digital reconstruction and the “durable biography

9:30-10:00 Federica Manfredi (Italy), Mourir en tant que migrant. Tanatopolitiques et tanatopratiques dans le contexte de la migration dans l'Italie contemporaine

10:00-10.30 Josef Schovanec (France), Is death merely optional? The growing trend of cryonics as a new funerary ritual

10:30-11:00 Anna Davidsson Bremborg (Sweden), Home memorials and home rituals

5 . Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation;

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senate Room)

a. Cemeteries chair Hilary Grainger (UK):

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room

9:00-9:30 Agita Misane (Latvia), The Dead at My Table: „Cemetery Festivals” in Latvia

9:30-10:00 Luca Prestia (Italy), An Historical Analysis of Seven Cemeteries in the Northern-Western Italy

c. Literature, Theater, Music, Art, Philosophy (the next two presentations are combined), chair Hilary Grainger (UK)

10:00-10.30 Ioana Moldovan (Romania), Staging Death

10: 30-11:00 Anna G. Piotrowska (Poland), Commemorating death in European artistic music
Coffee break


Sessions: 11:15-13,30

4. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century; chair Udi Lebel (Israel)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Birou Senat Room)

11:15-11:45 Kornelia Sammet / Franz Erhard (Germany), The Observation of the Unobservable: Ideas of Afterlife in a Sociological Perspective

11:45-12:15 Adriana Teodorescu (Romania), The Structure and the Deconstruction of the Symbolic Immortality through Children. A Thanatological Perspective

12:15-12:45 Luigi Bartolomei (Italy), Common tendencies toward minimalist architecture and archetypical symbols in contemporary Funeral Houses.

12:45-13:15 Malgorzata Zawila (Poland), The „politics of death” and the „religion of Smoleńsk” – new or old phenomena occurring in the media discourse in Poland in one year after the flight crash in Smolensk 2010

13:15-13:45 Radoslaw Sierocki (Poland), Religion, Nation, Media. National Mourning in Poland After 1989

5. Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation;

b. Cremations and Crematoria chair Piero Passini (Italy)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senat Room)

11:15-11:45 Hilary Grainger (UK), ‘Old for New’: Sandwell Valley Crematorium, West Midlands, UK and its Architect, Martin Critchell

11:45-12:15 Marius Rotar (Romania), European Echoes into the Romanian Cremationist Movement

12:15-12:45 Orsolya Kereszty (Hungary), A social movement for cremation in Hungary in the Dual Monarchy

12:45-13:15 Lajos Hodi (Hungary), On Cremation in Hungary of nowadays

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room

13:45-15:00 Lunch

Restaurant of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Sessions 15,00-17:00

4. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century chair Malgorzata Zawila (Poland)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senate Bureau Room)

15:00-15:30 Dragos Cargica (Romania), The Meanings of the Archangel Mihail Legion’s Martyrs in post1989 Romania

15:30-16:00 Aleksandra Drzał-Sierocka (Poland), Disease as the process of dying. Cultural images of AIDS at the turn of 20th and 21st century

16:00-16:30 Udi Lebel (Israel), Penetrating National pantheon: Hierarchy and Borders of Bereavement and the Right to Commemoration

16:30 -17:00 Lorenz Graitl (Germany), Criminal Martyrs: The peril and power of self-sacrifice

2. Suicide, euthanasia and the law - chair Cristina Maria Speranza (Romania)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senate Bureau Room)

15:00-15:30 Arja Ryhänen (Finland), “I gave you wings, but I could not help the winds”
Child’s suicide experienced by parents in 1995-2009, Finland

15:30-16:00 Claudiu Stefani (Romania), Economic and social developments influence on suicide rates in Romania between 1990-2010. A retest of Emile Durkheim's theory

16:00-16:30 Daniela Tasevska, Lidija Pavleska, Zaklina Trajkovska Anceska (Macedonia), Suicide, prevention and moral valuation

16:30 -17:00 Sebastian Bartos (Romania), Queering Death: Dying and Mourning in the Gay Community

18:30 Departure to Bucerdea Vinoasa

Dinner (Traditional Romanian Meal)

Bucerdea Vinoasa – Tradition Group

Saturday October 1st

Sessions: 8,30-11,30

1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death

a. Folklore/Anthropology, chair Ilona Kemppainen (Finland)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Sala Senat Room)

8:30-9:00 Bożena Józefów –Czerwińska (Poland), Perceptions of Death and the Deceased in Polish Folk Culture

9:30-10:00 Constantin Bogdan (Romania), Strange Funeral Rituals: The Beauty Of Death And Funeral Feast

10:00-10:30 Olimbi Velaj (Albania), Meaning of death in Albanian Folk Ballads

10:030-11:00 Gabriel Roman (Romania), Death in a "traditional" Roma Community in the third Millennium : Kalderash of Zanea, county of Iasi

11:00-11:30 Asztalos Ioan (Romania), The Grim Reaper in Western and Eastern filmography between the 19th and 21st centuries.

b. History, chair Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senat Room)

8:30-9:00 Éva Kósa (Hungary), Death and dying as war experience in the war-diary Doberdo. The Book of a Honvéd (Hungarian soldier) Officer from the Isonzo Front of István Szabó

9:00-9:30 Kathrin Linnemann (Germany), Death in Cracow

9:30-10:00 Piero Pasini (Italy), Relic of the Nation. Mourning the Martyrs in Venice during the Italian Resurgence (June 1867)

10:00-10:30 Olga Gradinaru (Romania), V.I. Lenin – History of a Political Relic

10:30-11:00 Noémi Tünde Farkas (Hungary), Thoughts on dying and suicide at the turn of the 18-19th Century

11:00-11:30 Manca Erzetič (Slovenia), Dying and Death At War - Concentration Zone: The Place Of (‘‘Special’’) Dying

11.30: Coffe break

Sessions: 12,00-14: 30

d. Religion and the Meaning of Death, chair Kornelia Sammet (Germany); Marina Sozzi (Italy)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Birou Senat Room)

12:00-12:30 Ana Maria Roman-Negoi, Ioan Cristinel Roman-Negoi (Romania), The judgment before the Last Judgment. An analysis of the types of resurrected and punished persons during the Last Judgment, as depicted in the Romanian Orthodox Church paintings

12:30-13:00 Franziska Rehlinghaus ( Germany), The clericalisation of protestant funeral ceremonies in 19th century Germany: from silent burials to mourning acts

13:00-13:30 Corneliu Simut (Romania), Understanding Death beyond Religion in the Thought of John Shelby Spong

13:30-14:00 Emil Jurcan (Romania), Orthodox Confession and the Issues of Thanatology: A Comparison View

14:00-14:30 Gudor Botond (Romania), Death in the Protestant Theological Discourse in the 18th Transylvania: Peter Bod’s case

c. Literature, Theater, Music, Art, Philosophy, chair Josef Schovanec (France)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senat Room)

12:00-12:30 Golie Talaie (The Netherlands), Post-Mortem Photography now

12:30-13:00 Oana Stanculescu (Romania), Death and its different approaches in Romanticism

13:00-13:30 İlker Özçelik Selcuk Senturk (Turkey), Characters' Longing for Death in Sameul Beckett's Waiting for Godot"

13:30-14:00 Stefan Borbely (Romania), Death and Work. Or: Death by Work? A Classical Case Study: Marx

14:00-14:30 Ramona Simut (Romania), Death as a Surprise in the Literature of 18th and 19th Century Romanticism

14:30-15:45 Lunch
Restaurant of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia


Visit of Alba Iulia Fortress


Stradivarius Violin Concerto: Alexandru Tomescu (Romania)

Location Catedrala Romano Catolica Alba Iulia (Catholics Cathedral Alba Iulia) (there are limited places at this concert – 43 places, if you want to attend at please contact urgently registration desk in Thursday Morning)


Hotel Parc, Alba Iulia (offered by Centro Culturale Italiano “G.M. Visconti” (Alba Iulia)

2. Instructions for authors:

Papers are accepted only in English or French
Paper not exceeding 12,000 words
Please supply a short biographical note (50 words maximum) and information about your affiliation, postal address, and an email address.
Abstracts of not more than 200 words are required for all papers submitted.
Each paper should have 5 to 7 keywords

Style guidelines:

a).Page Format: B5, 2.5 cm above, below 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, header1.5 cm, footnote 1 cm portrait (except annexes necessary to use type) edges in the mirror, align the left-right, a row spacing, indentation of first lines1.25 cm, without using the Tab key.
b. Recommended fonts: Times New Roman or Garamond (12 p. fortext p. 10 for footnotes and annexes 11 p. for summary).
c. The title should be written in capitals and centered, followed by the nameauthor's (right-aligned).
d. Running title written in italics and centred 11 p., will contain the nameauthor's (on p. para) and the study title (possibly shortened, the odd page).Page number will be put underground and centred.
e. Summary (abstract) will be placed at the end of the text and will be accompanied by a number of approx.
f. Annexes will be written in Word program under Windows, does not recognize text sent as image.
3. Illustration
Images must be of high quality jpg format., Bmp., Gif., Tiff. (Not allowed Xerox copies) and accompanied by explanations and sources of origin mentioning (Where applicable).

4. Drafting rules
a. Titles of books, studies, newspaper or magazine, mentioned in the text is written with italics.
b. To draw up quotations are used bold, not italics,marking the opening of their being made in accordance with the rules of punctuation in English
When the author wants to emphasize a few wordsthe quotation, use italic characters, followed by mention of [national] or [nn].
For citations in classical languages will use italics, without quotation marks.
c. footnotes are permitted only (orders placed by using Insert Reference, footnote), generally prepared in accordance with Academy Romanian, noting that it will use abbreviations for further Citation sources / books / articles, and not 'op. cit..

Examples of full citation:

National Archives Directorate Alba County, Alba Prefecture fund, no.84/1938, f. 22r (v).
Paul Johnson, A History of the Modern World 1920-2000, Bucharest, Humanitas, 2003, p. 84.
Nikolaus Boroffka, 'Observations on the discoveries of prehistoric amber Romania', in Apulum, XXXIX (2002), p. 147.
R.J.W. Evans, "Joseph II Habsburg and Nationality in the Land", in HM Scott ed.,Enlightened absolutism. Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-Century Europe, London,Macmillan, 1990, p. 209-219.

Examples of abbreviations:

DJAAN, prefecture, no. 76/1880, f. 2r (v).
Johnson, A History, p. 56.
Boroffka, Observations, p. 150.
Evans, Joseph II, p. 210.

The conference proceedings will be published as supplement of the journal Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica (http://istorie.uab.ro/publicatii/colectia_auash/auash_prezentare.html ). This journal is indexed in CEEOL (Central and Estern European Online Library) scientific international database (http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/publicationlist.aspx ).

Deadline: 13th of October – deadline for sending us your full paper for conference proceedings (mrotar2000@yahoo.com adriana.teodorescu@gmail.com )

Remember: not all the presentations will be published in the conference proceedings. If your paper will not follow the instructions for authors will not be published in the conference proceedings. Also, the editors of the proceedings have the right to reject some papers from the publication in the conference proceedings if those papers wouldn’t have a fit scientific content.

Useful Phones and Address:

“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Alba Iulia, Gabriel Bethlen street, nr.5


Hotel Cetate

Alba Iulia, Unirii street, nr.3


Marius Rotar



  1. Evy Johanne Håland (Norway/Greece)
  2. Rasa Raciunaite-Pauzuoliene (Lithuania)
  3. Leaha Mihai (Romania)
  4. Florin Gherasim (Romania)
  5. Ilona Kemppainen (Finland)
  6. Dorel Marc (Romania)
  7. Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Poland)
  8. Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic)
  9. Roxana Vasile (Romania)
  10. Laura Pop (Romania)
  11. Mihai Chiper (Romania)
  12. Eliza Ramona Dumitrescu (Romania)
  13. Gevher Gökçe Acar (Turkey)
  14. Alexa Stoicescu (Romania)
  15. Iuga Marcela Cristina (Romania)
  16. Ken Worpole (UK)
  17. Dejan Donev (Macedonia)
  18. Özhan Hancılar (Turkey)
  19. Anna E. Kubiak (Poland)
  20. Helen Frisby (UK)
  21. Claudia Ionescu (Romania)
  22. Erika Quinn (Germany)
  23. Audun Kjus (Norway)
  24. Cristina Speranza Maria (Romania)
  25. Medina Bordea (Romania)
  26. Daniela Tasevska (Macedonia)
  27. Cornelia Miclea (Germany)
  28. Olivia Ministeri (Italy)
  29. Maggie Jackson (UK)
  30. Federica Manfredi (Italy)
  31. Josef Schovanec (France)
  32. Anna Davidsson Bremborg (Sweden)
  33. Agita Misane (Latvia)
  34. Luca Prestia (Italy)
  35. Ioana Moldovan (Romania)
  36. Anna G. Piotrowska (Poland)
  37. Kornelia Sammet (Germany)
  38. Franz Erhard (Germany)
  39. Adriana Teodorescu (Romania)
  40. Luigi Bartolomei (Italy)
  41. Malgorzata Zawila (Poland)
  42. Radoslaw Sierocki (Poland)
  43. Hilary Grainger (UK)
  44. Marius Rotar (Romania)
  45. Orsolya Kereszty (Hungary)
  46. Lajos Hodi (Hungary)
  47. Dragos Cargica (Romania)
  48. Aleksandra Drzał-Sierocka (Poland)
  49. Udi Lebel (Israel)
  50. Marina Sozzi (Italy)
  51. Lorenz Graitl (Germany)
  52. Arja Ryhänen (Finland)
  53. Claudiu Stefani (Romania)
  54. Mihaela Vlad (Romania)
  55. Daniela Tasevska (Macedonia)
  56. Bożena Józefów –Czerwińska (Poland)
  57. Constantin Bogdan (Romania)
  58. Olimbi Velaj (Albania)
  59. Gabriel Roman (Romania)
  60. Asztalos Ioan (Romania)
  61. Éva Kósa (Hungary)
  62. Kathrin Linnemann (Germany)
  63. Piero Pasini (Italy)
  64. Olga Gradinaru (Romania)
  65. Noémi Tünde Farkas (Hungary)
  66. Manca Erzetič (Slovenia)
  67. Ana Maria Roman-Negoi (Romania)
  68. Ioan Cristinel Roman-Negoi (Romania)
  69. Franziska Rehlinghaus ( Germany)
  70. Corneliu Simut (Romania)
  71. Emil Jurcan (Romania)
  72. Gudor Botond (Romania)
  73. Golie Talaie (The Netherlands)
  74. Oana Stanculescu (Romania)
  75. İlker Özçelik (Turkey)
  76. Selcuk Senturk (Turkey)
  77. Stefan Borbely (Romania)
  78. Ramona Simut (Romania)
  79. Cosmin Bodrean (Romania)
  80. Mihaela Bodrean (Romania)
  81. Corina Rotar (Romania)
  82. Timo Uusitalo (Finland)
  83. Constantin Musescu (Romania)
  84. Lucian Teodorescu (Romania)
  85. Alexandru Podea (Romania)


Regarding your transfer from Cluj Napoca airport and Sibiu airport to Alba Iulia we provide two buses for this. These buses will be arrived to these airports on Wednesday 28th of September at 5 p.m. Also, for your departures from Alba Iulia to Cluj Napoca and Sibiu airport the same buses will be gone on October 2 at 8 a.m. from Hotel Cetate in Alba Iulia.

If you wish to not wait for these buses there are many possibilities to come from Cluj Napoca or Sibiu to Alba Iulia:

By train:

Sibiu – Alba Iulia (direct)

Train nr. 2413 departure 12,43 – arrival 15,11

Train nr. 2443 departures 15,51 – arrival 18,42

Alba Iulia – Sibiu

Train nr. 2441 departure 6, 24 – arrival 9,17

Train nr. 2414 departures 11,38 – arrival 14,05

Cluj Napoca – Alba Iulia

Train nr. 3612 departure 12,05 – arrival 14,56

Train nr. 1832 departure 14,05 – arrival 17.07

Train nr. 1828 departure 17,35 – arrival 19,51

Train nr. 1818 departure 17,53 – arrival 20.08

Train nr. 1924 departure 22,47 – arrival 1,00

Alba Iulia – Cluj

Train nr. departure 2,40 – arrival 4,50

Train nr. departure 2,49 - arrival 5,03

Train nr. departure 5,21 – arrival 7,31

Train nr. departure 6,43 – arrival 8,58

Train nr. departure 10,56 – arrival 13,10

For more information please visit: http://www.mersultrenurilor.ro

By bus

Here are the possible connections Cluj Napoca –Alba Iulia: http://www.autogari.ro/Transport/Cluj_Napoca-Alba_Iulia/15794-1.aspx?zi=2011-09-28

and Alba Iulia – Cluj: http://www.autogari.ro/Transport/Alba_Iulia-Cluj_Napoca/1-15794.aspx?zi=2011-10-02

Remember: for the transfer from Cluj Napoca airport and Sibiu airport to Cluj Napoca Central Station and Sibiu Central Station you must take the taxi!

vineri, 23 septembrie 2011

Program ABDD04 - Draft


Thursday, 29th September 2011

8:00-14:00 Registration

Location: A9 Room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

9:30 -10:20 Opening Ceremony:

Location: A9 Room, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Moise Ion Achim (Rector of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia)
Ion Dumitrel (President of Alba Council, Romania)
Marina Sozzi (Ariodante Fabretti Foundation, Universita degli Studi, Turin, Italy)
Hilary Grainger (London College of Fashion, UK)
Ilona Kempainen (University of Helsinki, Finlanda)
Ken Worpole (London Metropolitan University, UK)
Luigi Bartolomei (University of Bologna, Italy)
Corina Rotar ( “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania)
Marius Rotar (“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania)

10:20-10:50 Art Exhibition – Alexandru Podea (Romania), Soul Fusion Metal Conference
Location: Apor Palace (Hall), “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

10:50 Coffee Break

Sessions: 11:00 -13:30

1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death

a. Folklore/Anthropology - chair: Helen Frisby (UK)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room

11:00-11:30 Evy Johanne Håland (Norway/Greece), When the dead ensure the food: Death and the regeneration of life through festivals, food and social gathering during the ritual year in ancient and modern Greece

11:30-12:00 Stefan Dorondel, Stelu Serban (Romania), Between the Worlds: Witches, Healers, Dead, and Social Security in Southeast Europe

12:00-12:30 Leaha Mihai (Romania), The Tree of the Dead – a Bridge Between the Worlds. A video-anthropological exploration of a commemoration ritual from Transylvania.

12:30-13:00 Ilona Kemppainen (Finland), Finnish funeral customs in manners guides

13:00-13:30 Dorel Marc (Romania), La symbolique funéraire et l'identité culturelle dans la région multi-ethnique. Les comtés de Mures et Harghita

b. History - chair Marina Sozzi (Italy)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senate Bureau Room)

11:00-11:30 Agnieszka Kowalska, Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Poland), Ancient Egyptian Burial Patterns Being Repeated – Mannerism or Specific Meaning of Death

11:30-12:00 Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic), Medicalization of Death at the Turn of the 18th to 19th Centuries. The moment of Death, apparent Death and Attitudes towards dead Body from the Point of View of the History of Medicine

12:00-12:30 Roxana Vasile (Romania), Death between Maniera Greca and Maniera Italiana in Wallachia at the Beginning of the 18th Century.

12:30-13:00 Laura Pop (Romania), Categories of death in Romanian rural world of the late 19th - early 20th century after parish registers in several villages from Mures county (Romania)

13:00-13:30 Mihai Chiper (Romania), The most famous Romanian affair of honour: Filipescu- Lahovary (1897). The implications of a deadly duel.

13:30-15:00 Lunch

Location Pub 13 Alba Iulia (offered by the Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association and the Romanian Association for Death Studies)

Sessions: 15:00-19:30

1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death

c. Literature, Theater, Music, Art, Philosophy - chair Stefan Borbely (Romania)

Location 1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room

15:00-15:30 Eliza Ramona Dumitrescu (Romania), Des morts non-naturelles chez le père du naturalisme. Les images de la mort chez Émile Zola

15:30-16:00 Gevher Gökçe Acar (Turkey), Hermann Nitsch’s Performances Or About Death And The Symbolic Transformation Of Death Concept

16:00-16:30 Alexa Stoicescu (Romania), Suicide in the communist discourse. Aktionsgruppe Banat and Herta Müllers Herztier

16:30-17:00 Iuga Marcela Cristina (Romania), The Eternal Time In Fairytales (The Dissemination Of The Land Of Youth Theme In Various Cultures)

2. Suicide, euthanasia and the law - chair Maggie Jackson (UK)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace (Birou Senate Room)

15:00-15:30 Ken Worpole (UK), Can There Ever Be Dignity in Dying? The Ethical Debate about Assisted Dying in the UK

15:30-16:00 Dejan Donev (Macedonia), The Right To Live And The Right To Die As A Two Fundamental Bioethical And Thantological Values

16:00-16:30 Özhan Hancılar (Turkey), Suicide and Euthanasia under Turkish Law

16:30-17:00 Anna E. Kubiak (Poland), The Discourse of Biopower against Disturbances of the boundary between Life and Death

17:00-17:15 Coffee break

1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death

a. History - chair Stefan Dorondel (Romania)

Location 1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, A9 Room

17:15-17:45 Helen Frisby (UK), Widows, grief and mourning in Victorian England

17:45-18:15 Claudia Ionescu (Romania), Victorian Memento Mori: From Post-morthem Photography to Mourning Jewelry

18:15-18:45 Erika Quinn (Germany), German Widows of the First World War: Between Rage and Repression

18:45-19:15 Audun Kjus (Norway), Death and the Boogeyman

19:15-19:45 Bogdan Ceobanu (Romania), Comemorating the heroes: twenty-five years from the Romanian Independance war

2. End of life and palliative care - chair Ken Worpole (UK);

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Birou Senat Room)

17:15-17:45 Cristina Speranza Maria, Medina Bordea (Romania), The Psychologist’s Role in Palliative Cares

17:45-18:15 Zaklina Trajkovska Ancevska, Daniela Tasevska (Macedonia), End of life and palliative care

18:15-18:45 Cornelia Miclea (Germany), Handicapped People Die, too

18:45-19:15 Olivia Ministeri (Italy), Self mutual help groups for people in grief in their recent online dimension

20:00-21:00 Dinner

Location: Preciosa Restaurant Alba Iulia


Karaoke Party (optional)

Location: Preciosa Restaurant Alba Iulia

Friday 30th September

Sessions: 9:00-11:00

3. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century ; Evy Johanne Håland (Norway/Greece)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Sala Senat Room)

9:00-9:30 Maggie Jackson (UK), Digital reconstruction and the “durable biography

9:30-10:00 Federica Manfredi (Italy), Mourir en tant que migrant. Tanatopolitiques et tanatopratiques dans le contexte de la migration dans l'Italie contemporaine

10:00-10.30Josef Schovanec (France), Is death merely optional? The growing trend of cryonics as a new funerary ritual

10:30-11:00 Anna Davidsson Bremborg (Sweden), Home memorials and home rituals

5 . Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation;

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senate Room)

a. Cemeteries chair Hilary Grainger (UK):

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room

9:00-9:30 Agita Misane (Latvia), The Dead at My Table: „Cemetery Festivals” in Latvia

9:30-10:00 Luca Prestia (Italy), An Historical Analysis of Seven Cemeteries in the Northern-Western Italy

10:00-10.30 Cosmina Berindei (Romania), Cemetery between "place of memory" and space for manifestation of a community crisis. Case study: Rosia Montana

10:30-11:00 Alina Felea (Republic of Moldova), L'histoire du cimetière arménien à Chisinau

Coffee break


Sessions: 11:15-13,30

4. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century; chair Udi Lebel (Israel)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Birou Senat Room)

11:15-11:45 Kornelia Sammet / Franz Erhard (Germany), The Observation of the Unobservable: Ideas of Afterlife in a Sociological Perspective

11:45-12:15 Adriana Teodorescu (Romania), The Structure and the Deconstruction of the Symbolic Immortality through Children. A Thanatological Perspective

12:15-12:45 Luigi Bartolomei (Italy), Common tendencies toward minimalist architecture and archetypical symbols in contemporary Funeral Houses.

12:45-13:15 Malgorzata Zawila (Poland), The „politics of death” and the „religion of Smoleńsk” – new or old phenomena occurring in the media discourse in Poland in one year after the flight crash in Smolensk 2010

13:15-13:45 Radoslaw Sierocki (Poland), Religion, Nation, Media. National Mourning in Poland After 1989

5. Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation;

b. Cremations and Crematoria chair Piero Passini (Italy)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senat Room)

11:15-11:45 Hilary Grainger (UK), ‘Old for New’: Sandwell Valley Crematorium, West Midlands, UK and its Architect, Martin Critchell

11:45-12:15 Marius Rotar (Romania), European Echoes into the Romanian Cremationist Movement

12:15-12:45 Orsolya Kereszty (Hungary), A social movement for cremation in Hungary in the Dual Monarchy

12:45-13:15 Lajos Hodi (Hungary), On Cremation in Hungary of nowadays

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room

13:45-15:00 Lunch

Restaurant of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia

Sessions 15,00-18:00

4. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century chair Malgorzata Zawila (Poland)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senate Bureau Room)

15:00-15:30 Dragos Cargica (Romania), The Meanings of the Archangel Mihail Legion’s Martyrs in post1989 Romania

15:30-16:00 Aleksandra Drzał-Sierocka (Poland), Disease as the process of dying. Cultural images of AIDS at the turn of 20th and 21st century

16:00-16:30 Udi Lebel (Israel), Enforced Private Grief: National Hierarchy of Bereavement and the Glocalization of Loss

16:30 -17:00 Lorenz Graitl (Germany), Criminal Martyrs: The peril and power of self-sacrifice

17:00 -17:30 Ioana Moldovan (Romania), Staging Death

17:30-18:00 Anna G. Piotrowska (Poland), Commemorating death in European artistic music

2. Suicide, euthanasia and the law - chair Cristina Maria Speranza (Romania)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senate Bureau Room)

15:00-15:30 Arja Ryhänen (Finland), “I gave you wings, but I could not help the winds”
Child’s suicide experienced by parents in 1995-2009, Finland

15:30-16:00 Claudiu Stefani (Romania), Economic and social developments influence on suicide rates in Romania between 1990-2010. A retest of Emile Durkheim's theory

16:00-16:30 Daniela Tasevska, Lidija Pavleska, Zaklina Trajkovska Anceska (Macedonia), Suicide, prevention and moral valuation

16:30 -17:00 Sebastian Bartos (Romania), Queering Death: Dying and Mourning in the Gay Community

18:30 Departure to Bucerdea Vinoasa

Dinner (Traditional Romanian Meal)

Bucerdea Vinoasa – Tradition Group

Saturday Otober 1st

Sessions: 8,30-11,30

1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death

a. Folklore/Anthropology, chair Ilona Kemppainen (Finland)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Sala Senat Room)

8:30-9:00 Bożena Józefów –Czerwińska (Poland), Perceptions of Death and the Deceased in Polish Folk Culture

9:00-9:30 Rasa Raciunaite-Pauzuoliene (Lithuania), Lithuanian Funeral Rites from Tradition to Modernity

9:30-10:00 Constantin Bogdan (Romania), Strange Funeral Rituals: The Beauty Of Death And Funeral Feast

10:30-11:00 Olimbi Velaj (Albania), Meaning of death in Albanian Folk Ballads

11:00-11:30 Gabriel Roman (Romania), Death in a "traditional" Roma Community in the third Millennium : Kalderash of Zanea, county of Iasi

11:00-11:30 Asztalos Ioan (Romania), The Grim Reaper in Western and Eastern filmography between the 19th and 21st centuries.

b. History, chair Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senat Room)

8:30-9:00 Éva Kósa (Hungary), Death and dying as war experience in the war-diary Doberdo. The Book of a Honvéd (Hungarian soldier) Officer from the Isonzo Front of István Szabó

9:00-9:30 Kathrin Linnemann (Germany), Death in Cracow

9:30-10:00 Piero Pasini (Italy), Relic of the Nation. Mourning the Martyrs in Venice during the Italian Resurgence (June 1867)

10:00-10:30 Olga Gradinaru (Romania), V.I. Lenin – History of a Political Relic

10:30-11:00 Noémi Tünde Farkas (Hungary), Thoughts on dying and suicide at the turn of the 18-19th Century

11:00-11:30 Manca Erzetič (Slovenia), Dying and Death At War - Concentration Zone: The Place Of (‘‘Special’’) Dying

11.30: Coffe break

Sessions: 12,00-14: 30

d. Religion and the Meaning of Death, chair Franz Erhard (Germany)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Birou Senat Room)

12:00-12:30 Ana Maria Roman-Negoi, Ioan Cristinel Roman-Negoi (Romania), The judgment before the Last Judgment. An analysis of the types of resurrected and punished persons during the Last Judgment, as depicted in the Romanian Orthodox Church paintings

12:30-13:00 Franziska Rehlinghaus ( Germany), The clericalisation of protestant funeral ceremonies in 19th century Germany: from silent burials to mourning acts

13:00-13:30 Corneliu Simut (Romania), Understanding Death beyond Religion in the Thought of John Shelby Spong

13:30-14:00 Emil Jurcan (Romania), Orthodox Confession and the Issues of Thanatology: A Comparison View

14:00-14:30 Gudor Botond (Romania), Death in the Protestant Theological Discourse in the 18th Transylvania: Peter Bod’s case

c. Literature, Theater, Music, Art, Philosophy, chair Josef Schovanec (France)

Location: “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Apor Palace Room (Senat Room)

12:00-12:30 Golie Talaie (The Netherlands), Post-Mortem Photography now

12:30-13:00 Oana Stanculescu (Romania), Death and its different approaches in Romanticism

13:00-13:30 İlker ÖZÇELİK Selcuk SENTURK (Turkey), Characters' Longing for Death in Sameul Beckett's Waiting for Godot"

13:30-14:00 Stefan Borbely (Romania), Death and Work. Or: Death by Work? A Classical Case Study: Marx

14:00-14:30 Ramona Simut (Romania), Death as a Surprise in the Literature of 18th and 19th Century Romanticism

14:30-15:45 Lunch
Restaurant of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia


Visit of Alba Iulia Fortress


Hotel Parc, Alba Iulia (offered by Centro Culturale Italiano “G.M. Visconti” (Alba Iulia)
If you wish to change your day and time presentation please urgently email me at mrotar2000@yahoo.com
The final program of ABDD04 will be post here on Monday morning.

joi, 22 septembrie 2011

miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011

ABDD04 information

1. All the participants at ABDD04 will have their acoomodation ( single and double rooms + breakfest) at Hotel Cetate in Alba Iulia: http://www.hotel.cetate.tourneo.ro/F_New . It's the same hotel as the previous edition of the conference. The location of the hotel is CETATE HOTEL, Alba Iulia, Romania - 3 Unirii Street, phone: +4.0258.815.833 +4.0258.831.501
2. We will organize the trip conference at Bucerdea Vinoasa at a wine cellar, taking a romanian traditional meal. Here it is the link to this wine cellar:
3. I hope on Friday the final programme of ABDD04 by time, chairmen, the conference rooms, the location of meals and dinners to be post here! Also, very soon I will post here information for your aiport transfer to Alba Iulia.

joi, 15 septembrie 2011

Draft of the confirmed papers at ABDD04 + INFORMATION


Opening Ceremony:


Moise Ion Achim (President of “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia)

Ion Dumitrel (President of Alba Council, Romania)

Marina Sozzi (Ariodante Fabretti Foundation, Universita degli Studi, Turin, Italy)

Hilary Grainger (London College of Fashion, UK)

Ilona Kempainen (University of Helsinki, Finlanda)

Ken Worpole (London Metropolitan University, UK)

Adriana Teodorescu (“Babes Boylai” University of Cluj Napoca, the Romanian Association for Death Studies, Romania)

Cosmin Bodrean (Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association, Romania)

Marius Rotar (“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania)

Art Exhibition – Alexandru Podea (Romania), Soul Fusion Metal Conference


1. Humanistic Perspectives on Dying and Death (at this session some presentations could be combined)

a. Folklore/Anthropology

Evy Johanne Håland (Norway/Greece), When the dead ensure the food: Death and the regeneration of life through festivals, food and social gathering during the ritual year in ancient and modern Greece

Stefan Dorondel, Stelu Serban (Romania), Between the Worlds: Witches, Healers, Dead, and Social Security in Southeast Europe

Bożena Józefów –Czerwińska (Poland), Perceptions of Death and the Deceased in Polish Folk Culture

Ilona Kemppainen (Finland), Finnish funeral customs in manners guides

Audun Kjus (Norway), Death and the Boogeyman

Dorel Marc (Romania), La symbolique funéraire et l'identité culturelle dans la région multi-ethnique. Les comtés de Mures et Harghita

Leaha Mihai (Romania), The Tree of the Dead – a Bridge Between the Worlds. A video-anthropological exploration of a commemoration ritual from Transylvania.

Constantin Bogdan (Romania), Strange Funeral Rituals: The Beauty Of Death And Funeral Feast

Olimbi Velaj (Albania), Meaning of death in Albanian Folk Ballads

Adriana Cupcea (Romania), Contemporary funeral ritual at the Turks in Dobrudja, Romania

Gabriel Roman (Romania), Death in a "traditional" Roma Community in the third Millennium : Kalderash of Zanea, county of Iasi

b. History

Agnieszka Kowalska, Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Poland), Ancient Egyptian Burial Patterns Being Repeated – Mannerism or Specific Meaning of Death

Éva Kósa (Hungary), Death and dying as war experience in the war-diary Doberdo. The Book of a Honvéd (Hungarian soldier) Officer from the Isonzo Front of István Szabó

Roxana Vasile (Romania), Death between Maniera Greca and Maniera Italiana in Wallachia at the Beginning of the 18th Century.

Helen Frisby (UK), Widows, grief and mourning in Victorian England

Claudia Ionescu (Romania), Victorian Memento Mori: From Post-morthem Photography to Mourning Jewelry

Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic), Medicalization of Death at the Turn of the 18th to 19th Centuries. The moment of Death, apparent Death and Attitudes towards dead Body from the Point of View of the History of Medicine

Laura Pop (Romania), Categories of death in Romanian rural world of the late 19th - early 20th century after parish registers in several villages from Mures county (Romania)

Monica Muresan (Romania), The Modern State and the Issues of Mortality. Romanian Legislation Regarding Burials and Cemeteries in the 19th and Early 20th Century

Kathrin Linnemann (Germany), Death in Cracow

Piero Pasini (Italy), Relic of the Nation. Mourning the Martyrs in Venice during the Italian Resurgence (June 1867)

Bogdan Ceobanu (Romania), Comemorating the heroes: twenty-five years from the Romanian Independance war

Mihai Chiper (Romania), The most famous Romanian affair of honour: Filipescu- Lahovary (1897). The implications of a deadly duel.

Noémi Tünde Farkas (Hungary), Thoughts on dying and suicide at the turn of the 18-19th Century

Manca Erzetič (Slovenia), Dying and Death At War - Concentration Zone: The Place Of (‘‘Special’’) Dying

Erika Quinn (Germany), German Images of War Widows: Trying to navigate the choppy seas

Gheorghe Negustor (Romania), Mourning and Grief for the Dead of the Great War within the Romanian Society during the interwar period: The Denied Heroism?

Olga Gradinaru (Romania), V.I. Lenin – History of a Political Relic

C. Literature, Theater, Music, Art, Philosophy

Anna G. Piotrowska (Poland), Commemorating death in European artistic music

Oana Stanculescu (Romania), Death and its different approaches in Romanticism

İlker ÖZÇELİK Selcuk SENTURK (Turkey), Characters' Longing for Death in Sameul Beckett's Waiting for Godot"

Alexa Stoicescu (Romania), Suicide in the communist discourse. Aktionsgruppe Banat and Herta Müllers Herztier

Ramona Simut (Romania), Death as a Surprise in the Literature of 18th and 19th Century Romanticism

Stefan Borbely (Romania), Death and Work. Or: Death by Work? A Classical Case Study: Marx

Gevher Gökçe Acar (Turkey), Hermann Nitsch’s Performances Or About Death And The Symbolic Transformation Of Death Concept

Iuga Marcela Cristina (Romania), The Eternal Time In Fairytales (The Dissemination Of The Land Of Youth Theme In Various Cultures)

Golie Talaie (The Netherlands), Post-Mortem Photography now

Eliza Ramona Dumitrescu (Romania), Des morts non-naturelles chez le père du naturalisme. Les images de la mort chez Émile Zola

Ioana Moldovan (Romania), Staging Death

Asztalos Ioan (Romania), The Grim Reaper in Western and Eastern filmography between the 19th and 21st centuries.

D. Religion and the Meaning of Death

Ana Maria Roman-Negoi, Ioan Cristinel Roman-Negoi (Romania), The judgment before the Last Judgment. An analysis of the types of resurrected and punished persons during the Last Judgment, as depicted in the Romanian Orthodox Church paintings

Franziska Rehlinghaus ( Germany), The clericalisation of protestant funeral ceremonies in 19th century Germany: from silent burials to mourning acts

Corneliu Simut (Romania), Understanding Death beyond Religion in the Thought of John Shelby Spong

Emil Jurcan (Romania), Orthodox Confession and the Issues of Thanatology: A Comparison View

Gudor Botond (Romania), Death in the Protestant Theological Discourse in the 18th Transylvania: Peter Bod’s case

2. Suicide, euthanasia and the law;

Ken Worpole (UK), Can There Ever Be Dignity in Dying? The Ethical Debate about Assisted Dying in the UK

Dejan Donev (Macedonia), The Right To Live And The Right To Die As A Two Fundamental Bioethical And Thantological Values

Özhan Hancılar (Turkey), Suicide and Euthanasia under Turkish Law

Anna E. Kubiak (Poland), The Discourse of Biopower against Disturbances of the boundary between Life and Death

Arja Ryhänen (Finland), “I gave you wings, but I could not help the winds”
Child’s suicide experienced by parents in 1995-2009, Finland

Claudiu Stefani (Romania), Economic and social developments influence on suicide rates in Romania between 1990-2010. A retest of Emile Durkheim's theory

Daniela Tasevska, Lidija Pavleska, Zaklina Trajkovska Anceska (Macedonia), Suicide, prevention and moral valuation

3. End of life and palliative care;

Cristina Speranza Maria, Medina Bordea (Romania), The Psychologist’s Role in Palliative Cares

Zaklina Trajkovska Ancevska, Daniela Tasevska (Macedonia), End of life and palliative care

Cornelia Miclea (Germany), Handicapped People Die, too

Olivia Ministeri (Italy), Self mutual help groups for people in grief in their recent online dimension

4. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century;

Maggie Jackson (UK), Digital reconstruction and the “durable biography

Federica Manfredi (Italy), Mourir en tant que migrant. Tanatopolitiques et tanatopratiques dans le contexte de la migration dans l'Italie contemporaine

Josef Schovanec (France), Is death merely optional? The growing trend of cryonics as a new funerary ritual

Anna Davidsson Bremborg (Sweden), Home memorials and home rituals

Kornelia Sammet / Franz Erhard (Germany), The Observation of the Unobservable: Ideas of Afterlife in a Sociological Perspective

Adriana Teodorescu (Romania), The Structure and the Deconstruction of the Symbolic Immortality through Children. A Thanatological Perspective

Luigi Bartolomei (Italy), Common tendencies toward minimalist architecture and archetypical symbols in contemporary Funeral Houses.

Malgorzata Zawila (Poland), The „politics of death” and the „religion of Smoleńsk” – new or old phenomena occurring in the media discourse in Poland in one year after the flight crash in Smolensk 2010

Radoslaw Sierocki (Poland), Religion, Nation, Media. National Mourning in Poland After 1989

Dragos Cargica (Romania), The Meanings of the Archangel Mihail Legion’s Martyrs in post1989 Romania

Aleksandra Drzał-Sierocka (Poland), Disease as the process of dying. Cultural images of AIDS at the turn of 20th and 21st century

Udi Lebel (Israel), Enforced Private Grief: National Hierarchy of Bereavement and the Glocalization of Loss

Lorenz Graitl (Germany), Criminal Martyrs: The peril and power of self-sacrifice

5. Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation;

a. Cemeteries:

Agita Misane (Latvia), The Dead at My Table: „Cemetery Festivals” in Latvia

Luca Prestia (Italy), An Historical Analysis of Seven Cemeteries in the Northern-Western Italy

Cosmina Berindei (Romania), Cemetery between "place of memory" and space for manifestation of a community crisis. Case study: Rosia Montana

Alina Felea (Republic of Moldova), L'histoire du cimetière arménien à Chisinau

b. Cremations and Crematoria

Hilary Grainger (UK), ‘Old for New’: Sandwell Valley Crematorium, West Midlands, UK and its Architect, Martin Critchell

Marius Rotar (Romania), European Echoes into the Romanian Cremationist Movement

Orsolya Kereszty (Hungary), A social movement for cremation in Hungary in the Dual Monarchy
Lajos Hodi (Hungary), On Cremation in Hungary of nowadays


The accomodation of the participants will be at Hotel Cetate in Alba Iulia (the conference hotel of last edition of ABDD) or Hotel Transilvania in Alba Iulia. Both hotels have 2 stars +. Next week I will post here the exact location of participants' accomodation. We provide for any participant at ABDD04 four nights accomodation in single and double room (+breakfast) and also all the meals.
We try to organize the conference trip at Bucerdea Vinoasa (a village near Alba Iulia) to a wine cellar for tasting wines and also for a Romanian traditional meal. We wait for the confirmation of the owners' wine cellar.
Regarding your transfer from Cluj Napoca airport and Sibiu airport to Alba Iulia we try to make it with two buses. I will post here next week information about it (the time arrival at the aiports of these buses). If just in case we will not be able to collect all the participants by airport I will put here the scheldule of train and buses from these two towns to Alba Iulia.
The final programme of ABDD04 by time, chairmen will be post here next week.
If you want to change your paper section please email me to mrotar2000@yahoo.com

miercuri, 24 august 2011

The third crematorium in Romania!

At Oradea, a big town near the hungarian border, has started the building of the third crematorium in Romania. This third crematorium is built by a romanian bussinessman and will be open this year. For more details about this topic please visit the website of Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association (only in romanian language): http://www.incinerareamurg.ro/noutati

miercuri, 10 august 2011

Extended deadlines for ABDD04

We decided to extend the deadline for the confirmation of your presence and the payment (30 EUR) at Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, fourth edition (ABDD04), until 26th of August 2011. Until now about 50 participants have confirmed their presence at our conference.

The conference fee can be paid here:

Name of the account holder: Asociatia Cremationista Amurg

Adress: Latureni, 12, Hunedoara

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) RO 07 BTRL 0630 4205 K646 06XX

Name of the bank: BANCA TRANSILVANIA

Bank Identification COD SWIFT (BIC) : BTRL RO21 HD1

When paying report specific information: (obligatory!): Dying and Death Conference

Remember: as the participant of our conference you will benefit by 4 nights accomodation (hotel rating 2 stars + *bed, bathroom, TV, internet connection), all the meals, an official reception + karaoke party (optional), the trip conference and the conference proceedings. Extranights are free.

sâmbătă, 30 iulie 2011

Finally... my book on cremation in Romania

After 5 years of hardly work my book on cremation and crematoria in 19th-21st century Romania will be published very, very soon. Here is the main cover of the book! I'm really proud and happy about it! The book has 630 pages with 80 pictures.

joi, 14 iulie 2011

Instructions for authors + ANCS

1. Instructions for authors:

Papers are accepted only in English or French
Paper not exceeding 12,000 words
Please supply a short biographical note (50 words maximum) and information about your affiliation, postal address, and an email address.
Abstracts of not more than 200 words are required for all papers submitted.
Each paper should have 5 to 7 keywords

Style guidelines:

a).Page Format: B5, 2.5 cm above, below 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm, header1.5 cm, footnote 1 cm portrait (except annexes necessary to use type) edges in the mirror, align the left-right, a row spacing, indentation of first lines1.25 cm, without using the Tab key.
b. Recommended fonts: Times New Roman or Garamond (12 p. fortext p. 10 for footnotes and annexes 11 p. for summary).
c. The title should be written in capitals and centred, followed by the nameauthor's (right-aligned).
d. Running titile written in italics and centred 11 p., will contain the nameauthor's (on p. para) and the study title (possibly shortened, the odd page).Page number will be put underground and centred.
e. Summary (abstract) will be placed at the end of the text and will be accompanied by a number of approx.
f. Annexes will be written in Word program under Windows, does not recognize text sent as image.
3. Illustration
Images must be of high quality jpg format., Bmp., Gif., Tiff. (Not allowed Xerox copies) and accompanied by explanations and sources of origin mentioning (Where applicable).

4. Drafting rules
a. Titles of books, studies, newspaper or magazine, mentioned in the text is written with italics.
b. To draw up quotations are used bold, not italics,marking the opening of their being made in accordance with the rules of punctuation in English
When the author wants to emphasize a few wordsthe quotation, use italic characters, followed by mention of [national] or [nn].
For citations in classical languages will use italics, without quotation marks.
c. footnotes are permitted only (orders placed by using Insert Reference, footnote), generally prepared in accordance with Academy Romanian, noting that it will use abbreviations for further Citation sources / books / articles, and not 'op. cit..

Examples of full citation:

National Archives Directorate Alba County, Alba Prefecture fund, no.84/1938, f. 22r (v).
Paul Johnson, A History of the Modern World 1920-2000, Bucharest, Humanitas, 2003, p. 84.
Nikolaus Boroffka, 'Observations on the discoveries of prehistoric amberRomania', in Apulum, XXXIX (2002), p. 147.
R.J.W. Evans, "Joseph II Habsburg and Nationality in the Land", in HM Scott ed.,Enlightened absolutism. Reform and Reformers in Later Eighteenth-Century Europe, London,Macmillan, 1990, p. 209-219.

Examples of abbreviations:

DJAAN, prefecture, no. 76/1880, f. 2r (v).
Johnson, A History, p. 56.
Boroffka, Observations, p. 150.
Evans, Joseph II, p. 210.

The conference proceedings will be published as supplement of the journal Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Series Historica (http://istorie.uab.ro/publicatii/colectia_auash/auash_prezentare.html ). This journal is indexed in CEEOL (Central and Estern European Online Library) scientific international database (http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/publicationlist.aspx ).

Deadline: 13th of October – deadline for sending us your full paper for conference proceedings (mrotar2000@yahoo.com adriana.teodorescu@gmail.com )

Remember: not all the presentations will be published in the conference proceedings. If your paper will not follow the instructions for authors will not be published in the conference proceedings. Also, the editors of the proceedings have the right to reject some papers from the publication in the conference proceedings if those papers wouldn’t have a fit scientific content.

Please keep in your mind the other deadlines of the conference:

10th of August – deadline for the confirmation of your presence at the conference (mrotar2000@yahoo.com)

20th of August – deadline for your payment (mrotar2000@yahoo.com)

2. As for the last two editions of Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe (ABDD02 - 2009; ABDD03 - 2010), Romanian Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) will grant some funds for 2011 edition of the conference: http://www.mct.ro/uploads/manifestari-stiintifice/site-listing-10-iunie.pdf I think this is a new sign of appreciation of Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference here in Romania.

vineri, 24 iunie 2011

List of the accepted papers at ABDD04 + information

1. Özhan Hancılar (Turkey), Suicide and Euthanasia under Turkish Law

2. Diana Adela Martin (Germany), An Impossible Heap – the quest for death in Samuel Beckett’s play „Endgame”

3. Dorel Marc (Romania), La symbolique funéraire et l'identité culturelle dans la région multi-ethnique. Les comtés de Mures et Harghita.

4. Stefan Dorondel, Stelu Serban (Romania), Between the Worlds: Witches, Healers, Dead, and Social Security in Southeast Europe

5. Ken Worpole (UK), Can There Ever Be Dignity in Dying? The Ethical Debate about Assisted Dying in the UK

6. Nikola Tupanceski, Dragana Kiprijanovska (Macedonia), Euthanasia And Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Theoretical And Comparative View

7. Anna Davidsson Bremborg (Sweden), Home memorials and home rituals


9. Christine Schlott (Germany), Changing attitudes towards cemeteries in Leipzig, Germany

10. Dorin Rus (Austria), The Forest as a Place of Death: Legends and Accounts of Criminals, Stereotypes of the Forest as a Place of Horrors

11. Éva Kósa (Hungary), Death and dying as war experience in the war-diary Doberdo. The Book of a Honvéd (Hungarian soldier) Officer from the Isonzo Front of István Szabó

12. Anna G. Piotrowska (Poland), Commemorating death in European artistic music

13. Gabriel Roman (Romania), Death in a "traditional" Roma Community in the third Millennium : Kalderash of Zanea, county of Iasi

14. Udi Lebel (Israel), Enforced Private Grief: National Hierarchy of Bereavement and the Glocalization of Loss

15. Eliza Ramona Dumitrescu (Romania), Des morts non-naturelles chez le père du naturalisme. Les images de la mort chez Émile Zola

16. Joaquin Lopez (France), Thanatopraxy as the way to the changing death

17. Francesco Faeta (Italy), Behind the Silence of Cemeteries. Imago Mortis Revisited.

18. Anna E. Kubiak (Poland), The Discourse of Biopower against Disturbances of the boundary between Life and Death

19. Piero Pasini (Italy), Relic of the Nation. Mourning the Martyrs in Venice during the Italian Resurgence (June 1867)

20. Gevher Gökçe Acar (Turkey), Hermann Nitsch’s Performances Or About Death And The Symbolic Transformation Of Death Concept

21. Josef Schovanec (France), Is death merely optional? The growing trend of cryonics as a new funerary ritual

22. Agita Misane (Latvia), The Dead at My Table: „Cemetery Festivals” in Latvia

23. Shaban Darakchi (Bulgaria), Gender Aspects of Death

25. Luigi Bartolomei (Italy), Common tendencies toward minimalist architecture and archetypical symbols in contemporary Funeral Houses.

26. Franziska Rehlinghas ( Germany), The clericalisation of protestant funeral ceremonies in 19th century Germany: from silent burials to mourning acts

27. Richard Albrecht (Germany), Armenocide, Comparative Genocidal Research and/as Prevention of Genocide.

28. Belinda Chapman (UK), The Personalized Funeral’s Use of Digital Technology

29. Lorenz Graitl (Germany), Criminal Martyrs: The peril and power of self-sacrifice

30. Maggie Jackson (UK), Digital reconstruction and the “durable biography

31. Evy Johanne Håland (Norway/Greece), When the dead ensure the food: Death and the regeneration of life through festivals, food and social gathering during the ritual year in ancient and modern Greece

32 Ioana Moldovan (Romania), Staging Death

33. Federica Manfredi (Italy), Mourir en tant que migrant. Tanatopolitiques et tanatopratiques dans le contexte de la migration dans l'Italie contemporaine

34. Samantha McCormick (UK), Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Diamonds

35. Roxana Vasile (Romania), Death between Maniera Greca and Maniera Italiana in Wallachia at the Beginning of the 18th Century.

36. Oana Stanculescu (Romania), Death and its different approaches in Romanticism

37. Bożena Józefów –Czerwińska (Poland), Perceptions of Death and the Deceased in Polish Folk Culture

39. Kornelia Sammet / Franz Erhard (Germany), The Observation of the Unobservable: Ideas of Afterlife in a Sociological Perspective

40, Agnieszka Kowalska, Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska (Poland), Ancient Egyptian Burial Patterns Being Repeated – Mannerism or Specific Meaning of Death

41. Arja Ryhänen (Finland), “I gave you wings, but I could not help the winds”
Child’s suicide experienced by parents in 1995-2009, Finland

42. Olimbi Velaj (Albania), Meaning of death in Albanian Folk Ballads

43. Asztalos Ioan (Romania), The Grim Reaper in Western and Eastern filmography between the XXth and XXIst centuries.

44. Olimbi Velaj (Albania), Albania, changes in death rituals between communist and post communist era

45 . Audun Kjus (Norway), Death and the Boogeyman

46. Dejan Donev (Macedonia), The Right To Live And The Right To Die As A Two Fundamental Bioethical And Thantological Values

47. Kathrin Linnemann (Germany), Death in Cracow

48. Alexa Stoicescu (Romania), Suicide in the communist discourse. Aktionsgruppe Banat and Herta Müllers Herztier

49. Erika Quinn (Germany), German Images of War Widows: Trying to navigate the choppy seas

50. Orsolya Kereszty (Hungary), A social movement for cremation in Hungary in the Dual Monarchy

51. Aleksandra Drzał-Sierocka (Poland), Disease as the process of dying. Cultural images of AIDS at the turn of XX and XXI century

52. Radoslaw Sierocki (Poland), Religion, Nation, Media. National Mourning in Poland After 1989

53. Alina Felea (Republic of Moldava), L'histoire du cimetière arménien à Chisinau

54. Daniela Tasevska, Lidija Pavleska, Zaklina Trajkovska Anceska (Macedonia), Suicide, prevention and moral valuation

55. Zaklina Trajkovska Ancevska., Daniela Tasevska (Macedonia), End of life and palliative care

56. Leaha Mihai (Romania), The Tree of the Dead – a Bridge Between the Worlds. A video-anthropological exploration of a commemoration ritual from Transylvania.

57. Manca Erzetič (Slovenia), Dying And Death At War - Concentration Zone: The Place Of (‘‘Special’’) Dying

58. Carmen Alexandrache (Romania), Death as a Factor of Social Communication Present In the Romanian Countries from the Foreign Travelers’ Perspective

59. Golie Talaie (The Netherlands), Post-Mortem Photography now

60. Malgorzata Zawila (Poland), The „politics of death” and the „religion of Smoleńsk” – new or old phenomena occurring in the media discourse in Poland in one year after the flight crash in Smolensk 2010.

61. Mihai Chiper (Romania), The most famous Romanian affair of honour: Filipescu- Lahovary (1897). The implications of a deadly duel.

62. Noémi Tünde Farkas (Hungary), Thoughts on dying and suicide at the turn of the 18-19th Century

63. Lajos Hodi (Hungary), On Cremation in Hungary of nowadays

64. Ana Maria Roman-Negoi, Ioan Cristinel Roman-Negoi (Romania), The judgment before the Last Judgment. An analysis of the types of resurrected and punished persons during the Last Judgment, as depicted in the Romanian Orthodox Church paintings

65. Václav Grubhoffer (Czech Republic), Medicalization of Death at the Turn of the 18th to 19th Centuries. The moment of Death, apparent Death and Attitudes towards dead Body from the Point of View of the History of Medicine

66. Luca Prestia (Italy), An Historical Analysis of Seven Cemeteries in the Northern-Western Italy

67. Cosmina Berindei (Romania), Cemetery between "place of memory" and space for manifestation of a community crisis. Case study: Rosia Montana

68. Constantin Bogdan (Romania), Strange Funeral Rituals: The Beauty Of Death And Funeral Feast

69. Ilona Kemppainen (Finland), Finnish funeral customs in manners guides

70. Andreia Martins (Brazil), Audiences of Death. Between Real and Virtual Funeral Wakes

71. Stefan Borbely (Romania), Death and Work. Or: Death by Work? A Classical Case Study: Marx

72. Claudia Ionescu (Romania), Victorian Memento Mori: From Post-morthem Photography to Mourning Jewelry

73. Helen Frisby (UK), Widows, grief and mourning in Victorian England

74. Cristina Speranza Maria, Medina Bordea (Romania), The Psychologist’s Role in Palliative Cares

75. Bogdan Ceobanu (Romania), Comemorating the heroes: twenty-five years from the Romanian Independance war

76. Claudiu Stefani (Romania), Economic and social developments influence on suicide rates in Romania between 1990-2010. A retest of Emile Durkheim's theory

77. Olivia Ministeri (Italy), Self mutual help groups for people in grief in their recent online dimension

78. Iuga Marcela Cristina (Romania), The Eternal Time In Fairytales (The Dissemination Of The Land Of Youth Theme In Various Cultures)

79. Olga Gradinaru (Romania), V.I. Lenin – History of a Political Relic

80. Adriana Teodorescu (Romania), The Representation of Death in Literature. Theoretical Aspects

81. Hilary Grainger (UK),‘Old for New’: Sandwell Valley Crematorium, West Midlands, UK and its Architect, Martin Critchell

82. Sebastian Bartos (Romania), Queering Death: Dying and Mourning in the Gay Community

83. Cornelia Miclea (Germany), Handicapped People Die, too

84. Marius Rotar (Romania), European Echoes into the Romanian Cremationist Movement

Also at the conference will attend Marina Sozzi (Italy), University degli Studi Turin, Ariodante Fabretti Foundation, Cosmin Bodrean (Romania), vice president of Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association, manager of “Santul Gheorghe” Cemetery in Hunedoara and Constantin Musescu, editor in chief of “Magazin Funerar” (the only Romanian magazine dedicated to the funerary industry). We invited Mr. Peter Lakatos, member of the Romanian Parliament, to attend at the conference. Mr. Peter Lakatos is the main author of the new law of burials, cemeteries and crematoria in Romania and we do hope he will find time to come to Alba Iulia.


For your travel plan:

The Conference will officially begin on 29th of September, at 9 a.m
The conference will end on 1st October, after dinner hour (10 p.m.)
Please book your flights to Cluj Napoca or Sibiu airport. We will try to collect you from airport by bus but it is possible to not succeed it for all the participants because the large number of them (this is available for foreign participants at the conference). Please inform us, as soon as possible, about your flights sending a mail with these details at mrotar2000@yahoo.com or adriana.teodorescu@gmail.com
Very important: there are some low cost flights to Cluj Napoca and Sibiu airport. Please check this information when you will book your flights.
If you need extranights please inform us. All the extranights are free as accommodation.

Duration presentations:

20 minutes has been allocated for your presentation followed by 5-7 minutes for questions and answers. Information about the exact program (time-schedule) will follow (probably in August 2011). You can use a PowerPoint presentation.

There will be organized parallel sections at the conference.
Official languages of the conference: English and French

Important Dates:

10th of August – deadline for the confirmation of your presence at the conference (mrotar2000@yahoo.com)

20th of August – deadline for your payment (mrotar2000@yahoo.com)

13th of October – deadline for sending us your full paper for conference proceedings (the instructions for authors will be send to you by mail in July) (mailto:mrotar2000@yahoo.com)

The costs of accommodation will be covered by the organizers (meals, hotel accommodation, official reception), except for the travel expenses that will have to be covered by the participants themselves.

There is a conference fee: 30 EUR per each accepted paper.
This fee is mainly used for publication of the conference proceedings. Also, this fee could be used by organizers for other possible costs of the conference (to cover the costs of your transfer from the airport to Alba Iulia (in case) or the costs of the trip conference – for this reason we require the payment of it before conference).

If you have a companion person attending at our conference that person must pay her/his accommodation, meals and official reception, too. The accommodation, meals, official reception is free just for the participants.

Remember: not all the presentations will be published in the conference proceedings. If your paper will not follow the instructions for authors will not be published in the conference proceedings. Also, the editors of the proceedings have the right to reject some papers from the publication in the conference proceedings if those papers wouldn’t have a fit scientific content.

The conference fee can be paid here:

Name of the account holder: Asociatia Cremationista Amurg

Adress: Latureni, 12, Hunedoara

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) RO 07 BTRL 0630 4205 K646 06XX

Name of the bank: BANCA TRANSILVANIA

Bank Identification COD SWIFT (BIC) : BTRL RO21 HD1

When paying report specific information: (obligatory!): Dying and Death Conference

The editors of the conference proceedings are Marius Rotar, Adriana Teodorescu, Marina Sozzi and Ilona Kemppainen.

You could find here some information about Alba Iulia town here: http://www.apulum.ro/index-en.htm and also about “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia : http://www.uab.ro/index_.php

If you do have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at mrotar2000@yahoo.com .

On the other hand, we will organize for the second time a karaoke party at the conference *optional (at the last edition this was a great success) and also a trip in the second day of the conference in the afternoon.

vineri, 10 iunie 2011

Deadline Extended for ABDD04 - 20th of June 2011

1. We decided to extend with 10 days the deadline for abstract proposals to Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, fourth edition (ABDD04), International Conference, which will be held at "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, between 29th September and October 1st. Under these conditions, the final deadline for abstract proposals is 20th of June 2011.
This extension of the deadline is due to the fact that some our friends and also some researchers required this to us.
2. We received until today, 10th of June 2011, abstract proposals for ABDD04 from 19 countries (Turkey, Macedonia, Poland, UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Hungary, Israel, Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, Latvia, Austria, Albania, Norway, Finlaand, Brazil and Romania). This is a very good sign regarding the interest upon our conference.
3. The evalution process of abstract proposals is still in progress. I hope at the end of June 2011 I will put on this blog the list of accepted abstracts at our conference. Each researcher who sent us an abstract proposal for conference will receive a notification upon her/his proposal in the next 2 or 3 weeks.
4. Many thanks for your interest in our conference! I think ABDD04 will be a succesful scientific event inspiring all the participants. You are welcome to Alba Iulia, Transylvania, Romania!

miercuri, 18 mai 2011


1. We have received until now abstract proposals from 8 european countries for our conference. There are two new countries on the map of our conference: Norway and Israel. This is a good sign! Remember: the deadline for submitting abstract proposals for ABDD04 is 10th of June 2010.
2. An useful link here: http://www.h-net.org/~death/

miercuri, 20 aprilie 2011


1. My abstract proposal (The Issues of Cremation and the Romanian Orthodox Church) was accepted for a presentation at DDD10 conference which will be held at Radboud University of Nijmegen , The Netherlands, 9-12 of September 2011. I hope I can attend at this conference. If I intend to organize DDD10 Conference 2013 at Alba Iulia, Romania then it is a requirement for me to arrive at Nijmegen.
2. I sent an application to Romanian Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) requiring again some funds for Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference, Alba Iulia, 29th September-1st October 2011. Romanian Authority for Scientific Research granted some funds for the last two editions of my conference. Let's hope again that ANCS help me!

miercuri, 23 martie 2011


1.At the end of the next week I hope I can start to send the copies of Dying and Death 2010 proceedings (ABDD03) to the contributors.
2. The call for paper of ABDD04 2011 was posted on conferencealerts:
http://www.conferencealerts.com/seeconf.mv?q=ca1is3x6 and also on the website of the Association for the Study of Death and Society (UK): http://www.deathandsociety.org/pages/events-detail.php?news_id=71
3. In the town of Alba Iulia (my town) was open the first palliative care unit:
http://www.adevarul.ro/locale/alba_iulia/Alba-Iulia-Servicii-domiciliu-terminale_0_449355152.html This are bad but also good news!
4. This week I attend at a history conference at Iasi (Romania) presenting a paper on cremation issues in 19th century Romania.
5. If you are interested in the issues of cremation in Romania you could find an detalied list of the famous cremated romanians on
6. Next week I will submit an abstract for DDD10. I'm going to present a paper on the issues of cremation and the Romanian Orthodox Church in the last two centuries.

marți, 8 martie 2011

The call for papers for Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference, which will be held in Alba Iulia, between 29th September and 1st October 2011 was posted on Humanities and Social Sciences Online (H-net): http://www.h-net.org/announce/show.cgi?ID=183548&keyword=dying
I wait on publishing this call for papers on Center for Death and Society Newsletter (UK), yahoo.groups academicBalkans and also ConferenceAlerts.
I cannot foresee at this moment how many participants ABDD04 we will have.

joi, 3 martie 2011

Call for Papers ABDD04 - 29th September/1st October 2011, Alba Iulia, Romania

Call for Papers

The fourth edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference (ABDD04)

On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the fourth edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference (ABBDD04) to be held between 29th September and 1st October 2011, at Alba Iulia, Romania.

The organizers of this conference are:

Alba County Council;
“1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania;
Ariodante Fabretti Foundation, Turin, Italy;
National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia, Romania


Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association;
Romanian Association for Death Studies

The main aim of this conference is to bring together historians, sociologists, psychologists, and physicians from all over the Europe and to attract original papers on the following topics:

1. Cultural history of death;
2. New ritualisations of death in the 21st century;
3. Bereavement in modern and post-modern society;
4. Suicide, euthanasia and the law;
5. End of life and palliative care;
6. Definitions of death in terms of biomedicine and otherwise;
7. Commemorating the dead in space and time;
8. Bodily disposal: implications of the shift from burial to cremation;
9. Religion and the meaning of death

Scientific Committee:

Marina Sozzi (Italy)
Peter C. Jupp (UK)
Illona Kemppainen (Finland)
Zdenek Nespor (Czech Republic)
Adriana Teodorescu (Romania)
Marius Rotar (Romania)

Organizing Committee:

Marius Rotar
Corina Rotar
Adriana Teodorescu
Lucian Teodorescu

Authors should submit an abstract before June 10, 2011 at the following addresses: mrotar2000@yahoo.com ; adriana.teodorescu@gmail.com or marina.sozzi@fastwebnet.it

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
These proceedings are edited as supplement of Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica, the journal of History Department of “1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania. These proceedings are in indexed in CEEOL - (Central and Eastern European Online Library) (international Database). Please visit:
http://www.ceeol.com/aspx/issuedetails.aspx?issueid=7ec197d6-97e0-4afc-9fed-a35fd7a2afd0&articleId=59a8d81c-130e-4618-babe-5a00317a2570 to read the abstracts of the previous proceedings of ABDD03.

The costs of accommodation will be covered by the organizers (meals, hotel accommodation, official reception), except for the travel expenses that will have to be covered by the participants themselves.
If your paper will be accepted for publication in the conference proceedings, there is a publication fee: 25 EUR per each accepted paper.

Other information:

If your abstract proposal will be accepted for a presentation, please book your flights to Cluj-Napoca airport or Sibiu airport.

For the previous editions of this conference please visit: http://romaniandeathcremation.blogspot.com