(susceptible de modifications)
JEUDI, le 20 mai 2010
10h – 12h
Accueil et inscription des participants, à la Maison des Arts (Casa Artelor), 21, Piaţa Mică
Inscription des participants étrangers (orateurs et auditeurs) au rez-de-chaussée de la Maison des Arts, (Casa Artelor), 21, Piaţa Mică;
Inscription des participants roumains (orateurs et auditeurs) au Ier étage de la Maison des Arts (Casa Artelor), 21, Piaţa Mică
12h – 13h45
Visite guidée du centre historique de la ville de Sibiu, par M. Alexandru Gh. SONOC, Directeur des Collections d’Art du Musée National Brukenthal
13h45 – 15h
Déjeuner en commun, Restaurant HERMANIA, 2, Rue Filarmonicii
15h15 – 15h30
Ouverture du Congrès par le Président de l’Association française « Danses macabres d’Europe », M. Bertrand UTZINGER et par Mme Cristina BOGDAN, Faculté de Lettres, Université de Bucarest
Présidence de séance: Irmgard SEDLER (Allemagne)
15h30 – 15h50
Irina CRISTESCU (Roumanie), “A closer look at the German late-medieval Totentanz: the Dances of Death in Lübeck, Basel and Berlin”;
15h50 – 16h10
Lenke KOVÁCS (Espagne), « Effroi ou intrépitité – les différentes manières de faire face à la Mort dans la ‘Representació de la Mort’ majorquine du XVIe siécle »;
16h10 – 16h30
Antonio PREVITALI (Italie), titre réservé;
16h30 – 16h45
Pause café
16h45 – 17h05
Hélène UTZINGER (France), « Une Danse macabre moderne : celle de Christian Bizeul, 1989 »;
17h05 – 17h25
Irmgard SEDLER (Allemagne), « Le chant du roi et de la mort (königslied). Un jeu de carnaval de la Transylvanie entre Danse macabre et jedermann »;
17h25 – 17h45
Marie-Dominique LECLERC (France), « Une danse macabre minuscule et insolite. L’édition parisienne d'Etienne Groulleau »;
18h – 19h45:
Vernissage de l’Exposition Gert Fabritius, Maison des Arts (Casa Artelor), 21, Piaţa Mică
Réception oficielle (Discours des organisateurs et des partenaires du XIVe Congrès International d’études sur les Danses macabres et l’art macabre en général)
Dîner en commun, Restaurant BUTOIUL DE AUR, 4, Strada Turnului
VENDREDI, le 21 mai 2010
Présidence de séance: Dana HRIB (Roumanie)
10h – 10h20
Maria Olimpia TUDORAN-CIUNGAN, (Roumanie), “Ambiental scenery in the macabre depictions of Alessandro Magnasco”;
Anamaria TUDORIE, Raluca TEODORESCU (Roumanie), “A ludic approach of macabre thematic in museum education activities”;
Dana HRIB (Roumanie), “The Naked and the Dead: typologies in religious European painting of Brukenthal collection”;
11h – 11h15
Pause café
11h30 – 13h30
Visite guidée des Collections d’Art du Musée National Brukenthal (par M. Alexandru Gh. SONOC, Directeur des Collections d’Art du Musée National Brukenthal) ou visite guidée du Musée d’Histoire (La Maison Altemberger) au choix
13h45 – 15h
Déjeuner en commun, Restaurant HERMANIA, 2, Rue Filarmonicii
Présidence de séance: Alexandru Gh. SONOC (Roumanie)
15h10 – 15h30
Mihaela GRANCEA (Roumanie), « L’Image de la Mort à Săpânţa »;
15h30 – 15h50
Florenţa SIMION (Roumanie), « La mort dans la ville – signes et monuments funéraires dans les villes du sud de la Roumanie»;
15h50 – 16h10
Antal LUKACS, Aurel DRAGNE (Roumanie), « Ofrandes et / ou reliques dans les églises orthodoxes de Transylvanie. Documents archéologiques »;
16h10 – 16h30
Marius ROTAR (Roumanie), “Cremations and Crematoria in the Public Space of Romania after 1989”;
16h30 – 16h50
Marian ŢIPLIC (Roumanie), “The funerary ritual in Transylvania (9th-10th). Between the steppe model and Christianity.
Pause café
Présidence de séance: Emilie JAWORSKI (France)
17h10 – 17h30
Simona CONSTANTINOVICI (Roumanie), « Considérations stylistiques sur le macabre dans la peinture et la littérature. Dali et Urmuz »;
17h30 – 17h50
Regula ODERMATT-BÜRGI (Suisse), “Die Frau und der Tod im Werk von Barbara Gut”;
17h50 – 18h10
Adela TOPLEAN (Roumanie), “Does Modern Medical Macabre Really Have a Sacred Dimension? The Merits and the Limits of a Sociological Inquiry”;
18h10 – 18h30
Pause café
18h30 – 18h50
Victor Tudor ROŞU (Roumanie), “World War I, the Silent American Film (1915-1927) and the Representation of Death”;
18h50 – 19h10
Emilie JAWORSKI (France), « Images de la mort, mort des images. De la portraitisation à l'occultation des défunts en Pologne »;
19h10 – 19h30
Jan VAN DEN DRIESSCHE (France), titre réservé;
19h30 – 19h50
Film réalisé par Jan VAN DEN DRIESSCHE (France)
20h Dîner en commun, Restaurant BUTOIUL DE AUR, 4, Strada Turnului
SAMEDI, le 22 mai 2010
Présidence de séance: Bertrand Utzinger (France)
10h – 10h20
Cătălina VELCULESCU, Ileana STĂNCULESCU (Roumanie), « Eglises en bois et icônes – rituels d’enterrement »;
10h20 – 10h40
Cristina BOGDAN (Roumanie), « Les Cavaliers de l’Apocalypse – l’histoire et le périple d’un thème iconographique dans l’espace occidental et roumain »;
10h40 – 11h
Silvia MARIN-BARUTCIEFF (Roumanie), « L’art de fuir le canon. Une classification morphologique des représentations de Saint Christophe en Roumanie »;
11h – 11h20
Pause café
11h20 – 11h40
Laura JIGA ILIESCU (Roumanie), “Narrative configurations of the Death in the Romanian traditional culture. Personnage, self, meanings”;
11h40 – 12h
Ana DUMITRAN (Roumanie), “Representations of the Three Faced Holy Trinity in the Romanian Environment from Transylvania. Theological Significations, Ways of Spreading, Diverse Ways of Artistic Expression”;
12h15 – 13h
Visite guidée de l’exposition temporaire “Gotica”, Musée National Brukenthal
13h15 – 14h30
Déjeuner en commun, Restaurant HERMANIA, 2, Rue Filarmonicii
Présidence de séance: Claude BÉZIERS (France)
14h45 – 15h05
Alexandru Gh. SONOC (Roumanie), « Considérations sur le motif de la bête féroce et dévoratrice, ainsi que sur les représentations de ľEnfer intestinal dans le sud de la Transylvanie »;
15h05 – 15h25
Bertrand UTZINGER (France), « Du gisant au transi : le tombeau du cardinal Jean de Lagrange »;
15h25 – 15h45
Jean LETEINTURIER-LAPRISE (France), « Le Dit des trois Morts et des trois Vifs au centre du programme iconographique de Villevillon »;
15h45 – 16h05
Barbara KOLKMANN-KLAMT (France), « La dynamique rituelle de la figure de la Mort dans ‘les Vers de la Mort’. Est-ce qu’il s’agit d’un mouvement vers un culte d’égérie ? »
Georges FRECHET (France), « Deuil de pierre : les Mises au tombeau du Christ à la fin du Moyen-âge »;
16h25 – 16h45
Patrick LE CHANU, (France), « Quelques réflexions sur l'évolution du thème de la Vanité de toutes choses du XVe au XVIIe siècle »;
16h45 – 17h05
Claude BÉZIERS (France), « Anatomie, art macabre et beaux-arts »;
17h30 – 19h30
Visite guidée du Musée de la Civilisation Populaire Traditionnelle ASTRA, par le muséographe Ştefan Păuceanu
Spectacle avec une danse traditionnelle roumaine de la zone de Vrancea („Chipăruşul”)
Dîner en commun au Restaurant du Musée de la Civilisation Populaire Traditionnelle ASTRA
DIMANCHE, le 23 mai 2010
L’église orthodoxe de TĂLMĂCEL (représentations macabres) – XVIIIe siècle
L’église orthodoxe de RĂŞINARI (la Roue de la Vie) – XVIIIe siècle
14h30 –16h
Déjeuner en commun
L’église orthodoxe de SIBIEL et le Musée d’Icônes sur glace « Pr. Zosim Oancea » de SIBIEL (représentations macabres, images du Saint Haralambe, Le Jugement dernier, La Crucifixion)
marți, 30 martie 2010
sâmbătă, 20 martie 2010
Call for Papers: Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference, second edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, 13 – 15 October 2010
Call for Papers:
Second edition of International Conference on Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, Alba Iulia, Romania, 13 – 15 October 2010
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the second edition of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference to be held between 13 – 15 of October 2010, in Alba Iulia, Romania.The organizers of this conference are Alba County Council, National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia, Romania; “1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania.
The aim of the conference is to bring together historians, sociologists, psychologists, and physicians from all over the world and to attract original papers on the following topics:
1. History of Alcoholism: history of production, distribution and consumption of alcohol
2. Social Issues of Alcoholism (social, cultural, psychological and medical aspects)
Scientific Committee:
Hasso Spode (Germany)
Dan Malleck (Canada)
Ron Roizen (United States)
Toader Nicoara (Romania)
Marius Rotar (Romania)
Victor Tudor Rosu (Romania)
Claudiu Stefani (Romania)
Organizing Committee:
Marius Rotar
Victor Tudor Rosu
Corina Rotar
Liviu Zgarciu
Rares Diodiu
Claudiu Stefani
Oana Tamas
Authors should submit an abstract before 20 June, 2010 at the following addresses:; Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. These proceedings will be edited as supplement of Caiete de Antropologie Istorica (Handbook of Historical Anthropology), Semestrial Journal Edited by the Seminar of Historical Anthropology, “Babes-Boylai” University of Cluj Napoca, Romania ( ). This journal is indexed by Copernicus.
The costs of accommodation will be covered by the organizers, except for the travel expenses that will have to be covered by the participants themselves.
Other information:
The Conference and participants’ accommodations will be at Vila Elisabeta in Alba Iulia ( ).
If your abstract proposal will be accepted for a presentation please book your flights to Cluj Napoca airport or Sibiu airport.For the previous editions of this conference please visit (tag: alcoholism)
Second edition of International Conference on Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, Alba Iulia, Romania, 13 – 15 October 2010
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the second edition of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference to be held between 13 – 15 of October 2010, in Alba Iulia, Romania.The organizers of this conference are Alba County Council, National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia, Romania; “1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania.
The aim of the conference is to bring together historians, sociologists, psychologists, and physicians from all over the world and to attract original papers on the following topics:
1. History of Alcoholism: history of production, distribution and consumption of alcohol
2. Social Issues of Alcoholism (social, cultural, psychological and medical aspects)
Scientific Committee:
Hasso Spode (Germany)
Dan Malleck (Canada)
Ron Roizen (United States)
Toader Nicoara (Romania)
Marius Rotar (Romania)
Victor Tudor Rosu (Romania)
Claudiu Stefani (Romania)
Organizing Committee:
Marius Rotar
Victor Tudor Rosu
Corina Rotar
Liviu Zgarciu
Rares Diodiu
Claudiu Stefani
Oana Tamas
Authors should submit an abstract before 20 June, 2010 at the following addresses:; Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. These proceedings will be edited as supplement of Caiete de Antropologie Istorica (Handbook of Historical Anthropology), Semestrial Journal Edited by the Seminar of Historical Anthropology, “Babes-Boylai” University of Cluj Napoca, Romania ( ). This journal is indexed by Copernicus.
The costs of accommodation will be covered by the organizers, except for the travel expenses that will have to be covered by the participants themselves.
Other information:
The Conference and participants’ accommodations will be at Vila Elisabeta in Alba Iulia ( ).
If your abstract proposal will be accepted for a presentation please book your flights to Cluj Napoca airport or Sibiu airport.For the previous editions of this conference please visit (tag: alcoholism)
joi, 18 martie 2010
miercuri, 17 martie 2010
AMURG. Romanian Cremation Association + Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIX)

As I announced already, yesterday 16 of March 2010 Justice Court from Hunedoara approved the statutes and the existence of Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association. But We have to wait for a week to receive all the offical documents for the functioning of our association. So, I think from the next week we will start the registration action for the possible Amurg's members. Stay here with us for all the details regarding this!
Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIX):
Anton Badulescu - General of Border Guard of Romanian Army
Alfred Pagoni - composer, he died in the bombing of German Nazy avition on the Bucharest in August 1944, being cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest
Alexandru Papana - aviator, died in Las Vegas in 1946, commiting suicide, he asked his ashes to be scattering from an airplane *I don't know if his wish was accomplished or not.
Vasile Firoiu - writer
Decebal Niculescu Zinca - professor, PhD., he introduced the importance of radioisotopes in the development of medicine studies
Robert Braunstein - international box referee
Michaela Iordache - professor, PhD., the wife of the famous romanian actor Stefan Iordache
Famous Cremated Romanians (XXIX):
Anton Badulescu - General of Border Guard of Romanian Army
Alfred Pagoni - composer, he died in the bombing of German Nazy avition on the Bucharest in August 1944, being cremated at Cenusa Crematorium in Bucharest
Alexandru Papana - aviator, died in Las Vegas in 1946, commiting suicide, he asked his ashes to be scattering from an airplane *I don't know if his wish was accomplished or not.
Vasile Firoiu - writer
Decebal Niculescu Zinca - professor, PhD., he introduced the importance of radioisotopes in the development of medicine studies
Robert Braunstein - international box referee
Michaela Iordache - professor, PhD., the wife of the famous romanian actor Stefan Iordache
duminică, 14 martie 2010
On 22 of March 2010 will take place a public presentation of both the Proceedings edited by us (Dying and Death, second edition and Alcoholism, first edition) at the National Museum of Unification from Alba Iulia. The Proceedings will be presented by PhD. Vasile Moga (principal researcher, National Museum of Unification from Alba Iulia - Alcoholism I) and PhD. Diana Campan (associate professor, "1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia - Dying and Death II).
miercuri, 10 martie 2010
I submitted online an application to ESF. I'm the project leader of this and the principal investigators project are PhD. Zdenek Nespor (Czech Republic) and professor Eric Venbrux (The Netherlands). Let's hope we get this!
The title of our ESF application is:
Mortuary Variation in Europe: A Comparative Study of Attitudes Towards Cremation in Romania, the Czech Republic and The Netherlands
The title of our ESF application is:
Mortuary Variation in Europe: A Comparative Study of Attitudes Towards Cremation in Romania, the Czech Republic and The Netherlands
luni, 8 martie 2010
1. 16 of March 2010 is a historical day for us: Amurg. Romanian Cremation Association will be an official structure. I have to go to Hunedoara Justice Court for the final decision upon it but this decision is a favourable one.
2. Stefan Borbely, profesor at Babes Boylai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania, wrote in Apostrof journal a very good review upon the Proceedings of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference, second edition. I hope very soon I can post this review here. Many thanks to Adriana Teodorescu for this information.
3. We started to receive abstract proposal for the third edition of Dying and Death Conference. Until now we have receieved some such proposals for Poland, Italy, Hungary and Romania. Remember: the deadline for sending to us abstract proposals for this conference is 15 of May 2010.
4. This week the call for papers of the second edition of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues will send out. Stay here for this!
2. Stefan Borbely, profesor at Babes Boylai University of Cluj Napoca, Romania, wrote in Apostrof journal a very good review upon the Proceedings of Dying and Death in 18th-21st century Europe, International Conference, second edition. I hope very soon I can post this review here. Many thanks to Adriana Teodorescu for this information.
3. We started to receive abstract proposal for the third edition of Dying and Death Conference. Until now we have receieved some such proposals for Poland, Italy, Hungary and Romania. Remember: the deadline for sending to us abstract proposals for this conference is 15 of May 2010.
4. This week the call for papers of the second edition of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues will send out. Stay here for this!
vineri, 5 martie 2010
Finaly a paper of mine was published in the famous Mortality Journal (The Mask of the Red Death: the Evil Politics of Cremation in Romania in December 1989). Here is the link to the abstract of it:
I tried for two times before to publish in this journal but both papers of mine was rejected by. But now they accepted my paper for publication. I'm so very happy with this. Many thanks to Helen Frisby, Peter C. Jupp. Tony Walter, Sheila Harper, Andra Hosking (Jessy - my old and dear friend), Niall (Andra's husband), Glennys Howarth and Irene Vasiu who helped and encouraged me to not give up to this.
I tried for two times before to publish in this journal but both papers of mine was rejected by. But now they accepted my paper for publication. I'm so very happy with this. Many thanks to Helen Frisby, Peter C. Jupp. Tony Walter, Sheila Harper, Andra Hosking (Jessy - my old and dear friend), Niall (Andra's husband), Glennys Howarth and Irene Vasiu who helped and encouraged me to not give up to this.
miercuri, 3 martie 2010
Proceedings of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference, first edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, 28-29 of August 2009
Finnaly the Proceedings of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference, first edition, Alba Iulia, Romania, 28-29 of August 2009 were printed. These proceedings have 24 papers, 242 pages, ISBN 978-973-117-258-3 being published as supplement of Caiete de Antropologie Istorica journal (B+ CNCSIS).
Next week we will start to send these proceedings to all the contributors of it.
Next week we will start to send these proceedings to all the contributors of it.
marți, 2 martie 2010
Three Pictures from the Second Edition of Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference, Alba Iulia, 25-27 of September 2009
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